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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah, that's true. I really hope that doesn't happen"

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"Yeah. My timeline is messed up enough already," grinned Skye. Feeling mischievous, he subtly cast an illusion of a swirling portal behind Dylan, then feigned a look of shock and surprise, starting at the illusion.

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"You've been waiting here the whole time? Are you okay... er, sorry, you probably hate me asking that...er... Skye and I would like to visit the arcade, but we'll need you or Ziona to supervise us," said Miles.

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"Huh?" Dylan said turning around. "Hang on... There's something not right about this"

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"Maybe we're gonna get visitors for the future after all!," said Skye. "They could have been drawn here by the magic used on the casket."

Melody, having a good idea what was actually going on, suppressed a giggle.

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Dylan turned to look at Skye

"Which you dont sound too freaked out by..."

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"You look tired, Zionna."Asked glen."What's the deal?"


Red was still sleeping.


Tikal was still silent.

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Skye's ears were twitching when Dylan turned back.

"Aww, you're no fun," Skye complained, snapping his fingers so the portal disappeared. The he turned back to Tikal. "What's wrong? You're not saying anything to me."


"I'll be right back," said Miles setting off.


"I am tired. It's been a really long day. But the deal i I need to keep an eye on the girls here while Zamy looks after the boys," said Ziona

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"I'll help you out , dear ." Said Glen."it shouldn't be too hard , as one of them is bedridden."


"I'm alright , skye." said Tikal."Just, thinking about everything."

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"There is a lot to think about," said Skye, hugging Tikal.

"Hey Skye, are you..." started Miles as he ran into the basement, looking in surprise, and perhaps a twinge of jealousy, as he saw Skye and Tikal together. Skye looked up.

"I'm ready," he said. "Do you want to come to the arcade with us Tikal?"


"Thank's Glen. Just because on is bed ridden doesn't mean the others will be easy!" said Ziona.

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"hum....why not ?"


"That's why you need reinforcment."

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"Great, let's go then. You don't mind do you Miles?" asked Skye.

"No, not at all," lied Miles. "Zamy's just upstairs," he said leading the way.

"We're ready to go," said Miles as he reached Zamy. "Skye is bringing Tikal along."


"They are welcome Glen, believe me!"

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"It at the center of the amusement park just next to that hotel where everyone was staying," said Miles as Skye arrived with Tikal.

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Tikal took Skye's hand and followed him.


"Good thing they are good then."

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"Huh, I was expecting this place to be busier in the evenings. Maybe people have stopped for dinner," said Skye as they arrived outside the arcade.


"Yeah," said Melody still sitting next to the casket. "Thank's for you help Dylan, Spark. It's kinda weird for me to see people just offer to help without being ordered or threatened."


"Red? You alright? You've gone quieter than normal," said Anna.


"I would like to think so," said Ziona.

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"Yes, I guess this is different from the usual Moebius"

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"Yeah, no one seems to have noticed our arrival," said Skye. Miles was already walking into the arcade.

"Are you just going to just stand there talking?" he asked. Skye gave a resigned shrug and smile, then followed.


"You have no idea. Though Moebius did have some advantages. But I lost those the moment I became trapped in this shell," said Melody.

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