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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Fine , But I never said You had to be the woman." Said Red before giggling.

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"Fine , fine , no more talk about your 'intimate' relationship with you and shadow ...." Said Red , smiling .

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"And people say my sense of humour is twisted. At least I don't come up with jokes about that kind of filth. Thank the gods such a disgrace will never occur."

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"Nothing to worry yourself about. It never happened after all," said Skye.

"There wasn't a pointy hat in the haunted house's gift shop, was there?" pondered Melody.


"Thank you," replied Ziona. "If you been through this too, you'll understand."

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(ooc: Welll...... look at what I just found on tumblr )


(ooc:Fabulus shadow is fabulous. I can't totally see a new arc about this .)

"I do Zionna. I do." Said Glen."I'll help you as much as I can. It's not like it was some kind of terrible disease."


Tikal looked at Melody."We are not going back there."


"You may never know..."

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Melody glanced between Tikal and Hope. "Well, we can always pop in later... Right now... ah, here comes the food!"


Ziona laughed. "True. Though sometimes it felt like it was."

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Red Stopped teasing Crowley. She would have all the time in the world to do it again later on.


"But don't include me in there.... Yeah, food !" Said Tikal happily.


"That would be awful if it was, But the only bad thing about alchol is a broken liver." Said Glen, smiling.

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Skye began eating, as did Melody, though after her first bite she took a big gulp of her drink, the burger being more spicy than expected. Anna sat there, looking at her burger.

"Don't tell me you've never had a cheeseburger!" exclaimed Melody, seeing Anna's expression.

"No, I have," Anna replied slightly awkwardly. "It's just, not for a while, because..."

"Work's in the past. You don't need to stay a peak condition now," said Skye. "Melody certainly isn't!" Melody gave Skye a whack on the back of the head, which just caused him to laugh.

"If you're worried about getting out of shape, I'm sure we can set up a test track for running," said Melody. "For now, just enjoy yourself." Anna nodded, and started eating, a smile appearing on her face.


"It's not the only thing..." sighed Ziona, "but we can stop it before anything bad does happen."

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"Exactly. You've got nothing to worry about. I'm sure there's a gym of osme kind near you if push comes to shove."

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'It's not the only thing ?" Said Glen."what else is.. there ?"


tikal enjoyed her meal.


"well, here we are." Said Red.

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(ooc: And again)

"I mean, I never truly saw being here before met you all"

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"Hope's right. There's plenty of options," said Skye, having already polished off his steak and now smothering the chips on his plate in sauce.

"Including, if you wanted," said Melody with a strange look, "Training." Anna looked up from her burger, shocked.

"Training? But you can't mean..."

"Yes, I do. C'mon, admit it. You found some of fun right? Not the more icky stuff. The running, jumping, falling off things. The whole obstetrical course part. You still find that fun, right?"

"I... well..."

"Besides, running, jumping and falling is pretty what you do if you're a 'good guys' here!" joked Melody. That notion seemed to settle Anna a bit.


"Never mind. It's not important."

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"Though I'd say most aim to do as little falling as possible," joked Hope.


"Indeed. Let's get started."

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Melody laughed, and Anna managed a smile.

"You don't need to decide now. Just think about it. It would be a shame to deny something you still enjoy," Melody said to Anna, then turned to Hope. "What about you? I've already got you involved in magic! Wanna get involved in Training too?" She paused and turned to face the other side of the table. "What about you Tikal?"

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"I can't unfortunately. What little training I ever do, I'd have to do at GUN, both for geographical reasons; this is a long way to travel after all, and the fact I'm too much of an asset. GUN like me close at hand, and to have their personnel nearby. So while I would love to train with you, I just can't."

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"Hmm, well if you were to get good enough with magic to learn a teleporting spell that would solve this distance issue," suggested Melody. Skye spluttered into his drink.

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"Hehe I guess it would. But I can't just teleport to and back at will. I do have a job to do. And that still doesn't solve the security issue," replied Hope as she started her milkshake.

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Melody was thoughtful for a minute, then an idea popped into her head. "Hey, wait. That Aug Reality booth. Could you set up one at GUN that was linked to another at Haven, so that if we were in we could see and talk to each other? It would be perfectly safe too! Heck, even if we didn't train, it'd give us a chance to talk almost face to face!"

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"It's possible. It's not gonna be cheap or quick, though once it's installed it should be no problem."

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"Time won't be an issue. We'll have way's to keep in touch until then. Dunno about the money thing though."

"How about rather than worrying about what's in the piggy bank, you finish off your burger while the rest of use choose desserts!" said Skye, polishing off the last of his chips,

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Hope picked up her dessert menu and began to browse through it.

Back at the hotel, Shadow and Rouge were enjoying another pitcher, glad to have the whole penthouse to themselves.

"You know I could get used to this," said Rouge.

"Really? I never would've guessed," sarcastically replied Shadow with a smirk.

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(ooc: That raises a question. How on mobius are Rouge and Shadow gonna react to Hope coming back and saying 'I'm a witch now!'? :P )

Melody wolfed down the rest of her burger, not wanting to be left behind.

"Careful, you'll choke!" joked Skye as he started looking at menu himself.

"Do I want more waffles?" Anna asked herself.

Unseen by those at the table, a young brown-furred wolf glanced in their direction as he ordered a drink from the counter.

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