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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Well if nothing crazy happens I wouldn't mind looking after him for a week or two. Gives me more time in that apartment, plus I've got a feeling he'd like to prolong his probation."

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"Wanting 'nothing crazy' might be a long shot Zmay. But it doesn't surprise me that he'd want a longer probation. He did seem to be quite... attached to you," said Ziona slowly. "But are you sure you're happy with looking after him for so long. I mean, if he gets too close to you, then putting him into another home might actually be damaging for him."


Meanwhile, Miles walked up to Anna. "Hi Anna. Hi Red," he said happily.

"OH! Hi Miles," said Anna, hoping he hadn't overheard anything. "I thought you'd be away for longer."

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Ziona sighed. "I don't know. How bad is it? If he was to, say, go into foster care tomorrow, would it have a negative effect?"

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"He actually said that? Oh boy this is bad," said Ziona covering her face with a hand. "Maybe we should get them to hurry though the paperwork to try an minimize the damage. And you might want to have a talk with him. Otherwise you might end up saddled with him long term."

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"I don't know what to tell him. It's difficult. Part of me feels that if me being there will help him be rehabilitated, I should do it."

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"Is that what you want Zamy? Would you be happy overseeing him long-term?" asked Ziona.

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"Miles, I like the new look. Is the lack of clothes allowing an easier access ?"


Locke said Nothing.


Glen went back in searching for Zionna, and finding her thank to nothing but luck."Well, not much to see outside.. just trees, tress, and trees."

He paused as he heard Zamy."If you decide to do this, You'll be the one calling HER . I'm not doing it again."

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"I think we're upsetting Dad," whispered Melody to berry and Kayl.


"Thank's Red, uh, I think... What do you mean by access?" asked Miles.


"Gah! Glen," Ziona grimaced looking between him and the radio. "Now isn't really the time Glen." She turned back to the radio.

"I see. Well, we're not on a private link anymore. I'll keep an eye on him for now, let you think things out. Just... maker sure you make the right decision for you."

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"I'm done guys" Dylan called finishing the last symbol. "Do you want to check? I'm not so sure I want angry green-haired Melody"

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Skye grinned and glaced at Melody.

"Stop visualising it she warned," resting her hand on her knife hilt.

"Y'know, the other you has stopped doing that," said Skye as he came round to Dylan's side.

"Nice work Dylan. It all looks good. I guess we're ready to get started."


"If you want to talk more, just say," said Ziona.

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Dylan stood up

"Do you need me to do anything"

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"Unless you know magic Dylan, aside from helping me move this case into the center of the circle, that's it," said Skye.

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Glen moved away , letting zionna finishing her private conversation.


"Oh if you don't know what I'm talking about , I won't tell you anything yet."

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"No, I don't know magic. So I guess I'll just help moving it"

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"Sorry Dylan," said Skye, as he started to pick it up. "Whoof, it's heavy. Maybe more people could help?" He looked around the basement, then cocked an eyebrow in surprise.

"Melody, something just poped into my head. It could make the process faster, but there is a risk," said Skye.

"What's that?" she asked.

"We could get Miles involved."


"Why not?" asked Miles, in a slightly pleading voice.


"Done now," said Ziona to Glen. She sighed. "Things just get more and more complicated."

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Dylan helped Skye pick up the box

"Is Miles even here anymore?"

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"He's over there, talking to Anna and Red," said Skye pointing.

"Can we trust him?" asked Melody.

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Dylan looked

"Oh yeah! Do you want my opinion?"

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Melody nodded. "Yes I do," she said.

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"I think it's a little early to start trusting him on something as big as this" Dylan said. "But this is your decision"

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"I see," said Melody, sounding disappointed that Dylan hadn't supported Miles. "I'll guess I'll settle for the slower option then."

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