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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Don't be." Said Red."You can call me however you want Anna."


"Yeah. Eventually." Said Glen.

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"Yes, we, uh met at the door," said Anna in response to Shadow. She then turned to Red. "Are you sure you won't mind if I call you M-mom?" she asked. Melody tried to convay 'I think she needs this' in a look towards Red.

Meanwhile Skye had been muttering quietly to himself. "She doesn't really look like mother, hardly sounds like her, certainly doesn't act like her. And given how we've messed up tome she never will be. Just accecpt her..."

He got up and walked over to Anna.

"Hi Anna, nice to finally meet you." To his surprise, Anna suddenly gave him a large hug.

"I know this must be really strange for you," Anna whispered to Skye, "So thank you for trying to accept me."

"i'll give it my best shot and more," whispered back Skye as they broje off the hug.


"Should we join in the introductions or lesve them to it," asked Ziona

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Hope picked up her PDA and walked over to Shadow.

"I should probably get this over to the lab for safe keeping," she said.

Shadow nodded and took hold of her hand. Just as he was about to chaos control out of there, Rouge grabbed hold of his other arm.

"You're not leaving me here," she said as the trio disappeared.

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"Hmm? Did I say that out loud? Sorry, no thanks. As helpful as you might be, this is my own project. I really should think this through myself..." Dylan stood in thought for a moment, then went to where he'd put all the plans and started to look through them all.

"Now where did I put the plans for this?"

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"She... she didn't say goodbye," said Melody after Hope left, sounding upset.

"I think she must have still been worked up over her argument with Dad. And I think we scared Rouge off as well!" said Skye.

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"I have no doubt they'll be back. I think Hope had just completed her schematics and wanted to deposit it safely. Not the sort of thing you want to carry around with you all day," said Crowley, in an attempt to reassure Melody.

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"Well, i'm following you." Said Glen." But I think she'll be surprise to see you that old all of a sudden."


"Don't worry," Said Locke."They'll be back. " Locke was sure of this. Shadow would disappear like that after all.


"Don't worry." Said Sabre"I'm just here to help."

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"Yeah, you're both right. Sorry, I'm just a little... highly strung right now," responded Melody to Locke and Crowley.

"Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" Skye asked Anna, who gave a nod in response, and began following him to the kitchen.


"I get the feeling compared to some of her surprises today that'll be a minor one," laughed Ziona as she headed towards the others.

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Hope went over to her computer and transferred the files over from her PDA, before opening a cupboard and picking up a small box.

"All done."

"I suppose we should head back now," said Shadow.

"Unfortunately I think you're right. Just don't leave me alone in there. Things are getting weirder by the minute," replied Rouge.

Shadow nodded and chaos controlled them back.

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"Maybe because you probably found yourself a very good friend." Said Locke." But she'll be back. Also, I do think Glen and his girlfriend will come back today ." He sighed." Anything to get the fact that my ex wife might come is a good thing."


"You might be right." Said Glen." Hey guys, I see you are all back. Nice Firework last night."

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Anna turned when Glen spoke up, recognising him but looking uncertainly at Ziona, who walked over to her.

"Hello, Anna I think you said your name was? I'm Ziona."

"Ziona... but... you... you sure got tall fast," exclaimed Anna.

Melody turned when she heard Shadow Chaos Control back. "Hi again Hope," she said with a smile.

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"Hi Melody. Care for a contractually binding jumbo doughnut?" she asked as she held out the box.

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Glen looked at mina." Zionna drank milk. Loads of it. It make your bone strong and thing ; also you grow up . Or some stuff." Said Glen."But seriouslly, I know one thing for sure : When my alternate will fall on you, he'll have a nasty surprise." He laughed.


Locke looked at the two little girl."No guinea pig experiment on Melody." He said."Even if it's about a dream."

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Melody gave Hope a wink then turned to Locke. "Aww, please Daddy," she said, pulling a 'sad-puppy' face.


"A... nasty surprise... what do you mean?" asked Anna.

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Rouge looked around the room, standing next to Shadow before going into her room and reappearing with a drink from the fridge.

"This is gonna be a long night," she muttered to herself.

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"Kids." Said Locke."It's definitively not going to works with me." He was smiling."Beside, today, a lot of thing will happen. How about you take your friend with you?"


"Not so nasty. Maybe... mind screwing. especially if he still this Lunch of him in mind." Said glen."And Rouge, it's already daytime. So yeah, we'll be in for a night in at least 12 hours."

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"Aww, can I at least have a doughnut anyway Hope? And do you want to comewith?"


Anna still looked confused. Skye looked between her and Glen, then walked over to Glen and, standing on tiptoe, whispered in his ear.

"Glen, Anna is trying to distance herself from being Mina. Besides, they don't look that similar, given Anna black and red colours after all."

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"Thanks Hope," said Melody as she picked one from the box. "And we're planning to head back into the resort. I only saw the arcade when we went there with Honey. Though, on the subject of the Arcade, I might dump Skye there at one point and take Anna shopping, given she's only got the one set of cloths now!"

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"I might be able to fit that into my busy schedule," joked Hope.

"Just be sure to come back in the same condition," added Rouge.

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"Don't worry.. anna ?" Said Glen."I won't say anything. In fact, I was planning to spend the day with everyone favorite Copgirl. At least, when she'll bring brack her teamate from the Gun's medbay." Glen was unaware of a very important fact.


"Well, I suppose I won't be able to get far anyways." Said Locke as he looked at Red.

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Anna face suddenly adopted an expression as if she just been slap hard. "I-I-I..... I need some air..." She sprinted from the kitchen out to the balcony.

"Anna? Wha?" Skye didn't get a chance to finish before she was out of the room. "What was that about?"

(ooc: I'm pretty sure Skye wasn't informed of that fact as well.)


"Great, we'll just have breakfast, and then..." Melody spun around as she felt Anna rush past. She saw Anna stop in the balcony, and it was clear she was crying.

"OKAY! WHO SAID WHAT TO HER?" Melody yelled,

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Glen looked at Shadow.."Would this have anything to do with this 'assassinatiion' Thing I heard some words about?" Said Glen."Great, looks like I'll have to talk to someone else again....." Before he moved toward the balcony. He eventually got there."Hey." He said to anna.


"Melody , calm down please." Said Locke.

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Locke sighed."And this is only now that you tell this to the others...."

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