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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: You can if you want but I suspect it would be better if Skye was given something more original)

"Heh heh! Yeah!" Dylan said excited by the thought

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(ooc: Well, so far I've decided no shoes/boots etc , and fingerless gloves. Any more ideas? Cause I'm stumped!)

"Thwere's the lwibaree!" said Skye excitedly.

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(ooc: Err... headband? Dunno)

"C'mon! Quickly!" Dylan said giggling a little

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(ooc: I'm not sure a headband would go with those ears. Though what about t-shirt and shorts, or again is that too close?)

Skye ran into the library, then looked around. "Where dwid I pwut them..." he wondered.

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(ooc: As long as there is no dinosaur on the T-shirt, that's fine by me)

Dylan started looking around eager to find them

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(ooc: I was thinking a rocket ship!)

"Ummm, I kwicked off my boot thwere!" he said pointing.

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"Thanks, I think that might help."


"It appears we have a draw," said Shadow.

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"You are cute the way you are , but for you safety , I suggest you get back to your old form as soon as possible, dear."

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(ooc: Go for it)

"Have they changed?" Dylan asked

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"Yweah, thwey have!" said Skye. Where one boot had landed was a pair of shorts, and the other was now a t-shirt with a cartoon rocket on it. Skye scooped them up and pulled them on. "Now where awre my glwoves?" he asked, not realising his t-shirt was on backwards.


"No problem Zamy. We just need...." Anna began,#

"ANNA? Are, there you are," said Harmony as she ran over. "Are you still wanting to head out to town?" she asked excitedly.

"Sure. Is it okay if Zamy comes?" asked Anna.

"Of course! It'll be more fun with more of us. You can get stuff for your new flat!" said Harmony happily.


"Don't worry, I don't plan staying like this for long," said Ziona. "I prefer being a Fox, though..." she sighed. "I'm gonna miss flying."


"Better than a loss!" said melody with a grin, offering Hope a hi-five.

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Dylan burst out laughing seeing Skye's T-shirt on backwards. He fell to the floor

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"we'll get you a jetpack of something, dear." Said Glen to cheer Ziona up.

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Skye looked at Dylan confused.

"What? What's so fwunny?" he asked.


"YEAH! That's be soooo cool! Whooshing around like that!" She began making rocket whooshing noises with her mouth and swinging her hand wildly in the air as if it was flying/

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"You put it on the wrong way round!" Dylan managed to say through his laughter

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"Huh? What?" exclaimed Skye looking down. "Thwat's not fwunny" he complained as he drew his arms in and turned the t-shirt round.

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"It IS!" Dylan exclaimed still laughing but calming down a little with it

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"Hmph!" Skye turned on his heel and started walking huffily away from Dylan.

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Dylan sat up

"Wait! Don't go!" he called out. "It still looks cool!"

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Skye stopped and turned his head slightly.

"You... rweally thwink so?" he asked.

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Dylan smiled and nodded

"Yeah! I really like it! the rocket ship is cool!" he said

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Skye grinned, completely forgetting he'd been upset. "Yeah! It rweally is! So's your dwinoswar!"

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Dylan also grinned at the compliment

"Yeah! I really like it!" He said happily

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"I know! You shwould gwet more! Hwave a dwifferent dwino for every dway of the week!" said Skye, excited at the idea.

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Dylan smiled at the idea

"That's a great idea! But I was only wearing one T-shirt when I fell in!" He pointed out wishing he had taken his other clothes with him as he fell in

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"We cwould aswk the gwirls to buy you swome more!" said Skye.

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