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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Uh, S-skye, you can stop with the whispering illusions now."

"That's not me Melo... wait, did you just stammer?"

"No I d-didn't," said Melody, as she and Anna huddled closer into Skye.

"Ow, mind the tails," Skye muttered.


"Hey, don't tell me to shut up," said Ziona, but she did as Glen asked. "I think that's my fair covered. Do a good job and we'll see about a tip."

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"Well then...." Started tikal."Their actor session are very good."


"yeah, I like it there." Said Glen, happy."I guess I'll do my best then."

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"Heh, yeah. Wait I see the door. Let's go, we're almost there." Hope was eager to move on, unnerved by the situation

She knew it wasn't real, but in the back of her mind she wasn't so sure.

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Unlike Hope, the three Moebians seemed to have forgotten it was fake.

"I'm... I'm scared Melody."

"Me too Sis, w-we'll find a way out of h-here."

"I can't see Tikal and Hope," said Skye, also starting to sound frightened. "They were right there."


"I'll have to remember that," said Ziona, giving him another kiss on the neck. "We'll call that one a bonus."

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"thank you lady" Said glen.


Yikal moved toward the door.

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As Hope was close to the door she saw it slam shut in front of her eyes. She frantically looked around for another route, taking Tikal's hand and making her way towards what looked like a small hole in the wall.

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The Moebians heard the door slam shut, but the lights were dimming so it was hard to see. Then something loomed out of the darkness towards them. There were three screams, though Skye's was somewhat after the others, and was actually comprehensible as 'My Ears!'. The three huddled together on the floor.


"Lady? That makes me sound like some grand old dame!"

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Tikal stayed as close as she could of Hope. She really didn't want to loose her now.


"More like a distinguished woman." Said Glen."And even if anyone think otherwise , you'll stay mine."

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"We should try and keep moving," said Skye quietly.

"Are... are you... sure?" asked Anna.

"He's p-probably right Sis," replied Melody. But none of the three kids actually made any attempt to stand.


"Me? Distinguished?" Ziona burst out laughing.

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"For me, you are Zionna." Said Glen."You know why? because you aren't hiding yourself behind all those diamonds and other accessories. You are what you are, and you are beautiful that way." He kept on."I don't usually let people on my back, you know?"

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"Aww, thanks Glen," said Ziona, giving him another 'thank you' kiss on the neck. "And I would hope so!"

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"It's because I trust you enough to carry you around." Said Glen."Trust is something hard to come by, no matter the place...."

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Hope jumped when she heard the screams and waited to hear them start moving again. Hearing nothing, she took action.

"We should probably go back for the others," she said before reluctantly heading back the way they came, hoping to bump into them fairly quickly so they could progress.

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"Allright." Said Tikal."Beside, there isn't much to do at the moment...."


Red was now in a better shape. Not enough to go back to her usual activities, but enough to walk around. She walked toward Crowley, Hugging him from behind."Hey there , darko."

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In the darkness Skye heard crying. "Shh, don't cry, we're still here," he said, wiping the tears off his sisters face.

"Thanks... thanks Skye," replied Anna. Skye blinked in surprise. In the darkness he thought she was Melody.

"What s-should we do?" asked Melody.

"We could go back," suggested Skye.

"No... we... keep going.. together," said Anna. Skye and Melody looked at each other, then Anna. They nodded, and the three stood up, but still clinging to each other.

"I think I h-hear something coming," warned Melody quietly.


"Aww, c'mon. Its not that hard is it?"

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"with someone like you, no. i know i can trust you." said glen.

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"Well I think I can hear them talking. I guess that's a good sign," said Hope as she could see something start to come into view.

"Hello Red. I see your condition has improved."

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"Was that Hope?" asked Melody, as all three stopped moving when they heard voices.

"I think it was, it sounded like her. I would be more sure if my ears weren't still ringing."


"I must have a trustworthy face then. Oh, here we go, front of the queue!"

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"No you don't." Said Glen."You have the face of a vixen ready to eat me whole.... not that I mind, since I do have to grab a bite on you too..." They finally got their ticket.


"I'm not as good as usual , but that should Do the trick for now." Said Red." How about spending the day together? It's vacation after all."


"Wait.. it's skye , melody and Mina." Said Tikal, relieved. " Here you are people."

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Hope stuck her hand out to Melody.

"Come on, next section's this way ladies."

"Ok then Red. Why not?"

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"There you are," exclaimed Skye happily. "Hey... wait..." he responded to Hope's 'ladies'. Melody giggled and took Hope's hand.

"That's not... I'm not..." said Anna, when she heard 'Mina' mentioned.

"It's fine Sis, it's fine," said Melody. "A name can't hurt you."


"Eat you whole? I wouldn't do that... far to fattening a meal," she joked.

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"Well.... What would you want to do?" Asked Red." I'm all yours for the day."


"Eh , you say that, but I bet you'd give it a try anyway." Said Glen as they were show the way to the cars.


"Oh..Sorry. anna." Said Tikal."It got out like that.It won't happen again ."

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"Let's get moving," said Hope as she lead the others ot the hole in the wall.

"I'm not quite sure. What is there to do?"

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"It doesn't matter Tikal. Right Anna?" said Melody as she followed Hope to the gap.

"Yes, I'm... sorry. It wasn't your fault. I'll need to... get used to it,"

"I am NOT a girl," Skye muttered to himself, still stinging from Hope's remark.


"Unless I start covering you with sage I don't think you need to worry about being eaten."

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"Well, There is an entire town out there, if the hotel is not enough for you."


"Well.... That's I an idea I will to think about." Said Glen.

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