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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: Does Skyloft have any elemental weaknesses? And are they obviously is he on fire). If they are obvious Skye's attack will take advantage of that. If he does have weaknesses at all, Harmony's knife will be able to exploit it. And sorry for getting involved ibn you're solo fight, but as you ran past us it was inevitable! :P )

Skye saw Skyloft trip over nothing, and guessed where Dylan was. And Skyloft went to grab Dylan Skye yelled "Oh no you Don't", unleashing a massive blast of magic towards him. Harmony ran up and leapt towards Skyloft, aiming to bring her knife square down onto him

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(Skyloft jumped back and then disappeared only to reappear behind Skye grinning he shot a wind slash at him.)

(Spark stopped then started to run full speed towards Skye. A bright light swarmed Spark, it cleared away. Spark was now back to his normal hedgehog self.)

(alright yes Skyloft is week against fire and the only reason Spark can transform to normal is because he's mostly made of fire and he likes his cat form so he's going to transform back because he does want everyone to say its not fair and stuff.) ME

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Tikal simply took melody in her arms ."There is nothing I can say that will change your mind, melody. I can only be tere for you."

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Dylan got up off the ground. He hadn't seen Skyloft try to grab him but he could see him going after Skye. This made him mad. He ran over to him, forgetting how scared he was and started banging his fists again, Skyloft's side in a stroppy, childish way

"LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU BIG BULLY!" he shouted at Skyloft

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(ooc: Yeah, being a shapeshifter probably let's you still change shapes. It will just be that your 'default' shape is now the changed one, if that makes sense. I'm not gonna insist on a Shapeshift Mode Locke)

Skye's ears twitched as Skyloft appeared behind him. He gave a little squeak of fright and tried to dodge out of the way of the wind slash. Only, to his surprise, he managed to do so almost effortlessly.

Seeing Skyloft distracted by Skye, Harmony doubled back and aimed a blow with her knife between his shoulder blades, the blade of her knife bursting into flames.

Ziona surveyed the situation, then gave a start of fear as she heard, but couldn't see, Dylan shouting next to Skyloft. Scared at what might happened to him, Ziona was desperate to get him clear. She took a deep breath and gave a shriek that no one else could here, her ears picked as she listened to how is riberted across the area. From the echo's she had a good idea where Dylan was and flew in to pull him clear. Then she shuddered slightly as she realised what she#d just used her sonar with really knowing it, and had to fight not to start freaking out.


"Thank you Tikal. I'm so sorry," said Melody hugging back. "We can... still be friends right?"

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"LET ME GO!" Dylan shouted as Ziona took him to pull him clear. "HE'S A BULLY! I NEED TO STOP HIM!"

He tried to wriggle free. He had not noticed that Ziona had found him despite being invisible

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Zamy surveyed the scene, totally unsure as to how to make an effective attack.

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"But you can't stop him," screamed Ziona as she tried to pull Dylan clear. Then she realised something. She was trying to recall her combat training, but none of it was there. She remembered that she had BEEN to classes, but everything that had been taught was a blank. She hardly knew how to throw a punch or a kick.

"W.... we can't stop him," said Ziona, starting to sound scared. "We... have to let the... grown-ups fight him," she continued, horrified at having to admit it. "And let me see you. I might hurt you when you're invisible!"

Ziona turned and shouted "Zamy! Help!"

Skye was having problems of his own. After dodging he'd prepared to cast another spell, a a childlike feeling of fear was threatening to overwhelm him, forcing him to run and hide. The fear was so strong he was almost on the verge of tears.

'No. I've gotta fight this,' he thought to himself, trying to concentrate.

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Tears began to fill Dylan's eyes. As much as he wanted to stop Skyloft, he couldn't help but admit he was in no state to fight. That, and he was scared. He didn't want to show he was scared though. Not in front of the others. He made himself visible, and looking up at Ziona said

"I-I can take him! Let me go and I'll show you!"

