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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Skye looked at Locke, waiting for him.


"I know, by Skye is the whiney one, not me!" said Melody. "I don't want to bore people with my problems."

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"You're not, you've barely complained, and this isn't your average problem."

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Melody gave a slightly strained laughed. "You make me sound like such an optimist!"

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"Sorry dylan ."Said Locke."But with the say you acted sooner, I though the pool somehow reverted you back to the state of a child. At least I know it was wrong."


"My , thank you , little bat ." Replied glen."Glad to see I'm still of uses for you."

(Ooc: I almost feel bad having to write glen out of the story for the duration of my vacation.)

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Dylan didn't really understand what Locke said altogether, but he assumed it was some form of an explanation for why he had made the mistake of calling him a child. He came forward

"It's okay. I accept your apology" he said giving a small smile

(ooc: I can't take him on as well I'm afraid)

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""Swee Dwylan, Dad's a grweat gwuy!" said Skye with a smile.


Melody glanced at the radio. "How do you think they're getting on. No news is good news, right?"


Ziona giggled. "Hmm, maybe I should find some more uses for you then," she laughed.

(ooc: We could just say Glen is there in the background keeping an eye on Ziona?)

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Dylan smiled

"Yeah. I guess he is" he said

(ooc: That could work)

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"I think so. They would report if something were going wrong."


Shadow could see it up ahead very briefly, but it disappeared again. The trio approached cautiously, knowing their new enemy could be anywhere in the barley lit temple.

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"Mwaybe he hwas a way to gwet you bwack to nwormal," said Skye. "Though, Dad, I'd uh... lwike to stway lwike thwis for a while."


"If they could radio..." muttered Melody.

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"Do you mind not suggesting stuff like that? It doesn't make things any easier."

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"Well I don' like being like this! I wanna be back to normal now!" Dylan said stubbornly. This was a partial lie. Part of him really liked being the way he was. But he didn't want to admit it because he knew he usually hated transformations. And the other part of him was stronger in this case

(ooc: Sorry Dylan, but I don't want you back to normal yet :P)

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Skye looked a little upset at Dylan's vehemence.

"I was... kwinda hwoping... You'd stway a kwid while I was..." he said.


"I'm sorry Hope," said Melody. "I just something t take my mind off this."

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Dylan looked conflicted after Skye's statement

"But I'm not a kid!" he said, hoping that it would be enough to put Skye off asking him again

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Skye looked at his feet.

"I know Dwylan, I know," he said sadly, shuffling his feet.

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"An' I hate transformation stuff so I wanna be normal now!" Dylan said, but he could see Skye was upset and felt bad for wanting to be normal again.

"But we can still be best friends forever" he then said in an attempt to assure Skye

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Skye's face broke up into a smile. "Yweah! We will bwe!" he said, giving his friend a hug.

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Dylan grinned

"Of course we will be!" he said hugging back, happy that Skye seemed happier now

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(ooc: Ah, the optimism of youth!)

"What dwo you want to dwo ownce Dad has twalked with us?" Skye asked Dylan.


Melody gave a slight giggle. "Then let's find something else to think about!"

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(ooc: Gotta love it!)

"Maybe we could do that story for Uncle Miles that we were gonna do" Dylan suggested

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"Yweah! Hey, where dwid Mwiles go?" asked Skye.

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Dylan looked around

"I dunno! He was with us while we were running here!" he said

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"Mwaybe he's jwust outside," said Skye. "Mwiles? You out there?" he called. There was no response.

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