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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Locke didn't say anything .


"The heck ?" Said Glen."Calm yo boobs gal ! I ain't a prime zoner , And I'm sure as hell not an hypocrite . So before you say stupid stuff like that, THINK ."

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"C'mon Skye," said Melody, her tears clearing up, "we'll find a way out of this dream, and everything will be back to normal."


Mina paused in her running, as she threw her blade, impaling another slider without needing to look. "So its not just Prime Zoners and Zone Cops working together. That's very interesting," she said softly to herself with a twisted smile.

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"And I'm working for NO-ONE , y'hear ?" Shouted Glen at her ." I hate thise people only listenig to what they want , forgetting the big pictures ." He kept on."And if you think I had fun shooting and killing these people ...."


"Yes, that would be a great idea." Said Locke ."Any one has a plan to wake us up?"

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Skye tried to think straight ignoring the crippling pain he was in. He didn't succeed, and just babbled some inane nonsense.

"We can't just wish up a door," Melody stated, "because that's what summons the monsters. But if we call up a door and are ready for the monsters that appear..."


"Oh, are you just here for a holiday too?" asked Mina. "And I am remembering the big picture, it just might not be the same one that you're looking at."

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"Let's just say my reason to leave were more personnal. " Said Gllen."Chances are it might be Permanent ...."


"I guess it's worth a try."

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As Shadow and Rouge lay there, in the field Crowley was still searching for the source of this voice. Unfortunately for him, he soon found it. Sitting atop a rock was a behemoth, a monstrosity that looked patched together from various body parts. It's voice was a combination of all those he had slain over the years.

Crowley looked genuinely worried as the creature stood up, easily towering over him. He threw some of his anarchy spears at it, to no effect, and just about managed to jump out of the way as it brought its fist down towards him at a surprisingly quick speed.

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Dylan had lost the werehog in some thick fog. He knew it was close he could smell it. But the werehog could smell him too and rushed at Dylan through the fog. Slashing at him then getting out of sight. Dylan started attacking the air blindly, unable to tell if he was close to the attacking werehog

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Melody picked up Skye and stood up, her brother clutching tightly to her.

"We should try and find everyone again before we try. The more people we have, the better chance we'll have at getting at least one person through the exit."


"I'm sorry to hear that," though from Mina's tone that was doubtful, "but if I was you I'd try and find a quieter Zone. Prime Zone does seem to have several... interesting moments."

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"Just because I might have moved doesn't mean I'm going to lay down and wait for my death to come." Said Glen."I like it here , And I won't complain a single ." He shot down a shadow trying to get Mina from behind ."I'm not a good guy, But Ibdo What I have to do in order to avoid falling even downer ."


"It's going to be hard."Said Locke as he put Red's body on his back ." As this time , we have no clue of where they might be."


Tikal took Zionna's hand."Are you alright?"

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"Well, we're not gonna find them standing around here. And you found me an' Skye, right?"


"Well, if you like it, then I guess staying makes sense. I dunno why you're trying to justify yourself to me though!"


Ziona turned to Tikal "I'm fine, but I'm wondering, why is this dream leaving us alone?"

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"Then let's go ." Said Locke ." Enough of this , The real life is waiting for us to wake up."


"Justifying ? Oh no." Said Glen."I'm not doing that.... But I guess it might looks like I'm doing so...Oh well."


Tikal gave the look. The one that meant "Shut up before it hears you."

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"Yeah. See Skye, Dad and I will get us out of this." Skye managed a weak smile.


"'Fraid so Glen. It makes you very easy to interrogate I have to say. Had I known I'd have asked you questions easier."


"It's in our heads Tikal. We don't need to SAY anything!"

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"Should we get up?" askef Rouge.

"No. We've earned a rest, and I'm sure Crowley will find us. He is the Moebian versiin of myself after all," said Shadow as he put his hand on Rouge's.

Crowley was still dodging the attacks of the behemoth, barely. As the creature paused he ran at it, only for it to wash him back with an endless stream of blood flowing ftom its mouth. "Charming," thought Crowley as he tried to keep his head from being submerged. It was almost comical the amount that appeared. Crowley gave an annoyed groan.

"Yes very good, how Freudian. An assassin drowned in blood," he said sarcastically whilst readying himself.

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"It's gonna be alright Skye." Said Locke.


"Well , I tend to talk . But I don't usually say what peoples want to hear." Said Glen.


" I don't care." Said Tikal."I'm sure saying it would trigger something."

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Skye gave a nod to Locke in response.

"So who should we try to find first?" asked Melody


"You mean to say you're a 'tell the truth no matter what and Darn the consequences' kinda person."


Ziona gave Tikal a look, surprised that she would snap at her like that. "Are YOU ok?" she asked.

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"Huh!" Tikal blushed."Sorry about that."


"It depend . Really ." Said Glen."If I wasn't taken right now, I would have left with you , you know ?"


"Who you'd like to meet first ?"

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Dylan started to listen out for the werehog coming. He had been attacked several times despite all he had been doing. This time he heard the werehog rushing towards him. He then leaped in the air and did werehog pound, right into the head of the attacking werehog. He had finally finished off all the attacking werehogs. Then a voice started to laugh

(ooc: Thought up an idea of someone from Dylan's guilt yesterday. Guess who!)

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(ooc: No, I'm doing him anymore. Someone different)

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(ooc : Then by all mean, Go on. Why Do you think I'm posting Right now?)

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"I dunno. Who could be in the most trouble?" asked Melody.

"Tikal," Skye murmured. Melody rolled her eyes.

"I should've known you'd say that."


Mina laughed. "I don't you you'd be able to keep pace with me!"


"But are you ok? As much as you can be in a nightmare I mean?"

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"Well, we might never know...." Said Glen."For now."


"I'm fine, mostly." Said Tikal


"Can we really blame him?" Said Locke.

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Melody looked down at her brother, who's eyes were tight shut.

"No, let's go find her."


"For now? Are you planning on cheating on your partner?"


If Ziona heard what Mina and Glen were saying, she didn't show any sign. "Mostly? Is there something I can do to help?"

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"As much as you plan on giving up your current job to become a nun in a church Mina." Said Glen "In other words, No."


"You lead the way Skye, you are the one closer to her ." Said Locke.


"It will go away with time Zionna." Said Tikal.

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Skye squirmed out of Melody's hands. He tried to walk, but failed and fell over. Moaning, he started to crawl instead. Melody picked him up again, leaving him standing but holding one of his arms over her neck and supporting him with am arm round his waist.

"Let me help you," she said, starting to walk with him.


"You are a strange one," Mina commented.


Ziona just looked at Tikal with a concerned expression.

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