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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I don't know," replied Skye, smiling at the kiss and taking ahold of Tikal's hand, "lets find out!"

"I got the photos!" called Melody as she came back. "This one's the three of us," she said, handing a print to Hope and Anna, "and this one is Skye and Tik... SERIOUSLY? You two were making doe-eyes at each other on a freaking rollercoaster?" she exclaimed. Anna bend over double with laughter.


"Sounds like an idea, but I don't think any of the kids will appreciate an old man like you crashing their little gathering. I could just give Hope a way to contact me quickly if she wants."

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Hope took the photo of three up front, and rolled her eyes when she saw Skye and Tikal's.

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"And I say we should enjoy ourselve a bit." Said Glen."A day in a fun fair should do us good, what do you think? Beside, we don't need to be directly in contact with them...."


"Pictures? They made pictures of us in the Car? That is great ! I wonder how we looks like in ours..." Said Tikal.

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Skye took the picture from Hope, showing him and Tikal just after Tikal had covered his ears. "What do you think?" he asked her.

"Please tell me this is a bad as it's gonna get!" Melody said to Hope.

Anna managed to stop laughing, but was gasping for breath. Part of her however, was quite pleased with how Skye and Tikal got on. After everything Skye had confessed to her, seeing him here with someone who loved him, and in such an innocent way, it made her truly think that there was hope for her. Then she mentally slapped herself for having such a corny thought.


"You're right. Shall we go?"

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"Sure thing. let's go. And no tunnel of love !" Said Glen."They are too cliché. Even for me."


Tikal was happy with the picture."It's a very nice one indeed." She was oblivious to the fact the many people around her weren't so happy with the way she was acting around skye...

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"Maybe not the background, but its a great one of us," said Skye.

"Perhaps we... should be a little less venomous at them," said Anna quietly to Melody and Hope. "I mean... they're not hurting us... and they are happy."


"I wouldn't even dream of suggesting THAT!" said Ziona completely seriously.

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"I'd love to tell you that Melody, but I don't think I'd be telling the truth," said Hope with a chuckle. She then turned to Anna.

"I wouldn't call it venomous. But you have to admit they're a little over the top. Then again I am biased seeing as I spend my time around people who don't really express those emotions publically."

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"I like the whole picture." Said Tikal."It's so full of life... everything in it seems to be ready to fall down there yet again !" She was happy. after all, it was her first time at a fair.


"Glad to see we are both agreeing... Now let's move." Said Glen to zionna, as they left the building together, staying quite close to each other.

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"When we get back, I'll find a frame for it," said Skye.

"You mean you spend time with people who don't express emotions period!" Melody corrected Hope with a grin. Anna giggled a little.

"Yeah, they do... take it a bit too far Hope," she agreed.


"Once we get there, I'll find Hope to let her know I'm around, you have a look around for something for us to do!" said Ziona

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"Yes." Said Tikal."I'm just so glad I'm able to finally have some fun with everyone." She Ran toward the other girl, oblivious to what they were saying."Where should we go next ? I never really been in places like this, But I'm sure you all must have been in these kinda fair before , right ?" She said happily to them.


"i'm following you, wherever you are !!" Said Glen.

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Hope laughed.

"Pretty much. Though Rouge expresses a lot... though I'm not quite sure what they can be categorised as. Well Tikal we'll just see what's next on the route. I wonder if they have a haunted house here."

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Melody and Anna looked at each other.

"I've... never been somewhere like this before," said Anna.

"Uh, I passed through once, which was yesterday, when we went to the arcade. Aside from that... I'm mostly leaving directions of what's good and not to Hope."

"Wait... did you... did you say 'haunted house'?" Anna asked Hope, sounding genuinely scared at the idea.


"That might not be the best idea Glen. Hope doesn't seem to keen on you, so it'll be best if I talk to her alone."

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"Don't worry, it's not really haunted. They have actors and mockups of horror fiction clichės. Ghosts, vampires, dungeons and other creepy stuff. It's just a bit of fun," replied Hope in a reassuring manner.

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"So... no ghosts then? Anna asked.

"No real ghosts," Skye clarified. "You don't seem to get many vengeful spirits in this Zone."

"Then it... could be fun... maybe."

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"That's not to say there aren't things that go bump in the night here. They just tend to stick to very remote places."

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"I'll... Keep that in mind..."

Melody ran off ahead, the straight back to the group.

"Yep, there's a haunted house up ahead."

"Melody, be careful," Skye chastised. "We shouldn't use our abilities in public."

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"Good. Wouldn't want you to run into anything, Alright then, let's go," said Hope as she walked towards the haunted house.

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Anna followed Hope, while behind them Skye and Melody began to argue.

"No one was paying attention to me Skye, and even if they we're they wouldn't have seen it properly."

"We have to be careful, in case people start thinking..."

"I'm the wrong freaking colour for that Skye! You're the one who more at risk there. Your tail is still showing!"

"So... uh... Hope," asked Anna. "I heard you work for GUN. What's it like, I mean.... you don't seem like the kind of person to... uh... be in a military."

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"I'm involved with research and development, so I'm not directly involved in fighting any wars. I can't discuss details for obvious reasons. It's pretty tough going sometimes. Although I love what I do, the hours can be long and I don't have many people to talk to. Shadow and Rouge are up for chats when they're around, and it's nice to know some people care. He'd go ballistic if something happened to me. Still it would be nice to have other friends to talk to at work, but realistically that's not gonna happen."

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"At least...when you get a bit older there'll probably be more people around you can talk to. And you have Melody outside work, so... that's something I suppose," said Anna, as Melody and Skye continued arguing. "And even if your not on the front lines, you're... still making a difference."

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"Yeah that is true. I do have her to keep me going. Truth be told I wouldn't be much use on the frontline, so I'm happier and far more useful where I am now."

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"Everyone has their own abilities... You don't need to be on the front line to count. But its a shame... this world shouldn't need a front-line"

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"You think so ?" Said Glen."Man... I really like this girl... In that case i'll try and stay hidden."


"An haunted house? ghost?" Said Tikal."Hum, Maybe I'll find my uncle there. He used to like scary places."

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Skye broke of his arguing when Tikal spoke.

"It's not real ghosts, just pretend ones Tikal."

(ooc: way to spil the mood there Skye)


"Good. I'm not sure why, but it certainly seems that way. I'll see if I can find her."

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"You'd think so, but it's simply impossible. There will always be conflict. I'm just grateful we're winning," said Hope to Anna.

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