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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan eyed Spark for trying to shake Miles hand when he had held out his hand first. Then he turned to Miles

"Uncle Miles! Can I go find the zone cops and then play outside while you talk to Spark?" he asked

(ooc: Yeah, phones are pretty stupid that way)

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(ooc: Ah. Fair enough Spark. Stupid phone. P.s. Sorry Miles is so hostile. It's just the way he is.)

Miles raised an eyebrow at Spark. "You need to work on your dodging then. You're lucky you'd gone in before, or you might have changed into something worse than a cat." He looked at Dylan. "You can go and find the Cops, but no going outside unless there's someone with you. Understand?"

Miles made a mental note to himself to deliberately slip up and call Dylan a kid everyone now and then. Partially so Dylan would feel the deal was working. And partially so Miles could test Dylan, and see if he true was losing himself.


"Is there anything more I can do to help?" offered Harmony.

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Dylan gave a thumbs up

"O-K!" he said before running out of the room

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Harmony glanced down the hall.

"I'm not sure Melody would be a good idea right now. She, Tikal and Skye seemed to have something serious to say. But I'll see about Miles."


Miles stood up as Dylan left. He looked back at the pool. "Maybe I've been approaching this problem from the wrong angle."

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Dylan continued racing down the hall, but then began to worry someone who hadn't already seen him might see him then. He concentrated and turned himself invisible again before carrying on

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"If it was just Tikal that would be easy to answer," said Harmony as she set off. "But I can't see how Melody fits into that. I'll be back soon."

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"well....Melody has ...the same feelings toward me, skye..." explained Tikal."we all love each other , somehow.... "


"yes, you are a bat, But it's only temporary." Glen sat her on his lap ."Now, now, where are you going ?"

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Dylan started to come up to where Harmony were. He began to slow down but didn't show himself

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"You... and Melwodee?" said Skye, slowly being to comprehend the idea. "Bwut.... gwirls can't lwove gwirls! And... does thwis mean.... you don't lwove me as much cawuse you lwove her too?"


"I dunno. Outside to play in the forest maybe?" Ziona suggested hopefully. "Somewhere fun."


Harmony, unable to see Dylan, continued jogging towards the library, but tripped and fell over.

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Dylan giggled a little seeing Melody fall over. Then he covered his mouth realising he gave himself away

"Sorry!" he said

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Harmony looked around when she heard the giggleing, but couldn't see anyone. Then she heard the 'Sorry'.

"Who's.... Dylan, is that you?" she asked, looking in his general direction.

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Dylan made himself visible again

"Hi, Auntie Harmony" he said smiling

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"Hello Dylan. Good to see you've cheered up," said Harmony, smiling at his unrestricted use of 'Auntie'. "But you should really go and apologise to Ziona and Amy if you haven't already for what you did. Oh, and do you know where Miles is?"

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<p>Why don't we just drain the pool of its magical energy? (Spark asked Miles.)

Edited by Spark Falls

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"Yeah, Uncle Miles helped cheer me up." Dylan said still smiling. "He's talking to Spark in the library. I asked him if I could go to apologise to Zamy and Ziona and he said yes but I couldn't go outside without someone being with me!"

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Miles shook his head. "That wouldn't work. The pool has become a Nexus point, considering a layline runs through here. We could drain the magic, but it would just return again in a few minutes. Hell, even if you smashed this place down, this pool would still remain now," said Miles.

(ooc: Throw in some magic-babble! Basically, the pool is here to stay. Just in case anyone wants to use it. It saves having to come up with a different excuse whenever someone wants a 'random magic' plot.)


"Uncle Miles is it?" smiled Harmony, amazed that anything Miles would do would have someone willingly call him 'uncle'. Then her face darkened and she turned away from Dylan. "He can't even treat his children like real people and yet he has a random kid calling him 'uncle'," she hissed under her breath, but managed to get her anger under control. She turned back to Dylan, smiling again.

"Zamy's just outside Ziona's room, so you'll find them both there. Though as long as Ziona has her radio and Skye is with you the three of you can probible play outside with a boring grown up around."

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"Uncle?" Dylan asked himself. He hadn't actually realised he had been calling Miles 'uncle.' But even after finding out, it still seemed... true.

Dylan started giggling again when he heard 'boring grown up'.

"I hope so. But only after I speak to them" he said

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"Okay. You go talk to the cops. I'll get Miles. Thanks for telling me where he is Dylan," said Harmony, patting the Chameleon's head before setting off.

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Getting patted on the head made Dylan feel proud and he happily waved to Harmony as she set off. Then he made himself invisible again and set off again to where Zamy was

"Zamy?" he said when he got close

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(ooc: Sabre is going to get mad if the magic pool is here to stay . I'll work my very best to make tis abomination disappear of haven.)

"But Ziona.... The forest is a dangerous place for a little girl. You could get lost ..."


"Skye...I love you as much as I love melody.... You are both worthing more to me than what mere words could explain."

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Dylan made himself visible. He was looking guilty

"Um... I just wanted to say sorry for tripping Ziona into the pool and making you lose your partner" he said, and he meant it

(ooc: Aww... Locke, don't get rid of it. It can be useful in the future)

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