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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Maybe. It's odd to see her... crying and sobbing like that," said Melody.


"Do you want to explain to Kayl or will I?" Melody asked Berry

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Locke left and went back to get Red . He came back shortly after, with the old bat in a wheelchair.

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(ooc: I thought Spark was already leading us to her...)

"That might be because your seeing one person and thinking another"

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"Are you feeling okay Mom?" asked Skye as the procession headed outside.

"You could be right Dylan," said Melody.

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"I guess it would be easier if you saw her as Anna instead of Mina. She's not the Mina you know. Just like Miles doesn't seem to be the Miles we knew"

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"I think... I think I'll be less... bitter... once I get my new body. Maybe then I'll be able to," said Melody to Dylan

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"That won't be too long from now considering we're heading there now"

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"Yeah. I'm... actually getting kinda nervous now," said Melody to Dylan.


Melody told Kayl what she'd earlier told Berry.

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"I'll be fine . More than Melody... At least I can still fly her around ."

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Dylan put a hand on her shoulder

"You'll be fine. Just you wait and see"

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"I'm sure she'll love that," said Skye.

"Thank's Dylan. I'm sure I will be," said Melody.

"Is that the shrine ahead?" asked Miles

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"Yea I think it is. We're here now Melody. Final moments in your current body"

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Melody was hopping excitedly from foot to foot.

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"Do we set it down here, Skye?"

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"Yep, put it down next to the Master Emerald," said Skye, pulling up some chalk and starting drawing arcane markings. Miles walked up to Skye.

"Can I help?" he asked.

"Sure thing," said Skye, snapping the chalk in half and handing half to Miles, who starter drawing as well.

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Dylan set the board with the body to the ground providing Miles did the same

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Miles helped Dylan set down the board. "Sorry, got carried away," said Miles quietly to Dylan before going back to the drawing.

"Okay," said Skye with a deep breath. "I think we're ready to start. Melody, if you could lie there."

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(Spark was still in his wolf form bit his heat was rising with out him trying or noticing. He popped a squat right next to Dylan.)

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"Spark, do you think you could turn down the heat a little? I dont want to get burnt again"

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"If everyone could stand back?" asked Skye. "You don't want to be too close during a body swap ritual!"

"You're sure this will work Skye?" asked melody nervously.

"Certain," promised Skye.

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"No, I don't think I do. I'm happy enough with my body"

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Skye giggled at Dylan's comment. Miles had wandered next to the Master Emerald, laying his hand on it. He seemed conflicted about something.

"Miles," said Skye, noticing him. "I said you should get clear."

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Alright I will... Wait I can't what the heck. (he said back in his normal form, moving farther away for Skye while cooling down.

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"Are you okay Spark?" Dylan asked turning to look at him

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