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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Come on, I know better than anyone how to fix things, I am responsible enough." Berry said.

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"Thank's" said Melody, taking the tiara and putting it carefully back on. "I suppose we should get ready for the meal then," she said. As she turned to head to her room, she saw the newcomer.

"Hello? Are you another of Dad's friends?" Melody asked Berry.

"No. She's another time traveler," replied Ziona, following.

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"Yeah. No. Currently, I am an escaped enemy of my country traveling through time and space to save myself and find the real culprit. But, above all... I am a friend for you :) call me Berry. Who Are you?"

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"Hi, I'm Melody! I'm a girl from the future and another Zone who was trained to be an assassin from birth but has been adopted by another family here along with my brother and sister," Melody replied, not wanting to be one upped. "And that's the less crazy version! Pleased to meet you Berry"

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"Interesting." Berry smiled, "pleased to meet you too. Mind if I ask you if you saw any other angry squirrel outside?"

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"Not when I was running, no," Melody replied.

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"I see she is already making new Friend."Said Glen.

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"Good!" Berry sighed with relief, "thanks. It'll be good as long as they don't catch me...."

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"Yep, it's nice to know I have new friends here. Out there, I wonder what they think of me now..." Berry said sadly

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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"Catch you? Who's gonna catch you?" asked Melody.

"So I see Glen. But I'm not sure if Melody is the best person for this though..." replied Ziona

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"Well, I did said I am enemy of my country right now. They wanna catch me" Berry replied.

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"Hey, it's still something..." Said Glen.


Locke saw the newcomer, and decided to see things from afar.

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"Don't worry about that here. With this group of nuts you've found yourself with you could hardly be safer," said Melody. "Hmm... maybe I could have phrased that better..."


"I suppose. As long as this doesn't result in even more paperwork," Ziona sighed.

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Berry looked around, "Maybe time travel wasn't a good idea..." she thought. She noticed Locke.

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"This isn't your work right now." Said Glen."You are just here to take care of Skye ."


Locke saw that he was being Looked at."Yes?" he asked Kindly .

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Berry looked at Glen, a bit confused, then she heard Locke's voice.

"Oh, uh... yea... Nice to meet you, sir." Berry tried to be as polite as she can.

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"I think I might have scared her Dad," Melody said to Locke.


"I know, but anything odd happening might need to be reported, double so if Skye gets involved"

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Melody laughed.

"No need to call me 'miss'. I don't like titles. Not since I stopped being a princess!"

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Berry stared, "My apologies, but I am raised in the manner."

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"There is nothing to be affraid off."Said Locke."my name is Locke. I am one of the guardian of this island."


"Well, If skye take a part in it...." Said Glen.

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"So was I," replied Melody to Berry's statement, "But it didn't take! And Locke's also my Dad!"

"Knowing Skye, of course he'll get involved." said Ziona

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"Thank you, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you. I am... well... Berry and I am running from my own people for causes which are erratic."

"What happened, guys?" Berry beamed at Ziona and Glen, a bit confused.

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"I see, miss Melody. But I am sorry, I am addicted to this manner."

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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(ooc: It's better to edit your post than to double post. Don't worry, we tend to check back and make sure)

Melody giggled. "Okay, I won't mind then."

"What happened? If you have several hours we might tell you the story, but suffice to say evening here seems to have a habit of attracting trouble and getting involved." explained Ziona

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