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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Well maybe you should have hid it better if someone was able to steal it" Dylan said to Skye

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Skye shrunk back. "Sowwy Zwamy.... I just.... she was mean to me!" he said, his voice sounding squeaky again as he tugged on one of his ears. "But... dwunking me won't chwnge me. I'm stwuck wike this."

He looked at Dylan sticking out his tongue.

"No rwobbers in Havwen Dwylan. No won should have stowlen it."

Miles glanced at Spark and backed away from the pool. "I've had enough transformation in the past, thank you."

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"You should be prepared for everything. So MWEH!" he said sticking his tongue out back

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(Spark walked towards Harmony) need a cut.(he said unsheathing his claws.)

(Lucy walked along With Spark)

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"Dylan, I'd expect better behaviour from a grown man. Ugh, this is gonna be a long day."

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"So you shwould have been watchwing whwre you were gowing when you twipped!" said Skye, adopting a superior stance which was noting of the sort. He then giggled at Ziona comment.

Harmony gulped when she saw the claws. "I'll... uh, get it myself," she said, drawing her knife.

(ooc: Oh, thought of something. Rule 10 for the enchanted pool. Given it's based off Skye's transformation Summoning magic, clothes/accessories can be changed/created if the player wants)

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"Oh... Um... Sorry Zamy" Dylan said looking guilty. He then turned and scowled at Skye but didn't say anything

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"And don't think you're off the hook either Skye, so stop acting like a big man. You're pretty small from where I'm standing," said Zamy with a smirk.

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(Me) Spark had clothes on like Falco from star fox and Lucy had something similar but her clothes where darker blue.

Oh alright then. (He said walking towards Skye and Dylan.) mind if I borrow these two nope alright. (He said bending down to pick them up.)

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Dylan giggled at that comment

"No, Zamy. His ears make up for his height" he said. But he knew he wasn't one to talk given he was also short

Then he got picked up

"Hey! Let go of me!"

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Skye shrunk back from Zamy, then tugged on his ears when Dylan mentioned them. "I lwike my ears," he said, then looked at Spark. "Zwamy dwidn't say you could take us."

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Alright then whatever I guess you don't want to be your self again.

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"I DO! I DO!" Dylan exclaimed. "But I don't want to be picked up. And your hurting me"

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"And Zwamy and Zwona sawid we canbt leave thwis room," said Skye

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One where walking right over there to separate the 4 of us from everyone else, two ill leave this room when I want. (He said putting them down.) alright come on you two and sorry Dylan for hurting you just now didn't mean to. (He said walking towards the other side of the room with Lucy behind him.)

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Dylan looked at Skye unsure whether he should follow or not

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Skye shrugged. "He thwinks we'll be bwigger fwaster if we do thwis."

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"Whatever he has planned must be powerful if it can get passed magic so powerful, you can't get around it" he said before slowly walking forward to where Spark was

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Skye also walked over. "Don't make stuff more bad!" he warned

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"Yeah! A month like this is bad enough. Anything worse, and I may just go insane" he said sounding very nervous

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"Come on. It's not that bad" said Skye earnestly.

Harmony was having trouble cutting her hair. Anna came over. "Let me," she daid gently, reaching out for the knife. Harmony hesitated, the handed the knife over. Her hand was sharking slightly.

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"No it's not. I look different. I sound different... I act different. I may as well be another person entirely. I won't be happy until im back to normal"

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"but you won't be fowrever," pointed out Skye. "It's... Lwike a vaccation. You get to twy out swomethwimg new."

Anna went behind Harmony, carefully and gently begining to cut. "You have lovely hair," said Anna, causing Harmony to stammer out a 'thank you'

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Well here we go. (He said sending the dark gem and light gem circulating around the four of them, beams of light created a circle around them they started to glow and levitate in mid-air then they fell to the ground.) everyone all right hopefully we well be back to normal in a couple hours or a couple days. (He said then opening his eyes.)

(Lucy was sitting up rubbing her eyes.)

Sorry if this is shadow pupating your characters just wasn't for sure how I would do it any other way. (Me)

Edited by Spark Falls

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"Ow!" he said falling to the ground. He looked to Skye then

"A vacation that I never wanted or agreed to that involves something I hate, personality warping and pain"

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