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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Yah sure turn on the stove, all four burners.

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"It's true when they say peoples tastes are different," said Miles turning on the stove.

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(Spark walked over to the stove and started sucking in the flames.)

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"And that's what you... eat?" asked Miles.

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"Strange," said Miles. "It must have something to do with the thermal energy."

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Dylan stared at Spark a little angry that he was interrupting what he was saying

"Anyway, the story was about a prince and a princess who had an evil father who was king an' they had this adventure one time and I was in it!" He continued enthusiastically

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"It's ok Anna. Go with Harmony. I can have a rest while you two are in the salon."


Shadow sighed. "Very well, I'll admit you did pretty well."

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Uh.... Sure I guess. (he said shutting off the stove. The Dino was now de summoned.)

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"You were in it?" asked Miles. He felt a little uncomfortable at the subject matter.

"What hwappened with the pwrince and pwrincess?" asked Skye.


"Okay Zamy, if you're sure," said Anna, following Harmony.

"And you're gonna get your hair styled too, right?" asked Harmony as Anna caught up with her.

"M-me... no, I..."

"C'mon, it doesn't look good all limp and hiding your face like that."


Anna was dragged into the salon.


Melody grinned. "Thank's Shadow. It was a good game."

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"Yeah! She said so!" Dylan said happily to Miles not noticing his uncomfortableness. He then turned to Skye."Well, they used a transformation spell to go play with the villagers but got caught an' lots of bad stuff happened an' they got found out so the villagers didn't wanna play with them an' it was a sad ending. But then Auntie Harmony changed it saying they found a new family and that's the end"

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"Hey! I know thwat stwory!" said Skye happily. Miles looked at his half eaten bowl of ice cream, and pushed it aside. He didn't feel like eating anymore.

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Zamy sat down on a nearby bench and relaxed.


"Yes, it was." Shadow stood up. "I should have another look at the orb."

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"It... sworta was," said Skye.


"Do you want any help with that Shadow?" asked Melody

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"Auntie Harmony said it was a story about her and Skye!" Dylan said grinning. "It was a great story. When it had a happy ending!"

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"I should be ok thank you. I'd rather not risk anyone else getting injured or worse by this."

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"Yweah... Just twook a whwile to gwet thwere," said Skye. Miles, to his surprise, found him on the verge of tears. He turned away, packing the ice cream tubs back into the freezer.

"Yes, let's stop," said Miles in response to Spark.


"Okay, just keep in mind, Hope and I are the only ones who know magic here!" said Melody

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Dylan saw Miles was nearly crying and went over to hug him

"Don't cry, Uncle Miles. You didn't do anything wrong" he said trying to be reassuring

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(Spark noticing Miles was upset he walked over tugged his shirt and hugged him.)

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(ooc: Only one thing I can do now. GROUP HUG! ;) )

Skye also went over and joined in hugging Miles. "It wasn't you Mwiles. It was nwever you!" he said firmly.

Miles couldn't help but laugh slightly. "Thank you. All of you.. I... I never..." He hugged them back. "I never thought I'd have so many people wanting to support me."


"I suppose that makes sense," said Melody. "But be careful. I want a rematch!"

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"Of course we do, Uncle Miles. Your a NICE guy!" Dylan said very happy at being hugged back

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"Yeah! Nwice!" agreed Skye. "A gwood bwig brwother!"

Miles started laughing happily.

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