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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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well then, let's try the most viable solution : your belonging !! let's go to your bedroom.i'm sure you must have kept a diary, or something that could leadd you back to your old life.... here it is: your bedroom. so, shall you begin ? i'll stay with you.

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My room? I didn't have much stuff did I. Have I lived here for long? Lets see...

*Picks up backpack* Huh, this... this is important to me some how. But... there's a lot of bloodstains on on.

*Puts down and picks up small book* Is this a diary? No, a lot of technical stuff in here and... a lot of drawings of... of... *snaps book shut* I'm not sure I want to find out any more.

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whhat? was there something you didn't want to find out about?

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Hello, I've arrived at the mine. My tracker can't find Shadow any more. What's going on at his end?

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Some of the things that are written and drawn in book, they... I'm not sure I want to be the person who pencilled them.

It sounds like Shadow and Dylan are back. We should help them first.

(ooc: Good morning everyone.)

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Hello? Anyone there? The mine is empty here. Is Shadow still fighting a werehog?

(ooc: Good morning everybody!)

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*Getting back to control room*

We're trying to lead Shadow out. Hold on, I'll see if I can put you two in touch.

(ooc: and now I'm away for the morning, catch you guys later)

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Shadow, can you here me? I think the werehog you're with came from this zone and traveled to the prime zone. Are you getting this?

(ooc: Okay, see you later)

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Yeah I hear you Dylan. There must be a bridge or something between our zones. If that's the case then we have a serious problem.

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Actually, I already knew you could get from this zone to your zone easily, it's how I originally got there, before I finished my teleporter. However, we do need to close it or it could spell danger for your zone.

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I don't know. I don't really understand it. You got any ideas?

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If its physical we could block it with debris or a forcefield or something.

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Perhaps, except I can't find the link anymore. How is your fight with the werehog coming anyway?

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knuckles , dylan , can you both read me? I was a bit busy with helping skye with his own problem at the moment , so i couldn't really be there for the lot of you.

So shadow, is the hud and the information i sent you working?

As for you dylan, the link you are talking about seems to be a forcefield; but what's strange is that it's not natural... It's artificial.

(ooc: hello again people)

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Artificial? I must admit, it didn't seem natural when I used it. However, why did it appear when it did, sending me to the prime zone and why did it send that other werehog to the prime zone as well?

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The werehog ran off Dylan. It's going to the entrance I think. And yeah I've got the HUD Locke.

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it seem that someone used that forcefield to generate enough energy , in order to open a portal. Dylan, it seem that you disappeared scientist wasn't so dead after all.

shadow? good. you should find some interesting things in this hud; like a scanner, a gps, a radio, and some other useful things. also the glasse come with a mounted flashlight and a night vision device; someone in GUN really seem to like you.

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Wait, no. That's not possible. And scientists? It's not just scientists who are missing Locke. Anyone who is good with technology or science have disappeared.

Shadow, if the werehog ran off, perhaps you should get out of there.

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that was just an assessement of the situation, along with a possible idea... As for the outcome.... tell me dylan, in your zone, who could possibly gain from a portal , appart from you and possibly the DEL ?

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I don't need a portal now I have my teleporter. I can use it to travel to any zone I've been to. As for the DEL, I think I know why the people that went missing, went missing... so I guess it is possible the DEL used a portal to send them to other zones. But, somehow I don't think so.

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No. I've got him on the run. I'll take him down. *crawls out of tunnel and runs towards entrance*

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NO SHADOW. NO FINISHING. AT ALL. do that, and there will be... Consequences.

For the scientist, it's more than likely that they were not thrown in other zone with the portal : they made it.

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Locke don't you get it? If I don't do this more people will die or be turned into werehogs. What's the issue here? (ooc I get your point Locke, but Shadow, being as stubborn as he is, doesn't).

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