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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"We... could... try..." said Miles hesitantly. "I could try to use my magic to make it... at least not fatal, but I wouldn't be able to do anything else."

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Glen went around , trying to help zionna, while holding true to his parole and actually get solething for Zamy."How about this?"He asks, showing a black dress ."that would suit you ."


"Let's just.... Take care of the wheelchair."Said locke.

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Dylan sighed

"Okay then" he said standing up. "First I need to find him though"

He then took off the ring

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"Take care of it? But I like this wheelchair," said Melody.


"How will you do that?" asked Miles


"Oooh, that is nice," said Ziona, holding it up against herself.

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"I have something in my basement which I could try to use"

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(Spark continued walking his legs were covered in blood, his arms were cut up but he didn't care. He walked past a another guard post he electrified his blade and stabed one of the guards another guard got Sparks shoulder.) ack.(he turned around only to be shot in the stomach he slid back a 3 feet then entered his wolf form and torn him apart.)

(Spark forgot about his cube computer and it layed ther beside Dylan

Edited by Spark Falls

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Dylan then noticed the cube computer Spark left

"Hang on. What's this?"

(ooc: So what is this cube computer?)

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Miles looked at it. "I think it's some kind of data storage device," he suggested.

(ooc: But I can't say more than that without knowing what's on it.)

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"I'll take a look at this while I try and track Spark. Why don't you go tell Zamy in the meantime"

(ooc: Yeah, a bit of info please Spark)

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(me) sorry it has tracking equipment on it and it is still currently on the tracking application.

(Spark continued on, he was now in his normal form but his teeth were bloody from his last victim. The sirens were activated, so he picked up his past but got surrounded by more guards.

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"I'm glad you like it dear. We'll add it to the cart then."said Glen.


"Didn't you say you wanted a one of a kind wheelchair ?" asked Locke;

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"Well, yes, but that will take time, so for now I can use this one," said Melody.


"I'm getting some kind of signal from it. Maybe we could follow him," suggested Miles


"Let's see what else... oh, those look nice," said Ziona.

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"You are? Okay, let's follow it then"

(ooc: Thanks Spark)

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Miles hands the cube over to Dylan.

"You do the tracking. I'll get a spell ready to protect us from the heat."

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(I'm about to make a awesome reference. And tour welcome

(Spark stood there channeling electricity.) Electro shocker. (he yelled stunning the the guards, then swooping in and citing them up.

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Dylan used the computer to track where Spark was and then entered the coordinates into his teleporter

"When your ready, grab on to me"

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Miles nodded, his eyes closed. Muttering some words, he reached out and grabbed Dylan, then both were covered by a faint orange glow.


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Dylan teleported them both to the area Spark was in

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As they arrived Miles almost passed out from the heat.

"Wow. How bad would this be if we didn't have protection?"

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"I'm not sure I want to know" Dylan said barely taking the heat

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"Lets find Spark quickly," said Miles

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"Put it in the cart ."said Glen."I really like it."


"I'm sure this day can happen faster."

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"I hope so," said Skye.


"Glad you like it," said Ziona looking though the shop. "Hey, do you think Zamy will like this one?"

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(Spark walked around the corner were Miles and Dylan were but he walked forward but waited to see what they would say he hoped they wouldn't be spooked cause he was covered in blood and had minor scratches and one bad cut on his arm.)

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Miles looked Spark up and down when he appeared. He crossed his arms.

"How can you live in a overcooked place like this?" he asked smarmly.

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