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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: I may write fast, But I always look back to see If I happen to have made any MAJOR Mistake.)

"So, we look at them from afar ? Only taking action when something more unusual than our everyday live happen?"

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(ooc: What major mistakes? Anna and Ziona have been in the basement for a while now, so if Red and Glen are with them... WTF did I do wrong?)

"Given how odd our everyday life is, I think we may need to set the bar a bit lower," said Ziona.

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(ooc: Children. Children. Calm down. I have seen no major mistakes here)

Dylan looked at Spark anxiously

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(ooc: I had a look back, and it doesn't appear as if I've missed anything)

Anna came over to Dylan, Spark and Melody.

"What are you guys looking so serious about?" she asked

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"There's a plan for Spark going back to his world that we're waiting to hear"

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(ooc: your grammar , skye. That , and Zioan )

"I think we should set it higher , knowing ourselve."

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Well I was attacked earlier today by a clone of my sister. So I took the clones energy and that's why my legs are now the same as my arms, so u also gained the clones memory which leaded to me finding the location of the DNA reconstruction facility. So my original plan was to go alone but Anna stopped me and convinced me that it was a stupid thing to go alone, so the plan is to go in there destroy it but first steal the blueprints and check of there sister Lucy survived and I'll be able to bring the blueprints and her mind with me. If your worried about Skye's safety I'll make sure he comes back safe and sound. Anything else?

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"Yeah. I'm coming too. So I'll make sure he comes back safe. Clone of your sister you say? Are there more?"

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(ooc: Where was my grammar majorly wrong? And come on, all of us have had the occasional misspelling. That's not even a major misspell)

"You stopped him doing something stupid, hasty and rash?" Melody asked Anna, who nodded. "I'd never had expected that of you. Anyway, I'm in to. It'll be a great way to break my new body in."

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Are you sure? It is a good way to get used to your new body but still might not be the best choice either.

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"I hope Skye makes enough amulets"

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Zamy headed to a pinball machine and started to play, still keeping an eye on Miles and Skye.

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"Course I'm sure. What's life without a little risk?" asked Melody. "And I'm sure he will Dylan. He's got his 'buddy' helping him."


Said 'buddies' were still playing together. "So why the rush to get the two of us out here Miles," asked Skye. "Got some kinda trap up your sleeves."

"What? No! I..." Miles swung round to look at Skye, who was surprised to see just how upset he looked.

'That's too much. If he was faking it'd be more restrained' Skye thought

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Dylan smiled

"Yes, I'm sure he will. And i will hope it"

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Melody grinned. "Sounds like even you're starting to trust him." She turned to Spark. "So what else can you tell us about this clone factory. Can you draw a plan of it's layout?"


"I was thinking about something Zamy said. It doesn't matter," replied Ziona.

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"Trust him? No. Willing to try? Yeah, I guess"

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"Even though if he's lying you'll be burnt to a crisp," pointed out Melody

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"As would you and Skye so don't point that out"

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Sorry but no all I saw was the location not the inside sadly.

Sorry but no all I saw was the location not the inside sadly.

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"Yeah, but Skye's blinded cause he wants a new friend, and I like taking risks. What's your excuse?" asked Melody. Then she turned to Spark.

"Don't worry. We'll work something out when we get there."

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"Giving him a chance to prove himself and help out a friend" Dylan said looking at Spark

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"If he understands that word. I suppose you could consider it an iron test," said Melody

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