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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Locke, just to let you know we've got some tracks to follow, so try not to radio us too much in case any werehogs are watching

(ooc: 100 pages. Wow. I was in at the beginning as well)

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Ok Dylan, we'll keep the mic off at our end. Shout if you need us.

*Turns to Locke* I'm feeling much better. All that time in the workshop helped.

But if you mean the memory thing, then... erm... no not really. I think... I think I had a sister. Is she around here as well?

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ok dylan.. anyway, i can still look at things from shadow's glassses.

"turn to skye" I don't know about your sister ...but tell me, what was in this journal that you don't want to talk about?

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*motions Dylan to stop as they reach a ledge, whispers* Down there. One werehog, looks like its sleeping. Now's your chance. I'll watch your back.

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You want me to climb down, which will take time or jump down, which can be dangerous or do you want me to use the range one?

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Try the ranged one first if you want. Just hope it doesn't wake our friend up.

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It shouldn't do. Anyway, the werehog is down there, and we're up here. Here it goes.

*Turns range one on*

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The journal… It, well it started out ok. Designs, technical schematics, that sort of thing. But then some of the ideas became… creepy. Implants to control people’s minds, beams that change emotions at range, orbiting devices to drain the life from planets.

Then it started changing into ramblings. I didn’t read those, but there were pictures drawn in there. Horrible pictures. Death and destruction...

(ooc: if this was a film/tv show, i suspect skye's words would be a voiceover while our hero's above do the climbing/scanning)

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Is it working? Are we getting results?

(ooc: I don't know. I would expect after I turn on the device, the scene would change)

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don't use the ranged one. DON4t.

oh dear... that would mean that skye came a long way.... Don't worry, the nightmmare is over kid. No one will hurt you there.

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Sorry Locke, I'm already using it. Are we getting anything? Is it working?

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*reloads rifle and anxiously watches werehog* tell me its working Skye? I'd rather not have a repeat of the mine.

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I-I h-hope s-so.

*Hear's Dylan and Shadow*

Huh, uh. Yeah, we're getting some stuff now. Just keep it going. The more we get the better chance we have of fixing this.

(ooc: it's your curse Dylan, so up to you if the device backfires or not. The more magic-y the curse, the more likely to go wrong)

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Okay I'll keep on going. I am starting to get some electric shocks though

(ooc: You'll see. It's a bit more than that)

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Shocks? That's probably not good. At least I think it's not good. Either there's a loose wire that's feeding charge into the grip, or that means the curse is being passed on.

Or something else. Every experiment has an element of entropy that can never be predicted and can lead to a completely unexpected result.

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Don't worry, everything is fine. It will not affect me.

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*rolls away from Dylan to avoid the shocks* You sure you're alright? Getting electrocuted is bad for your health, curse or no curse.

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I'm good. As I said, it will not affect me.

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Because I do. Tell me when we have enough information.

(ooc: Back soon)

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It shouldn't be long now. Be careful. If the shocks become too severe the device may explode, and i don't know what that will do to you and Shadow.

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blowing up would be a beginning ; hurting them the second part.

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I, uh, guess. But if it is transferring the curse, that might get passed on in the explosion. Or worse. Maybe an always on version...

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so i guess the worst case scenario would be very bad indeed....

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