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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Ziona turned and looked sharply at Dylan. "You do? Why's that? He's nice an' cuddly an' funny!"

Miles smiled. "I don't think Dylan would find Glen 'cuddly'." Then the smile faded. "Did he scare you before?"


"Zamy. I've got Melody here," said Harmony as she arrived. "Okay Skye, let's find your friends." Skye let out a 'YAY' and started running.

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"He... just does. Like when he was angry in the library. He looked scary then" Dylan said nervously to Ziona. Then he turned to Miles

"Um... no. Not really. Why?"

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"Thanks Harmony. Hi Melody. I jist needed to tell you the party's indefinitely postponed because of this incident, sorry. What were you doing with Skye and Tikal anyway?"

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"W-what! But... but why? Just because there's a few kids around we don't need to call it off right? I can help!" said Melody, sounding upset. She glanced at Tikal, not sure if she was ready to admit what they'd been talking about. Part of her had hoped Skye would have blocked her and Tikal's relationship. Her feeling for Tikal were feeling both stronger and more real, but they were still scaring her and making her feel weird.


"No reason Dylan," said Miles. He was trying to make mental notes of how Dylan was different, and having a stronger sense of fear seemed to be one, albeit an obvious one.

"I.. I suppose he can look scary," said Ziona. She was beginning to remember some of what Glen had done in the past. "And maybe he IS a bit scary," she said quietly.

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"You AGREE with me?" Dylan asked Ziona sounding surprised given how close they seemed to be

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"I know, but Ziona is my partner. If it goes ahead I'll barely have anyone to talk to my own age and I'll have to watch over a group of kids. I'm sorry."

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"Well, uh... couldn't you call in friends with work to hang out with. And... couldn't someone else look after the kids for the night?" asked Melody. Then she sighed. "No... someone would still miss the party." Her emotions, already overwhelmed by Tikal, burst and she started sobbing into her hands.


Ziona nodded. "But I can make him less scary. We... we help each other," said Ziona. "I stop him from being scary."

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"But what can I do?" Dylan asked. The idea of him and Ziona helping eachother out seemed like a great idea to him. But he didn't know what he could give in return

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Zamy gave Melody a hug, worried about her. "Look... maybe we can sort something out. Please don't get upset. Is there anything else you want to talk about, this isn't like you. We can go somewhere quieter if you want. You can get a sneak peek of the apartment?"

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"I'm s-sorry," gasped Melody. "It's not the p-party I'm c-crying a-about...I... O-only i-if y-you want to t-talk... I k-know things aren't e-easy w-with y-you... but...."

Melody looked at Tikal. "I... kinda n-need some t-time... t-to think through t-this... c-come to terms with it..."


"I don't know," said Ziona. "Maybe you could say sorry to him later, y'know, for pushing me into the pool."

"HEY GUYS!" shouted Skye as he came round the corner and saw them, Harmony coming behind.

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Dylan was about to respond when Skye shouted. This surprised him and he instinctively turned invisible

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Skye stopped running when Dylan disappeared, stared at the spot where he'd been. "YOU DWID IT! YOU DWID IT!" he creid happily.

"Yeah, he can change colour too!" said Ziona.

"Uh, hwi Zwiona..." said Skye nervously. "Awre you owkay now. I'm sworry for trwikky you into the pwool." Ziona smiled, then hugged Skye like she'd hugged Dylan before.

"Don't worry Skye,. Now the three of us can have some FUN!"


"Thank y-you Zamy. I... d-don't think I w-want to t-talk to m-my f-family about this. And I-I t-think H-hope is b-busy," said Melody.

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Dylan looked down at himself again

"I keep doing this accidentally!" he exclaimed as he made himself visible and back to his natural blue colour

(ooc: Because I realised I never actually did that earlier...)

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"Oh, you're back to blue!" said Ziona, letting go of Skye.

"So what we gownna do?" asked Skye.

Miles looked at Harmony. "Are you going to be coming too?" he asked. Harmony nodded.

"Not MORE grown-ups!" exclaimed Ziona with a sigh.


Melody nodded and reached out to take ahold of Zamy.

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Zamy took hold of her and teleported them to her apartment.

"Can I get you anything to drink or eat while you're here?"

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"Yeah. I like it better. It feels more natural" Dylan said smiling. "But maybe I should be red for a day!" He then turned to Harmony

"Ziona thinks grown-ups will be boring so if you come, you have to play with us. So... will you, Auntie Harmony?"

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"A drink o-of water w-would be good," said Melody as she looked around. "Wow. This p-place is nice. Like the hotel p-penthouse, just a bit smaller. And less decorated, but that's n-not a surprise!"


"Rwed would be cwool!" said Skye.

"Yeah. I think you'd look good red," said Ziona. "And yes Harmony. That's the rule. You come with us, you gotta play."

"And Miles is following that rule too?" asked Harmony. Miles nodded. "This I've got to see," said Harmony with a grin, causing Miles to look somewhat embarrassed. "Okay. I'll play too.

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Zamy got a glass of water and handed it to Melody. "Thanks, Yeah, I need to get some decorating done. A few paintings, a poster, maybe a vase."

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"He has to because he called me a kid!" Dylan said rather loudly to Harmony

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"He has to?" asked Harmony.

"I set up a little favour system. If I call him a kid, he gets a favour from me," Miles explained.

"You're... giving him favours?" asked Harmony.

"And taking them away if he misbehaves badly," added Miles. Harmony gave him an almost confused look.

"Can we stop talking and GOOOOOOO?!?" whined Ziona.

"And I thought she was holding on the most to her adulthood," Harmony whispered to Miles.


"That would be very nice. Maybe some flower arrangements too for some extra colour," said Melody as she took the glass and had a sip. "Thank you. I'm feeling better already."

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"That's a good idea. No problem, anything I can do to help. Now what is it you want to discuss?"

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"YES! I WANNA GO TOO!" Dylan shouted hoping everyone was done

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"YWEAH YWEAH YWEAH!" shouted Skye. "I cwan't wait to plway!"

Harmony and Miles looked at each other. "I don't think it'd be fair to hold the up," said Harmony. She picked up Skye and sat him on her shoulders. "Let's go."


Melody took another drink of water. "I'm... you... we don't need to discuss it if you don't want to. It's... silly in a way. And..." she shivered. "It's really weird."

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