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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Oh boy, that one," muttered Anna.


With an effort, Ziona pushed the glass away. "You don't need to," she whispered back, holding onto Glen tightly in case her hands went back to the glass.

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"It wasn't a great day for me. I got careless , and caught .While I was in a cell, Anna managed to go trough a good part of the base alone, and without her trademark speed. That was a long road, But she eventually got to the place I was kept in . Once we got out , We still had to fight our way through what seemed hundred of heavy , sexist mercenary , thinking little of professional like us . " Said Red."But they were still a force to be reckoned with. The blew up our first means if escape , so we had to go through the montain to steal own of their ship. That was a very ... Bloody day , to say the least. Worse than a bears' period , ah ah ." She finished ,


"Do what you want Zionna ." Said Glen.m"I just want to hold you against me . "

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Old Red gave a Glare at Crowley , meaning that he could at least do an effort .

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Anna had looked a little uncomfortable at the story, moreso when the blood was mentioned.

Melody glanced at the older Red. "I'm surprised you didn't give yourself a slap for using language like that on front of us innocent kids!"


"I don't know what I want," Ziona whispered, a hint of tears in her eyes.

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Crowley returned the look, seeing nothing wrong with his actions. He was there to eat, not to hear stories of botched missions.

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"Meh, She didn't swear, so I had no reason to slap her . But maybe she was a bit too ... graphical in her explanation."Finished Older Red.


"It's alright Zionna." Said Glen, still holding her against him."I'll be there for you . Until you find out what you truly want."

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"I think you're holding yourself to double standards there," joked Melody. Both Skye and Anna suddenly busied themselves with the menus.


"I want... I want to leave the force Glen. I can't take the pressure anymore. But if I go, they'll take me home, and I won't be able to leave. I won't be able to be with you." Ziona broke down crying.

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Shadow, Rouge, Hope and Crowley also had a look at their menus, quickly deciding on their meals.

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"Being an adult does have some advantage ."Said Older Red.


"Zionna , I ....." Glen couldn't bring himself to finish ."We'll fid a solution, I know we'll do."But deep down , he knew it wouldn't be the case . No matter the places , There isn't any favor treatment for a soldier . She was there on an assignent , and she had to fullfill it ."I know , I know we can do something about it."Why was he saying this when he didn't believe a single word of it.... It was beyond him.

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Melody laughed. "As does having two of you here I suppose. I thinking a little competition between you two might be fun!"

"I... don't know what to have..." Anna muttered to herself. "There's even more choice than at lunch..."


Ziona didn't reply, she just clung even tighter to Glen.

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(Ooc : Thanks to skye, Now I put song In Rp scenes . Here is the one playing in my head While I read Zionna and Glen's moment . Hammock - Take a drink from my hand .)

"I guess there is a bit of that too."Said Red Smiling."

(Ooc: It actually goes both way . It's both an upliing song and a sad one. The moment of

peace for Anna and her newfound family , and On the other side .... Zionna's dilemna , and Glen's complete inabilty to do something about it.)


"I'm holding You Zionna. I'm holding you.... And I won't let you go. I swear."Said Glen.

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(ooc: Uh, how was that thanks to me?)

"I think I've chosen," said Skye putting the menu down. "Anyone else ready?"


"Never let me go. I don't want to be alone again. Not now. Not after I've had this," pleaded Ziona.

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Tikal Nodded ,pointing something on her menu, while both Red were about to call a waitress.


(Ooc: You were doing it a lot)

"I'm not planning to , Zionna , And I'm not doing this in this life ."You deserve a good life , I'll do my best to give it to you."

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Melody gave a little 'eep' noise and grabbed her menu, flicking through it rapidly trying to choose something. Anna was staring at hers like a rabbit caught in headlights.

Skye glanced at Tikal's choice. "That does sound nice. Could I ask for a little taste when it comes?" he asked.


Ziona manged to smile, letting go of Glen and trying to rub her tears away. "I know you'll never let me down. I'm sure we'll find some way out of this. There must be some legal loophole I can use to stay here."

(ooc: I was? I mean, I do, I just never tell people that! :P )

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"Sorry, I was listening to the story. I'll find something in a minute. You all order first"

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(Ooc: Well, there are times where you put some song in your posts....)

"Only if you behave until it's here."Said Tikal jokingly.


"If course . There is always one. And we are going to find it ." Said Glen.

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Skye pulled a meek, innocent wide-eyed look. "Okay, I'll be good," he said in a jokingly mild voice.

Anna closed her eyes and jabbed her finger at the menu.


Ziona gave Glen a passionate kiss. "Yes we are. Thank you. I don't think I've even been happier to have botch an arrest!"

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Crowley glanced over at Anna's menu where her finger landed. "I hope you like pasta," he said, noticing her choice.

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"Uh, actually," confessed Anna, "I've never had it. I'm sure I'll like it though. Aside from the pasta it's got lots of things I like in it."

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"Well, it'll all part of a new life, trying new things. New experiences..." said Anna. "Funny, I never considered my old life 'mundane' but looking back at it, except of the jobs themselves..."

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"I suppose I was rather fortunate in that there never really was a dull moment. Especially now, as I imagine I'd be still employed by Alicia at this moment in time. She'd pay me with everything and anything but money."

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Melody glanced at Hope at Crowley's last statement, then burst into giggles. Anna gave her sister a quizzical look.

"Maybe you could have a chance to rescue yourself?" said Anna. "Or would that break time or somesuch?"

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Hope giggled before wondering what assortment of payment Crowley received.

"Well to be honest I wouldn't want rescuing: she was the best employer I ever had. Her payments might have been... unorthodox but I could usually either sell them or make use of them, and she always acted pleasantly towards me, whuch was refreshing," said Crowley.

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