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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan didn't even look up when Miles tripped over him. He was thinking about how little of him seemed to be left

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"I can help!" said Skye eagerly.

"Skye, I'm not sure..." began Harmony.

"I know a twracking spell!"


"I... don't think it was Skye's fault," said Anna. "From what I could gather, someone stole something from Skye's lab, it ended up in the swimming pool, enchanting it. Then Dylan feel in, the Harmony pushed Skye, then Skye and Dylan pushed Ziona."


Ziona dried her tears and looked up at Glen. "Thank you Glen. I know you'll look after me. But... you shouldn't..." Ziona seemed to be struggling coming up with the right words. "You shouldn't put yourself after me all the time. It's not fair," she said.

"But... does this mean you'll let me be a kid for a while?" she asked.


"Hmm, where do you think? Kitchen? Basement Lab? Library? Infirmary?" asked Melody


"There you are Dylan," said Miles as he picked himself up, guessing what he'd tripped over. He reach out a hand and, following the sounds of crying, found the invisible Dylan.

"Dylan? Are you okay?" he asked.

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"Owkay. Now, they've been cuwrsed lwike me, so I twrack the cuwrse!" said Skye, grinning at his clever reasoning. He sat back and concentrated. Harmony payed close attention to what he was saying, and was surprised to note that, while casting, his lisp seemed to vanish. Skye stretched out his hand a two smoky arrows appeared above it , one blue, one turquoise.

"I dwid it!" said Skye. He looked at both Harmony and Zamy, hoping for praise.

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"That was certainly quick, I'm impressed. Thanks Skye. I'm guessing turqoise is Ziona, so let's grab her first."

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"I've only been like this a short amount of time. And already I think I've lost most of myself" he said still not looking up

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Skye beamed when Zamy said she was impressed. "Thwanks Zwamy. Lwet's go!" said Skye, following the arrow.


Miles sat down next to Dylan. Or so he thought, it was hard to tell. "Dylan. It might seem that way. But I don't think you have. The signs don't show it, and judging by the type of enchantments on that pool.... I think who you are is still all in there. It's just been buried by the magic. But if you concentrate hard, you can bring it to the surface." Miles looked around and leaned in closer, whispering slightly.

"And also, I'm living proof that you can lose your mind almost completely and still come back."

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"No problem," said Zamy as she followed the arrow and came to the room with Ziona in. She knocked on the door.

"Ziona, are you in there?"

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"I've tried to bring myself back. But I can't suppress the new personality. At least not totally, and not for a long time. What if I don't change back. What if I have to live this way for the rest of my life" Although Miles couldn't see it, Dylan looked up at Miles.

"I'm scared" he quietly admitted

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(Lucy screamed in terror at wall around the pool, her eyes was staring at Sparks scarf smashed by the wall.) aaaaggghhh.

(Spark was in the pool banging on the wall then falling deep into the pool.)

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Ziona jumped as she heard Zamy's voice from the door.

"Y-yes. Me and Glen are in here," she called out.


Miles reached out an arm, hoping he'd placed it round Dylan's shoulders.

"I know how you feel. I know that fear," said Miles. "But this is not permanent, it would take a lot more magic to do that. And even then you'd still eventually grow up again." He went quiet for a bit. "Maybe you just need to get used to the new 'you' before you can bring the 'old' you back. Just a theory. Actually, hold on a second...."

Miles cast a quick spell, then smiled. "Just a quick check. I don't know exactly how long it will last, but the change certainly if far from permanent.


(ooc: Sorry Spark, but I think now it's just you and Lucy in the Library!!! At least the pool isn't 'evil')

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"It's alright Ziona." said Glen."Loving is caring about your lovers wellfare beforre yours.... I can do that. You deserve it." he opened his arms."Beside it's not like you'll stop hug me all of a sudden, right ?"


"Skye , Skye?" Tikal called him all around Haven.


"I see.... I ..... LEt's find them." decided locke.

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Outside Ziona's room, Skye's ears twitched as he heard Tikal calling. He looked at Harmony to she she'd heard it too.

"I'll warn them," she said, but before she could set off Melody and Tikal appeared. Melody looked at the lynx with confusion.

"Don't tell me Dad's adopted ANOTHER kid!" she excalimed.


Ziona laughed. "Of course not," she said, jumping off the bed and glomping Glen.


"Okay, they were at the library," said Anna setting off.

(ooc: Not an evil pool Spark. One of two things.

1. Transforming into something that warps his powers so he no longer is crippled by water.

2. The pool 'throws' him out)

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(ooc: i thought the wall wasn't very tall)

Dylan smiled, then hugged Miles

"Thank you. I'll try to get used to it. Without affecting the others in any way" he said

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Ziona slid off Glen, winked, then went to the door. She opened it.

"Yes Zamy?" she asked, blinking slightly at the odd sight of looking up to the hedgehog.


Skye gulped and looked at Tikal and Melody.

"Uh... I'm... I'm.. not..." Skye began.

Harmony sighed. "You two. Brace yourself of a shock. That's Skye," said Harmony, pointing. "The swimming pool got slightly enchanted."

"Har-mo-eee!!!" Skye whined.


Miles was shocked by the hug, but then smiled and hugged back.

"Just stay away from that swimming pool and you shouldn't hurt anyone at all. And if you ever need to talk with someone who understands, I'm here."

(ooc: Spark's body goes limp in water. The wall isn't the issue!)

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"Okay, Uncle Miles. I will" he said coming out of the hug

(ooc: Oh yeah. True. But Lucy could save him. Unless she's like Spark)

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"Given your current condition I think I'm gonna need to call in some temporary backup. Just until you're you again. Though that does beg the question of what you actually do until then."

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Miles' mouth dropped open at being called 'Uncle'. Then he laughed. "I should have expected that. Um, so... Can you... stop being invisible?"

(Ooc: I suspect she's like Spark)


"Okay, that seems cool," said Ziona. "I can..." she paused, as if she was struggling to think of something. "I can fill in the work accident form, and write a report about this," she offered.

Her brow furrowed at Ziona question about what she'd do. The she broke into a grin, clasping her hands together next to her chin.

"I know. I can watch Skye! I keep doing my job. But it will be more fun!"

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Dylan looked in confusion at Miles' laughter not realising he called him 'uncle'

"Oh... Um... I don't know how to make myself visible. I didn't mean to turn invisible. I just wanted to hide normally, and not as a chameleon" he then said in reply to Miles' question

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Miles couldn't see Dylan's face so didn't realise he was confused. "Hmm, so wanting to hide made you invisible. Try... concentrating on being seen. Or the shade of blue that you are now," he suggested.

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Dylan closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on being seen in his blue look. When he opened them again, he could see himself again and smiled

"It worked!" he exclaimed happily. "I wonder if I can do other colours as well"

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Miles smiled, pleased to see Dylan happily again.

"I would suspect so. Most chameleons can, if I remember correctly. But it might take more practice." Miles was unaware that Dylan had earlier been scared of changing colour.


"Great. Thank's Zamy," said Ziona, hugging the other Zone Cop. "I'll get that form and report done first."

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