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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Anna looked at Hope curiously

"I... I thought you'd be... uh... more of an optimist, 'it's only a matter of time' and that sorta thing.... But you're... more of a realist."

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"I'm optimistic that we'll beat Eggman. But there will always be a new threat some time down the line. It's simple human nature. The only way you could ensure otherwise is a totalitarian dictatorship with mass surveillence, and no one wants one of those... well, no decent person at least."

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"I some ways... its a shame you.. don't think there can ever be total peace. I suppose... it must come with being a smart person.... hard to fool yourself when you study the facts"

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"Pretty much. Then again I'm human. We've had a very volatile history. The Mobians are probably a lot more optimistic about world peace.

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"Does that mean... the only way for peace is for no more humans on Mobius?" Anna joked, then looked down at her feet with a guilty expression. "Sorry, sorry... That joke... was in bad taste... sorry."

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"Not real ghost."Said Tikal."Since when scaring ourselve became such a business ?" She asked ."With all the thing happening everywhere , one can have all the thrill he wants for free..." She was a bit shocked .


"Well ... Here we are then. We should be able to find them fairly easily ." Said Glen."After all, groups of human and overlanders together aren't so ...." cue look at the crowd."Well Poop."

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"That's not to say there aren't 'problematic Mobians. Only way for world peace guaranteed would be to get rid of everybody. And that's not happening any time soon."

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"Its a question of safety Tikal," explained Skye. "Not everyone can go out to fight the bad guys. But a lot of people do like the thirll of being scared, as long as they are completely safe when it happens. Same thing with the rollercoaster."

"Are you two planning a genocide?" asked Melody with amusement as she caught up with Hope and Anna.

"Wha... N-no!" exclaimed Anna, looking horrified.


"Welcome to the modern age Glen," said Ziona, laughing at Glen's expression. "But don't worry. I've a good idea where they might be heading."

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"I guess the only place a bunch of kids would go together would be... The hainted house ." Said Glen."I knew those cliched teenage movie my first girlfriend made me watch would prove to be useful in a way."


"I see. But they are still paying for it ." Said Tikal, until she heard what the girls were saying."Oh no! none of that!" She said , looking upset ."We don't need such though . It's because we even think about those idea than some tries to make it happen.."

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Seeing Tikal upset, Skye immediately gave her a tight hug, whispering 'It's okay' to her.

"Sorry Tikal," said Melody, "I didn't mean anything."

"It's... its my fault..." said Anna, looking at her feet. "I shouldn't have brought up the subject. I'm sorry."


"I was actually thinking that given there's two geeks in the group, and from what Melody was saying yesterday, that'd they'd be heading to the arcade," said Ziona studying a map. "But the haunted house is on the way there, so..."

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"I have seen what war , power and greed did to people ...."Said Tikal."Over the time, I have seen the best , but also the worse. Mostly the worse.... Peace is possible . It always is." Said Tikal.


"We can always look there and then watch the arcade ..." Said Glen ." Wait , there they are I think."

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"It's not your fault Anna. Our discussion would have got to similarly unpleasant ground sooner or later."

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"Its possible Tikal," agreed Skye. "It can just sometimes be hard to reach it."

"I k-know, but... I shouldn't have brought it up in the first place." Anna was wringing her hands together.

"Stop this! Time for happier topics," said Melody in a loud voice, and grabbing Anna's hands to hold them still. "We're at an amusement park, so now more talk of war or fighting or anything bad, right?"


"That was easier than I thought. If you wait here I'll be back in a moment." Ziona started walking forward, calling Hope's name.

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"Alright." Said Tikal."Let's focus on today ."


"I'm not moving. Much." Said Glen.

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Hope turned around when she heard Ziona and called back to her while waving her arms.

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"Good idea," said Melody smiling at Hope. She turned to Anna, who also managed to smile back. The smile wavered and vanished when she saw Ziona. Skye turned to see where Anna was looking, and inwardly groaned.

As she approached Hope, Ziona caught the expressions on Anna and Skye's faces.

"So, how are you coping with the freaky family?" she asked Hope quietly.

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Tikal seemed to be the only one Smiling at Zionna .

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"Ok at the moment. Mina's been taking an interest in me. She was kinda surprised I'm not an eternal optimist, though we were cut short by an outburst from Tikal," she whispered back to Ziona.

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Melody had been smiling as well, though it faded slightly when she turned back to Skye and Anna.

"What's wrong?" she asked. Anna said nothing.

"Well, she is kinda my jailor," said Skye.

"A good interest or a bad interest?" Ziona asked Hope. "Either way, I don't think Skye or Anna want me around, but..." Ziona pulled a small device out of her pocket. "A teleport homer. If you want to get away quickly, or something happens, just switch it on, I'll get an alert and teleport straight to you, ok?"

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"I think it's a good interest. She just seems to want to know more about me." Hope smiled and took the device, putting it in her other pocket. "Thanks Ziona. I appreciate it."

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"As far as jailers go, she could be a LOT worse," pointed out Melody. Skye conceded the point with a shrug.

"Maybe she's just trying to make friends, as strange as that sounds," suggested Ziona. "And its not a problem. Even if you just want a quick chat, just hit the button."

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(Ooc: I'm almost tempted to write a story for glen at the moment . Maube I'll wait for Zionna to come back first.)

Locke knocked at dylan's door. "Dylan. are you there?"


Glen was looking at the group from afar . he would have gave a lot to be with them right now. Indeed, people were starting to give him strange looks now, as his cybernetics weren't really hidden today.

He was almost starting to miss his old zone. Thank aurora Zionna was there.

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"Maybe. Perhaps she is really turning over a new leaf. Ok, will do. Thanks again. So what're you gonna do now?" asked Hope.

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(ooc: Up to you, but Ziona should be back in a post or two.)

"What about you Anna," asked Melody. "Why don't you like her?"

"Not her... her partner..." replied Anna, looking away. Melody made a silent 'O' with her mouth.

"It's okay Anna. We've all done bad things we feel guilty about."

"I... don't feel guilty though..." replied Anna. "...should I?" she asked.

"You... don't...?" Melody was a little shocked.

"Not... about what I did.... but I do... feel guilty that I enjoyed it..."


"It would be nice to think she is. As for me, I'm gonna have some fun at the park myself. Glen's with me for company, but don't worry, if you call I won't bring him."

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