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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Oh yeah... I forgot" Dylan said, disappointed that he hadn't remembered that

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Zamy looked at the forms with slight despair, but still kept smiling so as not to make matters worse. "Thanks Ziona, this is... really great. Though I might just copy your report out in print. It's not that I wouldn't take it in, but you know how dull and picky headquarters can be sometimes."

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A horrible though corssed Skye's mind as he walked with Melody and Tikal.

"Thwis is abwout thwis chwange, isn't it! You don't lwove me anwymowre Twikal!" Tears started to appear. "It's onwy for a week. Thwen I'll be bwig and nowrmal and fwox agawin!"


"Don't worry about it Dylan. It wasn't something you would have expected to come up," said Miles.


Ziona smiled when Zamy called her work 'really great'. Her wings started flapping happily, which caused her to grimace and spoilt her mood slightly. Then she heard what Zamy said about HQ. Zion didn't quite process that it was very similar to something she'#d told Dylan earlier as an excuse.

"Oh, yeah. I should'a typed them I'm sorry Zamy. But I can do them again!" she offered. "I want to help," she added enthusiastically, and with a hint of worry and guilt.

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"Yeah, but wasn't this said earlier? When we went to help him after he went on his own?"

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"Yes it was," said Miles. "But given what was happening there, and since, it's no wonder that detail slipped your mind."

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Dylan looked down as his feet still disappointed with forgetting it

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Miles glanced over at Dylan and saw him hanging his head. "Hey, cheer up kid. If everyone got upset whenever they forgot something it would be a very glum world."

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Dylan looked up angrily

"I am NOT a kid! Don't call me that!" he shouted

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Miles cursed under his breath, annoyed that he'd slipped up like like. Especially as he knew how it felt and had been trying to avoid it.

"I'm sorry Dylan. I'll make sure I don't do it again," said Miles. "And..." Miles paused, not sure about what he was about to suggest. "I'll owe you a favour ever time I slip up in that way from now on."

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Dylan's face lit up when Miles made his offer

"Really?" he asked

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"Hum, Skye........." started Tikal..."It's very important . You like your sister a lot, do you ? And you like me a lot as well, right ?"


"Jeez, It's in time like these I wished I could smoke." Said Glen to himself.

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"Of couwrse I do!" said Skye. "You two are the vewry most impowrtant pweople in my lwife!" He paused. "And Mwom and Dwad and Harmoee and Anwa!"


"Yes ma'am!" said Ziona, standing straight and saluting. "If anything happens I'll give ya a call on..." Ziona words cut of as she looked at her wrist communicator, only to see that now there was a brightly coloured bracelet there instead. "Uh, I'll go and get the spare one," she said running back into her room.

As she did so Ziona went over to Glen and hugged him. "I'm gonna play with Skye and Dylan now. I'll have my radio so you can call me. Behave and don't do anything silly while I'm gone," she said, laughing and giving him a little poke in the stomach. "Like smoking. Yes, I heard you. Everyone is talk really much more loudly now!"


Harmony leaned over and took the 'report' from Zamy. She didn't know whether to laugh or sigh. "I guess for a moment there you thought she might be more of an 'adult' compared to the others?" she asked Zamy.


"Yes really," said Miles, the he thought he better clarify. "One favour will get you something small. Something like an ice cream. Or you can save them up for something larger." Then, an idea occurred to miles. A way to help Dylan keep in line. "And if you misbehave, I will take favours away, okay?"

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"You know for a moment I really did. Oh well I'll just have to manage. That reminds me, I need to tell Melody the party's postponed indefinitely, and Miles for that matter."

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"I think Melody might be gutted at that," said Harmony. "But I suppose with those kids running around it would be too much hassle." Harmony handed the report back, but caught a look at the Accident form that Ziona had filled in.

"Hmm, actually, I think Ziona might be more 'adult' after all. Her writing skills might have vanished, be she seems to have done a good job there. And she does seem to still want to, well, work."

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Dylan got really excited at the idea of being given ice cream favours or bigger stuff as rewards for when Miles messes up. But he was disappointed to hear they could be taken away again

"Can't we skip the last part?" Dylan asked pleadingly

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Zamy looked at the accident form as well. "Yeah, I'll have to make it up to Melody somehow. And I think you're right, Ziona's keen and still fairly adult, thankfully."

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"Though I think she's more than willing to act childishly as well," added Harmony. "Let's just hope she can control those impulses when needed. She leaned back against the wall. "Do you Zone Cop have any advanced healing tech? Anything that would help Melody walk again faster?"


"I sorry, but we can't. You'll just need to try and behave," said Miles. Then he relented slightly. "But, I'll only take them off for the larger misdemeanors. For example, if you were to track someone else into that pool. That's the deal."

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"Oh no. I won't do anything like THAT again. SO I ACCEPT THE DEAL!" Dylan exclaimed holding out his hand, hoping for Miles to shake it

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"Agreed. And I don't think we have, but I'll look into it. Hope can probably make it work even faster as well if we do have it."

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"Or maybe your hearing is better because your are a child..." Answered back glen.


"well...." kept on tikal."what if I told you the three of Us could be in a very special relationship ? Something you could have with no one else ?"

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(no dang it. Me)

Thanks Miles that was a close one. (he said getting rushed by Lucy.)

are you okay?

yah I'll be fine. (Spark reaches out to shake Miles hand.)

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"Huh? What do you mwean?" asked Skye. "Melwodee is my swister. You're mwy..." Skye blushed. "My gwirlfwriend. Isn't that specwial?"

Melody couldn't help but smile despite what they were discussing. "You are so adorable now!"


"If Hope is involved that would make her happy," said Harmony.


"How would that make me listen better?" asked Ziona, then she gasped. "No, wait. I KNOW! It's cause I'm a BAT now." She shivered. "That's freaky."


"Deal," said Miles, shaking Dylan's hand. He looked at Spark, not shaking his hand. "Just be more careful. How did you manged to fall over the wall anyway."

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(my phone randomly posted what I was going to post sorry. Stupid phone.Me)

Well when you placed the wall I rolled in to the pool trying to dodge it.

Edited by Spark Falls

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