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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'll try to behave more from now on. I hope I haven't given you much more work..." he continued

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(ooc: Come on Locke, let us keep the magic pool. Hmm, if it's not in Haven, would you'd be okay though? So if it was outside,, that would be fine?)

"You mwean that?" asked Skye. He looked at Melody unconvinced.

"It's... it's true Skye," confessed Melody. "I... love Tikal to."

"Then whwy dwid you always mwake fwun of us?" asked Skye.

"I... I was jealous," confessed Melody.

"So... thwis mweans... Twikal has a bowyfwriend and a gwirlfwriend?" asked Skye.


Ziona laughed. "But I'm NOT a little girl Glen. I just look it. And I'd have friends with me. And I know how to handle myself. And I'll have my radio. I won't get lost. You don't need to be so... sooo..." Ziona's brow furrowed as she tried to think of the word. "Protective! That's the word I was looking for. Please I...." Ziona started looking a bit upset. "I still want to help Zamy, and the only way I can do that now is by watching Skye."

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Dylan hung his head ashamed of himself

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Harmony arrived in the library. "Miles, are you in here?" she called. "Zamy wants to see you."

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Dylan looked up at Zamy, still looking upset

"But I have if I've given you more work"

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Miles was lost in thought and took a moment or two to register what Harmony said. "Hmm? Oh, yes. Of course. I'll go and see her right away. Where is she?" he asked.

"I'll take you there," said Harmony. Miles shrugged and followed. "You seem to be getting on very well with Dylan, Uncle Miles," teased Harmony.

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"Are you sure?" Dylan asked sounding unconvinced

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Dylan looked at her for a minute before trying to hug her. Just to confirm it for himself

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Zamy hugged Dylan somewhat awkwardly, partly because he was scaly and mostly because it was Dylan.

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Miles looked a little embarrassed, then tried to regain his aloof air and shrugged. "It makes him feel better to call me that. So I let him."

"You? Doing something to make someone feel better?" asked Harmony.

"Why so shocked?" asked Miles. "Isn't the whole point of me being here to try and be 'redeemed'."

"I'm not sure if it's working if you sound that sarcastic saying it" commented Harmony as the turned the corner to see Zamy and Dylan hugging.


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After a few moments, Dylan came out of the hug

"I'm gonna apologise to Ziona now" he said now smiling. He hadn't noticed Miles and Harmony arriving

(ooc: Sorry for the awkwardness there Shadow)

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"You might want to wait for her to leave the room. She and Glen are talking. And... given the situation... they'll have a lot to talk about," said Harmony, loud enough so Dylan could hear.

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Dylan jumped when Harmony spoke and instinctively turned invisible

(ooc: If your sure...)

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"Considering you didn't like the idea of changing colour, you've gotten pretty good at it," said Harmony.

"Harmony, go easy on the poor kid, okay. He's going through a bad enough time as it is without you teasing him," said Miles. Harmony went quiet, but more from the surprise of Miles defending Dylan.

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"Ah there you are. Thanks Harmony. Miles, I'm really sorry but that surprise I promised will have to be postponed. I'm really sorry, but given the circumstances it won't work."

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Dylan made himself appear again

"Yeah. I guess I have..." he said. He had forgotten he had been afraid of it happening originally. "And thanks Uncle Miles"

For some reason, Miles defending him didn't surprise him even though it should have

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"I see," said Miles, looking a little disappointed. "That's a shame. But I guess I understand. There are unusual circumstances even for us." He looked at Dylan.

"Not a problem," he smiled, but made a mental note that Dylan hadn't picked up on his use of the word 'kid'. He hoped it was simply because Dylan was upset at what Harmony said.

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(ooc: Crap. I didn't see that. Hmm... Better late than never? Yeah...)

"Oh and one more thing, Uncle Miles" Dylan said looking smug. "You owe me an ice cream for calling me a kid again when I'm not"

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"When backup arrives, I'll take you to this place I read about last night. It's a buffet. Steak, pizza, chili dogs, ice cream, pancakes, whatever you want you can have unlimited amounts of it. I'll even take Anna with us if you want. I'll make this delay up to you, I promise."

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