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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"You won't bwe hwere!" exclaimed Skye, half way through eating his marshmallow. "Why nwot Uncwle Spwark? I dwon't want you to gwo!"


"Yeah, though Zamy is taking it... well, badly and really well at the same time," said Melody.

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Well I was going to go train but if you want me to stay I guess I can.

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"Trwain? Where?" asked Skye intrigued.

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Melody shrugged. "She's kinda got obsessed with redeeming Miles, so she's stuck for now."

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I was going to go to the artic to train in intense conditions.

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Skye's mouth dropped open.

"Wouldn't that be fatal for you?" asked Miles. "It's bad enough for normal people."

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Well of coarse in less if I raise my heat temperature.

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"Still, there's a lot of water and ice there," said Miles


"Doesn't sound like you approve," said Melody

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"Oh yes, sorry. I'd forgotten about that," said Melody

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"Very true. And he does seem under control for now. At the very least, he's not a crazed stalker. Oh, I'm not sure if you know, this might cheer you up. He lost a tail," said Melody.

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"My dear Ziona. You are the greatest fun I had in years." said glen.


Locke felt the disturbance in Have as he finally picked up something that shouldn't have been....

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"Yeah! Don't go, Spark! I don' want you to go!" Dylan said almost begging

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Ziona smiled, and started flying loops around Glen's head. "Thank's Glen. You're the best thing that's happened to me!"


"Sounds like you have a fan club!" laughed Miles

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Yah but.. Alright I'll stay. I'm surprised Haven doesn't have a training room Anna suggested it to me and she thought it would be fun for everyone.

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"It might have a training Room. In fact, it should," said Miles. "Just not suited to HER type of training."


"That's what he got for making a deal with an insane biologist. And even worse happened to... uh, nevermind," said Melody.

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What's her type of training? (Spark asked curiously.)

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"Moving as fast as possible over a VERY long obstacle course with live traps," said Miles. "And from what I gather her sisters are the same."

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"Not Auntie Harmony!" Dylan pointed out. "She wants to fly"

He moved his hands to the side and started making aeroplane noises

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Yah that's my kind off... Aww what are yah doing Dylan?

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