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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I don't duobt the control the uracuma gives. I doubt the self-control of a 6 year old boy," said Miles.

"I'm sweven an a hwalf!" said Skye stubbornly, crossing his arms.

"How do you... Never-mind. I suppose an amulet or similar MIGHT be okay. If it can have a off switch," said Miles.

"Bwut I want the one thwat gwoes inswide!" said Skye,

"Maybe when you're older Skye," said Miles.

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Well I'm fifty-fifty on this its Skye's choice and he's technically still old but in his current form he's not another thing is being at a lower age, he'll learn use it faster. But as Miles stated if you mess around with it you could put someone in great danger. (Spark thought hard then came up with a solution.) how about the uracuma is implanted but will only work if he's around me. That way Skye can still use it plus with the protection of not hurting someone or himself, does that sound good?

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Miles pondered for a moment. "That should be an effective safety measure. But given the circumstances, we better ask his Dad if it's okay."

"I swure he'll sway yes!" said Skye.

"We still better check," said Miles.

(ooc: I don't share you optimism Skye!!!)

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"If he's that powerful, he wouldn't have been trapped in a glorified bowling ball, would he!" said Melody/

(ooc: I refer to my previous ooc)

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"Prisons come in all shapes and sizes. But I think if he just wanted us dead he'd have killed us when he had the chance," said Shadow.

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"Let's go ask him now!" Dylan said excitedly

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"Yweah, lwets! I wanna hwave fwire powers!" said Skye happily, running from the kitchen.


"Or he's weak and need time to recover," said Melody. "So we need to find him soon!"

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"Hey! Wait for me!" Dylan said giggling as he ran after Skye

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Miles also ran after the boys. Skye glanced back. "Rwace you!" he called.

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"Hey! No fair! You had a headstart!" Dylan called after Skye

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"That trace of yours led to the temple, but I don't think there's anything there for him, it could just be trap. The question is do we spring it?" pondered Shadow.

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"Yeah! Swo I'll win!" laughed Skye. Miles came up behind Dylan and picked him up.

"No he won't. We'll beat him," he said, running.


"Is there anything else we can do?" asked Melody

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(Spark came running past Miles.) hello there.

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"No there isn't, I'll get Omega and we'll head the temple." Shadow then left the lab to find him.

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"Or you could get Spark to carry you Dylan. He'd win!" said Miles.


"And we're... just stuck here?" Melody asked looking at Hope.

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Dylan looked at Spark wide-eyed

"Can you carry me and beat Skye? Pretty please?" he asked

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Sure, jump on. (he said preparing to catch Dylan.)

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Dylan jumped from Miles towards Spark

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(Spark caught Dylan, then went full speed past Skye.) hello there Skye.

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"WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Dylan cheered as Spark ran. Then as they passed Skye, he waved at him

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"Hwey! What! Chweaters!" shouted Skye as he ran after Spark and Dylan. Miles slowed down to a jog but still followed.


"I know, I'm stuck like this. But you could go now. After all, you've got those magic spells," said Melody.

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"You cheated first so MWEH!" Dylan called back to Skye, sticking his tongue out

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Doesn't anyone ever race fair? (he asked himself.)

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