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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"We really looks like a bunch of old people, right ?" Said Red."Almost like a brother and a sister discussing of everything..." She laughed at the idea.


Tikal smiled for Anna. whatever she ight have been through, she was able to put it back behind her now.


"I had the right idea carrying you around it seems" Said Glen."Wait... Are you.. blushing right now? No matter, you just found a way to look even cuter ..."


"Alright" Said Lcke."Any bar you'd like to go to?"

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I don't know the bars around here like you seem to

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"Now I just need to find the exit..... ok I've got a wall. Doesn't help much."


"Ha, that's an interesting way of looking at us. Not too far from the truth technically speaking."

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"Maybe hidden behind t-the f-furniture?" suggested Melody as she started searching her own room, not noticing some of the aforementioned furniture moving on it's own.


Skye was about to say he'd be waiting for her AND Tikal, but knew that wasn't what Anna needed to hear. "Anna, I would never knowingly leave you behind. And if I did, I'd find a way back." Anna gave a happy tear filled smile.


"Me? Blushing? N-no!" lied Ziona

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"Then let's try to see If one of them appeal to you..." Said Locke as he opened the door.


Red gave a kiss on Crowley's cheek."You are adorable when you try, you know that?"


Tikal smiled at Skye.


"Yes , yes you are." Said glen."You are an adorable woman."

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Hope went around the room moving the furniture, seemingly unable to find an exit until she found a large vent underneath a desk, far larger than an air vent would normally be.

"I think I've found it! There's a vent underneath the de...." Hope stopped mid sentence when she saw some of the furniture begin to rise into the air.


"If you feel that way clearly i'm not doing my job hard enough."

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"You joker." Said Red."I know deep down that you enjoyed that." She smiled.

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"Oh, a v-vent! It's a-always a..." Melody's words also cut off for the same reason. "H-Hope? have you also g-got the magic f-flying furniture?" asked Melody as she frantically tried the door handle.


Skye saw Tikal's smile and returned it.

"Thanks little brother," said Anna, tussling Skye's hair.

"Hey, stop that," said Skye in an actually-not-bothered voice, as he playfully tried to push Anna's hand away.

"Where's Melody?" asked Anna.

"She went to find Hope," Skye explained. "Lets go and find them."


Ziona was blushing too hard to respond.

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"Zionna." Said Glen quietly."I ..."


Tikal went near skye and Anna, readying herself for what was awaiting them..

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"Yes I do!" replied Hope as she scrambled through the vent, her heart racing. She certainly wasn't expecting that.


"I suppose I did. How peculiar."

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"Open Darn you! Open!" Melody screamed as she hammered on the door. Outside, Anna and Skye heard her call out and ran to the door.

"Melody, can you here us?" shouted Skye and Anna tried to open the door from the outside.


Ziona gave Glen a kiss on the neck, slid off his back, and stood on front of him.

"Don't worry. Hope isn't here to make a face. You can say it," she said, smiling.

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Tikal looked around, hoping to find another way to get Melody and Hope out of where they were.


"Why , of course you did." Said Red."Everyone enjoy affection Crowley."


"At first, I wanted to say it." Said Glen, Smiling." Then I realised; I didn't need to."

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Hope continued into the next area, greeted by a blast of mist in her face.


"Indeed. Especially you apparently. You've got a whole new life here."

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The door suddenly gave way, and all three Moebians ended up on a heap on the floor. Anna took a sharp intake of breath when she saw the floating furniture.


"Not me Anna, not me!"


"I know Glen," said Ziona, leaning into him. "But I'd still like to hear you say it."

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"well, I guess moving isn't that hard when your furnitures are flying by themselve." Joked Tikal, who stayed near.


"Alright then." Said Glen."But just for you." He leaned too, talking quietly to Zionna's hear."I love you."


"And so did you Crowley."

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"I wouldn't say that. I've still got the same job. Practically nothing about my life is different, other than it's a little less stressful."

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The three kids stared at Tikal, then slowly started laughing, breaking the tension.

"So this place is haunted by the ghosts of a removal company," added Skye redundantly.

"How do... we get out?" asked Anna

"Hope said something about a vent. I see one over there," replied Melody as she headed towards it, dodging the furniture.


A few tears of happiness formed in Ziona's eyes at Glen's words. "I love you too Glen," she whispered back.

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"I hope you aren't planning on taking me to all of them"

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"Don't worry , I'm not planning on doing that" Said Locke.


"Wrong." Said Red."Now ,you can actually retire ."She finished as she held on Crowley.


Glen kept Zionna in his arm. "I don't care about your past , I don't care what the others say; What I care about , is you." Said Glen, Before putting putting his lips on Zionna. This time, they didn't broke the kiss.

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Melody started crawling through the vent, followed by Anna and Skye.


When their kiss finally ended, Ziona wasn't sure what to say, so merely said "Thank you."

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Tikal was behind the whole group, following them as closely as she could.


Glen didn't said a word . she knew... they both knew. It was all that mattered. eventually , the people that were giving him strange look started to not care about him anymore.

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"Good to hear," Dylan said as he went out the door

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Hope pressed on.

"I wonder what's in this area," she pondered


"Retire? I don't think so. Without my job I'd have nothing to do. Nothing to keep me going, financially or mentally."

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"I'm still here Crowley." Said Red."I could give you something to focus on." she took his hand."It's an once in a lifetime chance, why don't you take it?"


"So, how about this one?" Asked Locke.

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Crowley smiled back. "Thank you.Red. But you have a family, a new partner. I see no room for me there. Nor am I sure I'd want to be part of it, it wouldn't seem right."

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