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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"And then eventually ... casting things out of pure energy..." Said Tikal."But only the best can do it."


Glen did the same ."Well here is to a whole new era." Said Glen.


"Dylan?" Asked Locke."Are you Alright? You haven't said a single thing for a while."


"Let's search for more then ." Said Red.

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"Or the worst," mumbled Skye very quietly.


"To a new era!" Ziona mimicked knocking the glasses together.

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Tikal looked at skye, a bit upset.


"Cheers fella ." Said Glen , mimicking as much as zionna.

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"Thanks guys, I couldn't have done it without you," said a beaming Hope.


"I see a bowling alley. Does that appeal to you?"

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"It was no trouble at all," replied Melody. "I'm just thrilled you managed."

"Just think of everything you could do now!" said Anna.

Skye saw Tikal's upset look. "I didn't think you'd hear that," he said.


Ziona looked at where her hand was holding an imaginary glass.

"Glen, I don't want to spoil this moment, but there is one more thing I'm gonna need your help with."

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"Sharp hears are part of my advantage skye." Said tikal ."It help a lot , but it cause just as much troubles..."


Glen looked at Zionna."What would you need my help with ?"

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"There's no trouble here though," replied Skye


"Uh, well.... You may have noticed I like a drink or two... Truth is, I like it too much..."

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"I know Anna. This has given me a whole new range of opportunitiesr," replied Hope.


"Alright then. Let's give it a try."

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"Not now." Said Tikal."But Sometimes ...."


"You like it too much?" Said Glen."What do you mean?A... drinking problem ?"


"Alright, show me the way." Saud Red.

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"I know, but there's no reason to look upset now," said Skye taking Tikal's hand.

"Now all you need is a pointy hat and work on your cackling," joked Melody.


Ziona nodded.

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"Yes. You are right." Said Tikal , smiling .


"I'll see what I can do to help." Said Glen , holding Zionna's hand."Just tell me what you need."

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Hope laughed. "I'm sure I can work on that."


"Just don't complain when I beat you."

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Ziona looked at Glen. "Just stop me. Whenever I try to have a drink, just stop me."


Anna gave a little chuckle. "You shouldn't do that. You've a nice laugh. It'll be a shame to spoil it."

"Doesn't rule out the hat though!"

"Sorry about what I said," Skye apologised. "I was just thinking about... someone else."


Looking in the mirror, Miles took in the effects of the transformation ritual. Instead of the overly neat, yellow furred, two tail fox, the reflection showed a scruffy, brown furred, single tailed wolf cub. The only things similar to Miles real form were the age and the hair colour.

"Hmm, not bad. Ritual still needs a little work," Miles commented. Even his voice and accent had changed.

Now that he was ready, Miles concentrated again on the tracking spell. He would find Mina. And he would save her.

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(Ooc: We finally found him.)

"Alright Zionna.I'll... do my best to stop you."Said Glen, smiling."I kind of had the similar problem , but I grew out of it. It was probably the best idea I had in years ..."


"You keep on saying that everytime ." Said Red.


"Someone else?" Asked tikal.".. No. nevermind ."

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"Thanks Anna, and yeah I can get the hat no problem," she joked.


"And yet I still pull it off."

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"When you call yourself the 'ultimate lifeform' , you kind of forget about thing like modesty ."


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(ooc: Sorry, Locke. I didn't know what to say)

"Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about all this"

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"I can be modest, I asure you. Though now I'm on Mobius my 'supremacy' is in question. I suppose I'm only the Ultmate Lifeform in relation to Moebius."

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"Well, One of you can always become a woman and bear the child of the other..." Joked Red.


(Ooc: It's kewl)

"I see what you mean Dylan, I truly do..." Said Locke , looking at a nearby window.

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Red Simply smiled deviously at Crowley ."What? affraid of such a thing ?"

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