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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Miles smiled, and tried to hide his relief that Dylan called him out.

"Okay, we'll chalk that up as you're first favor," he said, then turned to Zamy as she described the place. His aloof manner vanished as the description continued and she said Anna could come.

"Wow. That place sounds great. Thank's Zamy. That'll more than make up for the delay. Do you know where Anna is so I can ask her if she wants to come?"

Behind him, Harmony was grinning.

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The thought of ice cream from Miles completely distracted him from all that Zamy said. Luckily for everyone else

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"That's okay. I'm sure I can find her," said Miles. He glanced back and saw Harmony, and tried to act superior again.

"You don't know where Anna is, do you Harmony?" he asked.

"I sent her to find Dad, so she could be anywhere," said Harmony.

"Calling him Dad already?" asked Miles.

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Dylan suddenly brought himself back

"Hmm? Dad? Whos dad?" Dylan asked confused

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"Oh, my Dad," said Harmony. "And yes, I'm calling him Dad now. What's it to you? Are you jealous or something?" Harmony asked spitefully

"Nothing like that, I was just curious," said Miles, hiding the fact that Harmony's vibes brought his missing parents back to his mind. He turned away from Harmony. "I hope Geln and Ziona finish soon. You must be getting a little bored," he said to Dylan. He looked up at Zamy. "When is your backup due to arrive?"

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"Yeah. It's REALLY BORING!" Dylan said emphasising the last part. "What could they be talking about?"

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"I don't care , you are still in the body of a little girl . " said glen as he kissed her forehead."That makes our relationship illegal . But you know what , screw laws."


"Humm......Yes Skye."

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Harmony looked at Dylan. "Well, they were boyfriend and girlfriend, but given you turned Ziona into a little bat-girl, and think they're probably discussing exactly how the heck they're gonna cope with this."

Miles heard Zamy's reply and nodded. "Anything I can do to help?" he asked Zmay.

"You seem to have no shortage of volunteers here," laughed Harmony.

"I, uh... could take Dylan outside for some fresh air, them Ziona and Skye could join us later," Miles offered.

"You.... really do care about him," said Harmony.


"I... Cwan I have some twime to thwink abwout thwis," asked Skye. "At lweast... You'll have company whwile I'm stwuk lwike thwis."


"Please, let me help out. Heck, if you're that worried you can come with us and keep an eye on us," said Ziona. Then she giggled as Glen kissed her forehead

"I still love you Glen. I just don't think law's were designed with this situation in mind. Just as long as no one sees it. I don't want anything to happen to you," said Ziona, at first laughing, then more worried. "Because when I grow up we're gonna get married and have our own family, right?"

(ooc: A little creepy, I know. Okay, very creepy. But given the messed up circumstances.....)

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(ooc: Might want to add posts for Ziona and Skye there...)

"Yes! Outside! I wanna go!" Dylan exclaimed not fully grasping the last thing Harmony said

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(ooc: I did! ;) )

Miles looked at Harmony. For a moment he wa about to say something, then shook his head.

"Let's go Dylan. You're friends can join us soon." It was clear Miles just wanted to get away from Harmony

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Despite having not noticed plenty of things earlier, it was clear to even Dylan something was wrong between Miles and Harmony. As they started heading off Dylan whispered

"Are you and Auntie Harmony fighting?"

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"She doesn't like me," said Miles back, then he sighed. "I suppose it's understandable. Though what isn't understandable is why it's bothering me."

(ooc: Note. Edited my replies to Locke from Skye and Ziona)

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(Spark and Lucy were wondering around Haven. They both stopped and awed in terror, a portal was opening up and to there surprise it was Layose's brother.)

Lucy run now. (he said guarding her.)

but what about...

RUN NOW. (he yelled.)

just to let everyone no this is supposed to be a solo fight but if anyone wants to join in on it you can. (me)

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"You both should get to know each other better. If she knew you what a nice person you were, maybe she'd like you better" Dylan said smiling. "And maybe it's bothering you because you like her and want to be friends"

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"I'm not sure she'll give me a chanc.... did you just call me nice?" asked Miles He went quiet, slowing his walking slightly as he thought about what Dylan said.

'Is Dylan right about me wanting to have friends?' he wondered to himself.

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"Yes I did. Because you are" Dylan said going in to hug Miles again. But this time, he felt it was Miles who needed cheering up

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"It's alright , skye . No matter how you look or feel, I'll still love you."


Glen sighed...."Fine, you won . I forgot you were still an adult after all."

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"No, I think I've got it under control for the most part."


Shadow pushed off the lid of the tomb to see nothing inside.

"Looks like a drop, no idea how far down." Without another word Shadow dropped into the hole, using his jets to slow the long descent.

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Happy tears started appearing on Skye's face and he hugged Tikal. "I wuv you too, mwy lwittle angwel!" Then he laughed. "Well, mwy bwig angwel now!" he said, as, if it wasn't for his ears, he was now much shorted than Tikal.


Harmony turned to Zamy. "I'll see if I can find Melody now. And bring Skye back." She turned to go and saw, at the far end of the corridor, Dylan hugging Miles, who hugged back. She gave a start. "I... I was so sure he was faking," Harmony muttered.


"I am. And don't you forget it mister!" teased Ziona. Then she hugged Glen. "I love you," said said, planting a kiss on his cheek. Then she jumped down to the floor and headed to the door. "I'm gonna out to play now. I'll be back before dinna time!" she said, deliberately making herself sound more childish as a joke as she left the room.


Miles was surprised again by Dylan's hug, but hugged back, trying to sort through the new jumble in his head. He'd spend time trying to persuade Anna that he was wanting to change, yet at the same time, he knew he was trying to persuade himself too. Since he'd got Skye out of his head, he hadn't even been trying to be nice. And yet, here he was. A sudden realisation hit him. Maybe his time with Skye wasn't so much hime 'being' Skye, as it was him being comfortable show the person underneath the aloof, manipulative mask he worse. Followed by another realisation that he was consider that side of himself to be a mask now, not who he actually was.

He looked back to where they'd come from, and so Ziona appear from her room. "There you are Dylan. You can say sorry to her now."

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"No you don't!" said Harmony firmly. "I caused half this mess. You don't owe me a thing."

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"I'm going, I'm going! You look like you know how to use that baton!" Harmony laughed as she set off.

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