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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"We can do it. You'll see!" Dylan said before turning his head away and crossing his arms trying to prove a point

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"I didn't say you couldn't do it," said Miles, sliding off the triceratops and walking towards the freezer. "Just you need to do some fun practice first."


"Yes, I'm ready to go," said Harmony.

"Yeah, before anything else crazy happens," said Anna.


"You're just bitter Shadow!" grinned Melody

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I do see why you guys want to hunt Dino's though they'll literately tear you apart. Without thinking too. (he said jumping of the triceratops.)

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"Fun practice?" Dylan said turning around excitedly. He then looked at Spark. "We'll be careful. Nothing bad will happen!"

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Zamy activated her teleporter and took them to the town cemtre.


"I'm not bitter. It's not like I was beaten myself."

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"We've fwaught scwarier thwings! We'll be okway!" said Skye, crossing his arms stubbornly still sitting on the triceratops.

"Yes, you should plan all the traps you're going to have. Maybe have a camping trip. Stuff like that," said Miles, hoping the boys would come up with different ways to have fun.


"Now, where's a salon," said Harmony looking around.

"Think I see one there," said Anna pointing.


"Then why are you putting it down to luck?" asked Melody. Then she shook her head. "Okay Shadow, I woon't push it."

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Yah as adults but where smaller, weaker, and won't be able to fight till where are normal ages.

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"Ok. Hope you get what you want."


"You're really trying hard to rub this in aren't you?"

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Miles glanced up, worried that Spark's point might set off Dylan's uncomfortableness.

"I bwet we cwan stwill fwight!" said Skye, forgetting about what happened with Shylock.


"I'm sure I will. C'mon Anna," said harmony as she headed towards it. Anna looked between Zamy and Harmony


"Yep!" said Melody grinning.

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You tried to fight Skyloft but instead almost got hit instead then you all disappeared explain that to me please. (he said stubbornly.)

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"I dwidn't gwet hwit, I dwogded!" said Skye. "Thwen we... uh.... went to plway!"

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I can't recall but didn't Spark take the hit? ME

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(ooc: *checks back* Skye dodged the attack against him, and Spark took a different hit against Harmony.

On a side note, Dylan, Skye and Ziona have all been kids for over 100 pages now!)

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Oh yea thx, and wow. ME

You don't sound so sure about that last part, what did you do before playing hmmm?

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"We jwust... jwust... we cwould hwave fwought, okway!" said Skye.

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Alright punch my arm as hard as you can.

just to put this the reason why Spark is being pushy because he's actually worked for the safety.ME

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(ooc: Worked for the safety?)

Skye cocked his head slightly.

"I nwever could pwunch well, even when bwigger, bwut, okway...."

Skye cast a quick spell, then punched Spark hard enough to send him across the room. Then dropped to his knees exasted as his magical energy was drained completely.

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(Spark was pushed back but only about a 2 ft.) see your exhausted if I truly was a Dino I would eat you. Know do you see what I mean.

well of coarse he really cares about him.ME

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(ooc: Got it.)

"You awsked me to pwunch. I dwon't dwo pwunches," said Skye stubbornly, ignoring the fact that his usual strength, his magic, was also out.

(ooc: Stubborn kids...)

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(ooc: Hey Spark. Just warning you, you'll upset the kids a lot at this rate. Not sure if that's what your aiming for...

100 pages. Wow)

"Huh. Don't listen to them Skye. We can do it" Dylan said looking away from Spark and Miles

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Miles didn't like the look of the way things were going.

"Ice cream!" he said loudly. "What flavours does everyone want?" Then he leaned over and whispered to Spark.

"I know what you're trying to do, but reminding them they're kids now is just making things harder for them. Especially Dylan. All we need to do is make sure they don't actually go off huntung dinosaurs, which shouldn't be too hard."

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Dylan's face lit up as he turned around

"ICECREAM! ICECREAM! I WANT CHOCOLATE!" he shouted enthusiastically

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"I want ra..." began Skye, then he looked at Dylan. "Chwocolwate!" he said instead.

Miles brought out a tub of chocolate ice cream and began scooping some out into bowls.

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Dylan began jumping up and down excitedly as Miles got the ice cream ready

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