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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Well she was crying and so upset that she thought here family was falling apart so I reassured her that it wasn't and made promise that it would be alright she also gave me a hug and said thank you. ( he said a little embarrassed and blushing for some reason that he didn't know. He thought to himself and figured it was because he was in front of Miles the one who wanted her sorta badly and kidnapped her, so he staid cautiously.)(me) lime that's little funny just a little

Edited by Spark Falls

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"Which is?" asked Skye.


"More?" asked Miles shocked. Then his fist clenched at what Spark said, and the fact he was blushing. Miles tired hard not to glare at him.

(ooc: Do I detect a very, very awkward love quadrangle here?)


"Long ago? You mean a few days ago," said Ziona. "And I was sinking too," she added.

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"Yes. He kinda had a stroke recently" Dylan said befpre looking at Spark. "That's still no reason for her not to like you"

(ooc: That would be my evil phone, Spark

And possibly Skye. How weird)

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(me) no he's just embarrassed buy it like with me when I talk about girls hugging me or something I blush instantly.

I know but still I worry but hope for the best.

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"He... did?" asked Miles. "Well, with the family he has to look after..." He glanced at Spark. "I'm... sure she won't hate you," Miles managed to say through gritted teeth,

(ooc: Ah, okay. Miles will still believe the worst though!)

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(ooc: That's cute. I would probably do the same. Fair enough)

"Yes. For the best" Dylan said suddenly noticing Miles was looking angry.

"He did. We're hoping he's feeling better now. But are you okay, Miles? Your not looking happy" he asked cautiously

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"I'm fine," said Miles, before striding off.

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"Try not to continue this subject on Anna" Dylan whispered to Spark before running after Miles

"Miles! Really! What's wrong?"

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Miles turned angrily towards Dylan. "Mina's mine. And I won't let anyone..." he hissed, then caught his breath and calmed down. "Sorry Dylan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

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"I understand but Spark wasn't trying to steal Anna for himself, he was just..."

Dylan paused in thought then bent down in front of Miles

"Look, I know you like Anna but if you get angry at everyone who is concerned about Anna then your going to go back to being the old Miles, which is one of the very things you seem worried about. No one here is trying to steal her away. What she does is her decision. Try to avoid getting angry on the topic of Anna please?"

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"I... I know," said Miles sadly. "I'm trying to accept what happened, but the way Spark was acting I thought.... And maybe all the talk I said about not being able to escape who I am was getting to me."

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"Don't let it happen. Push through. I know you can do it" Dylan said partially convinced by what he said

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"I'll try," said Miles, sounding sincere.

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Dylan stood up

"Great. Let's get you back to Zamy before something else comes up" he then said turning and heading in their direction again

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(when Dylan turned around Spark was gone what was where he was was a portal closing up quickly.)

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Zamy sighed and pulled out her radio. "Ziona, tell Glen there's no hard feelings. I'd hate to make him feel down." As she spoke she checked her watch to see how long the meeting had been going.

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"I guess we found each other then...." said Glen.


"anything anyone would wnt to talk about in particular ? If we are here, it's to take care of everything in one go."

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The children looked at each other.

"Well, uh..." said Melody. "I think, because Harmony is so different now, I'm actually gonna stick with how I look."


"That might be best, yes," said Miles. He was staring at the ground so didn't notice Spark disappearing.


"Yes, you could say we did," said Ziona with a smile as her radio beeped. "Ah, got-it. Glen, Zamy say's I should reassure you there's no-hard feelings."

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(ooc: Wouldn't Dylan be going in the opposite direction from where Spark is? Ah, whatever)

Dylan noticed Spark was now gone

"I think you scared Spark off, Miles"

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"I... I what?" asked Miles looking up. "Huh, wonder were he went."

'He better not have gone to Anna', thought Miles, then he tried to push that thought to the back of his mind.

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"I think he's just trying to not get in your way"

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"In my way?" asked Miles, surprised.

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"I know. But I didn't think he'd run away from that," said Miles.

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"I don't know. Perhaps you could apologise the next time he shows up"

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