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"I've had enough of this." Zamy realised she still had Zhadow's blaster on her and pulled it out. She aimed at Skyloft and fired repeatedly.

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Ziona shook her head.

"No you can't. We can't. We'll just get in the way!" she said. Unlike Dylan, her fear was starting to show through. She hadn't felt so helpless before. Except for that moment in the dream when Glen had fired off the gun.

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"But... I fought Miley and she's scary too. And she had lots of magic. If I dont fight now, I'll look like a kid when I'm not!" He said but nnew his argument wasn't going to be valid

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"I fought him... her... eh... I fought Miley too. But I can't fight now. I can't remember how! I think you're the same. And not fighting won't make to you like a kid!" said Ziona. "Please Dylan!" she begged.

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"You c-cant fight now?" Dylan asked beginning to show his fear. He looked down at his feet

"Okay. I won't fight. But what do we do?"

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"I c-can't r-remember how," said Ziona, tears starting to appear. "We... we.... w-we hide..." she said, hating herself for admitting it.

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"Take your time to think about it , dear . For now, it's skye that need us the most . It just doesn't have to be together."


(ooc: great , as glen didn't need another reason to get mad . He cant even close his 10 minute without stuff happening.)

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"Okay..." He said sadly. "Can you let me go then?"

He was hating himself for agreeing to hide despite his instinct telling him that's what he should have been doing anyway

(ooc: Then get him to do something other than sleep)

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(poor bastard didn't got any rest from me . Cut him some slack dylan.)

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(ooc: Lol. I think Ziona might be begging everyone not to tell Glen about this fight incase he get so worried about her he tries to lock Ziona in her room all day!)

Ziona shook her head. She didn't like giving up like this. And seeing how upset it made Dylan made her feel worse. She tried to think of something they could do to help, think that Dylan really needed it. Then an idea came into her head.

"But first, we go and save Skye," she said.

Skye was struggling to concentrated, then things went worse as the magic he was channeling fizzled and died as he was hit by a feeling of tiredness.

'Huh? I can't be drained of magic energy already!' he thought, surprised, and now terrified. His legs began to shake.


"You're right Tikal. I'm so sorry that we couldn't get this to work. But we'll survive, for Skye's sake." Melody laughed, though it was a little hollow. "A shame you don't have an identical twin."

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(ooc: Then don't complain about him missing stuff, Locke)

"Yeah, I wonder where he is. But I can't go looking until you let me go!" Dylan pointed out

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(ooc: He wasn't that time. He was complaining about too much bad stuff going down!)

"Oh, sorry," said Ziona. "You go invisible an' I'll fly and an' spot him an' I'll tell you an' you can get him," suggested Ziona, slipping into a slightly more childish persona.

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"I know how much you care about skye. But at least, it's not in that way."She chuckled.


(Ooc: glen would get upset, but not to that point)

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(ooc: Okay, apologies. I misunderstood. But, if your unhappy with so much bad stuff happening, you could have one of your characters out trying to stop it)

Dylan managed a weak smile

"Okay!" he said, and with that turned himself invisible, waiting for Ziona to let go so he could begin

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(ooc: Tue, but with Ziona being a kid she'd worry that way.)

Ziona was about to fly when she realised with surprise she was still holding onto Dylan. Apparently she'd been too scared to let go. She released her hold on the Chameleon and swooped into the air, quickly spotting Skye.

"He's over there!" she called to Dylan.


Tikal comment made Anna snao out of her shock.

"EWW! That's horrible More horrible than even you and Melody.... uh, erm... heh... I uh... didn't mean it like that," said Anna awkwardly.

"It's... it's alright Anna," said Melody. "I know it seems strange." 'And feels strange,' she thought to herself.

"Tikal?" asked Melody, "would you mind if... I left for a bit. I need a bit of space."

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Dylan looked to where Ziona was talking about and quickly rushed over there

"Skye? Are you okay?" he said, making himself visible

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