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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I wasn't thinking out loud you dolt, I was just thinking!" Hope gasped. "I think we really can read each other's thoughts. But I can't hear Shadow or current time Red. Can you? And think of something, if I can say what it is then we are 'linked' in some way."

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"Come again?" whispered Melody. "You're just joking right. You made some lucky guess and are now joking that you didn't say anything?" The whole idea was just crazy, but.... Maybe it was just lucky guess work. Melody tried to think of something that she knew Hope would never guess to think of.

And settled on a memory of Skye and Tikal having one of their 'wuvy' moments. No way would Hope guess that!

"Okay, I'm thinking of something!"

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"I remember a funny song ..." Saud Tikal."I am a dwarf , And I'm digging a hole, diggy diggy hole , digging a hole..." Started Tikal while she was using the shovel.


"I told you." Said Glen."And thank for the help, These dreads are a pain to dry off."


"it's alright."Said Red ."People change , it's normal . Maybe it's the goid influence of the people around you."

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"You thought of that just to spite me didn't you?" she joked. "You were thinking of Skye and Tikal being all sickly sweet."

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"I don't know that one!" laughed Skye, but he tried to sing along anyway.


"It wasn't spite. It was 'cause you'd.... never... guess..." Melody's eye's widened. "This is a trick, this has gotta be a trick right? Um.... does this mean you should think of something?"


"That and the shock of being confront by the 'ghost of future past'! It's more the shock of this sudden change. But I don't mind. I prefer me now. Uh, do you?"


"I can only imagine," said Ziona as she started driving Glen's dreads gently.

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"This isn't a trick." Hope then thought of Rouge and Shadow trying and failing to carry a large diamond up some tight stairs. "I'm thinking of something."

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Melody burst out laughing, with a slightly hysterical edge. "Did that diamond carrying thing actually happen or are you making it up?"

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"I'm making it up. I think Shadow just used chaos control to reach their apartment. So I guess this means we're telepaths. How could this day get any weirder?"

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"How... how do you just suddenly 'become' a telepath! You said... uh.. though something about that teleporter. Was it because I grabbed you on the way back? It was because I grabbed you wasn't it?"

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"Erm I think so. That might explain why we can't hear the others as well. The teleporter is a prototype but I have no idea how it caused a telepathic link when we touched. Let's just hope this is all it's done."

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And so they began their work."We better finish something quick and get clean . Or else we'll be late at the hotel ." Said Tikal , looking at the sunset .


"I simply like you no matter the way you are." Said Red.


In exchange , Glen took Zionna's towel and gently started to dry her fur.

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"Yeah, that's right. Hmm, I could cheat a little and use some magic to burrow our way in?"


Melody gulped. "Yeah. I hate to image what kinda stuff a broken teleporter could do." An array of gruesome images went through her head.


"Thank's Red. And likewise, so very much!"


"Mmm. Thanks!"

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Hope shuddered. "Let's try to stay positive. Maybe this will only be temporary."

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"Yeah. Sorry about that... uh... Just in case, so we try and find a way to... uh... not transmit random stuff like just there?"

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"Anything to get us done in time."Said Tikal


"I'm happy to see that things are going well Mina ."Said Red."And it should stay that way ."


"My pleasure."Said Glen."That's for the Dread."

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"Okay. Stand back!" said Skye


"Oh, and if you start getting an overwhelming desire to be a princess, or I get one to built techy stuff, we scream, okay?" added Melody.


"Yes. It should!"


"No trouble. You're paying me back now after all!"

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Tikal hid herself behind Skye.


"That's a fact ." Said Red."And appart from that, What now ?"


as an answer , Glen kissed her dried Fur.

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"Hmmm, I would look rather good with a crown on my head though. In all seriousness yes we need a way to block out random thoughts."

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"Here we go," said Skye, slowing incanting a spell. The earth where they are started collapsing began to shake and tumble out of the hole by it's own accord. Before too long the hole was clear. Skye smiled, then dropped unconscious.


Melody gave a slight start at Hope's crown statement, hoping she was joking. "Uh.... well... we're not picking up everything, so maybe it's only 'strong' thought, or if we're trying to read each other's mind?" suggested Melody.


"Now? Well I hope you can stay for a bit Red," said Anna. Though she did wonder how the two Red's together might cope.


Ziona smiled, then twisted round to kiss Glen back.

(ooc: dyed fur? Really? Just be glad Ziona did hear you say that! :P )

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"Uh.... If it gets worse, if we do start gain part of the other personality, then yeah we should tell someone. But until then no," said Melody.

'After all, having a secret way to talk to each other could be sooooooooooo much fun!' she thought.

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(Ooc: Can't read ? It's written "Dried" . Get yourself some glasses , and not of wine ;) )

Tikal catched the tired Fox."You did a great job ."And on these words, carried him back at the hotel .


"If no one mind, Maybe I will."Said Red .


Glen let himself kiss by zionna, while the sun was going down.

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Skye stirred slightly. "I think I... use far too much magic today... might have burned myself out..." and with that slipped back into unconsciousness.


'Yeah,' thought Melody. 'I wonder how far this work. Hey, how about asking Shadow to take you back to GUN quickly because you want to pick something up, and then we'll see if we can still hear each other?"


Anna turned to face Locke, trying to convey 'Can you check that Mom won't mind' too him with just her face.


"A romantic sunrise and a sunset on the same day. No matter how hard the day was, these make it worthwhile," said Ziona quietly.

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"Ok, I'll be right back," replied Hope as she went back into Shadow's room.

"Shadow can you take me back to GUN quickly? I want to drop off the teleporter."

Shadow nodded and took her back to the lab in a flash. As she stowed it in a secure locker along with her tazer, she tried to contact Melody.

"Can you hear me?" she thought.

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