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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Skye smiled back weakly as he tried to stand. Melody was standing nearby chanting 'Door. Door. Door.' to herself under her breath.

"Where did you..." Ziona began to ask, pointing at the medical equipment, then she shrugged. "Ah, right. Dream."


"Actually, how did you get out anyway?" Eggman demanded. "You should have been squished like a bug before managing to escape."

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Mina had caught Hamlin off guard. The blade went right into him this time. Hamlin collapsed, not quite dead and as he did so the other werehogs disappeared

Dylan went up to where Mina and Hamlin were.

"Nice shot. That takes care of one problem."

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"Not a clean kill," muttered Mina. "I'm slipping. Want me to finish him off?"

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"You've killed me once, would you really allow me to be killed again," Hamlin said sounding worried.

"You lost your second chance when you got your werehogs to attack all of us," Dylan said with a hint of sadness in his tone. "He's all yours Mina."

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"It is not hurting you so much, since you are still talking ."Joked Glen."Well, It's done. You can put your uniform back now."


"I guess your machine wasn't ready for every case ." Answered Red."Since i'm Here."

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"Good. I hate leaving a job half done." Mina brought her blade down swiftly.


"Thanks Glen. I owe you..." Ziona paused. "I'm gonna regret saying that, ain't I?"


"Then I'll just need to find out what makes you so special so it doesn't happen again."

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It was done

Dylan looked at Hamlin. Then after a while

"I guess we have some time to get out now, before something else comes up."

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"Oh nothing really really ." Said Red."Just some outburst from time to time , like now."


"Aww, don't think like that."Said Glen."How can Inenjoy something if you aren't happy at the moment?"


"It's alright Skye, the Werewolves are gone." Said Tikal.

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"Does that mean my tail's back too?" Skye asked Tikal, though judging by the pain he knew the answer would be negative.

"If we want to get out, we better start dreaming up a way out then!" said Mina, ignoring the body of Hamlin as she cleaned her knife.

"Let's see, we've just been attacked by a pack of werewolves and I got clawed by one. There might be a reason I'm not happy right now Glen!"


"You're 'outbursts' won't save you this time," Eggamn declared as he attacked again.

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"So far it doesn't . Worse , it gets me in bad situations." Answered Red,"But not this time."


"Good, I though it was something else ." Said Glen.

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"What did you think Glen?" asked Ziona


"Hmm, some sort of psychological condition is it," pondered Eggman, working from what Red had told him.

(ooc: Still no other suggestions as to what the 'final boss' should be?

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"I don't think you'll have the time to think about it ."Said Red as she cutted off the first robotic arm, and was preparing herself to do it again."It's time we finished this."


"I though you would have been mad at me again ..." Glen let out a pained sound, as blood fell of his side .


"Skye, come on, this nightmare is almost over. We'll all make it. And you'll have you two tails back!" Said Tikal, hoping to cheer uo the poir little fox.

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Skye nodded, though it wasn't quite clear whether Tikal's words had cheered him up, or just made him more determined.

As Melody kept thinking about an exit for the dream, a door began forming, though some distance away. "Hmm, it can't be that easy," she muttered to herself

Ziona gave a shock exclamation as Glen started bleeding. "Looks like its my turn to patch you up," she said, picking up the medical supplies Glen had used. "Be thankful I trained as a field medic.


"You might have damaged my robot, but lets see how well you do against an army of Egg Pawns!" shouted Eggman, backing off from Red and letting her be swarmed as the Egg Pawns poured into the room. Eggman opened a radio link to Orbot and whispered into it.

"Orbot, flood the Dream Catcher control room with knockout gas. That ought to give our intruder a nasty surprise. Shame I need her alive, so I can work out exactly how she escaped the dream."

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"Thank you for that ." Said Glen."I guess that way , we are even now...." He let out a sight.


Tikal looked at Skye. Seeing him getting up and ready to move was a good thing.


"Running away are we?" Said Red."No one ever escaped me without me saying so...." As she kept on fighting against the robot, she started to feel a bit Dizzy...."knock out gas.... That's cheap. I have to leave..."Red looked around.... Surely such machinery would have some ventilation to move air around.... She eventually found one on the nearest wall. Not loosing time, she jumped in, not noticing that one of the eggpawn threw something on her : a tracking bug.

The hunt was beginning again. But who was the hunter, and who was the prey?


As the group was moving closer to the door, A cloaked figure appeared from the darkness, sword on his side ."No one shall pass without my accord."

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Skye learned slightly onto Tikal for support. The pain was at least bearable now.

Ziona glanced over at the Echidna and fox. "I would help you walk like they're doing," she said to Glen, "but that might be difficult right now!"

Melody swung round to look at where the voice had come from. "Yeah, figured. I don't suppose you'll just let us leave freely will you?" she asked sarcastically.


Eggman looked at the open vent cover where Red has disappeared into. "Orbot, she's escaped into the vents. Start electrifying them, so her only route of escape is the cell block.

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Mina often asked Red why she was wearing so much protective clothes when they were on mission. She would usually answer that it would be "just in case". It was a good thing. After being in the vent for a while, The electricity went on around her. exept for one single path. It was obvious what was the goal being thisrange action : A trap. with little time, Red decided to look at all the possible actions at the moment . she could either go through the electic Vent, or risking to fall into the Trap of the deadly scientist.

After what she heard from the doctor, She decided to not even try. the pain she would endure would be probably nothing compared to what he would had in store for her.


"Do not mock me, young one." Said the dark being "I can sense it. You aren't from this world. What are you, really?"


"Maybe, But that's cute from you to at propose it." Said Glen.

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(ooc: Uh oh.... Mina has just heard someone say Melody is NOT part of the dream.... Oops!)

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(ooc: Oh no! Curse you dark being!)

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(ooc: I know, I just need to work out if there will be any ramifications from this yet...)

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(ooc: Having doubt on how to to keep on with the story?)

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(ooc: Nope. The fact the dark guy just caused the paradox everyone was trying to avoid...)

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(Ooc: no one is sure of what is real and what is not. Maybe he just know who comes from the drream, and who doesn"t ?)

The ddark being kept on."But you aren't coming from the same world that these other people...." A moment of silence."Yes , yes... Just like me, you are nothing but a dream. Yet, we aren't the sames."

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(ooc: Make up your mind dark being!)

"You seem confused, for someone with a sword. Are you trying to stop us, or not?"

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A knife embedded itself near Dylan."This kind of thing does not concern you."

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