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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: I would have said that Scourge would have faded back into the dream after 30 seconds, then I realsied it was acatully a good way for the dream to keep Locke occupied for a long time, so...)

Skye was lying on his side whimpering with pain. Both his hands clutched at his remaining tail. Melody crawled over to him, tears streaming from her eyes.

"I'm sorry Skye... I.. I...," she couldn't continued, and collapsed crying next to her brother.


The mass of shadows pulsated, several long limbs erupting from it's surface, and striking towards the four occupants of the village.

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(ooc: Sometimes I worry about you going a little overboard Locke)

All the attacking werehogs suddenly went for him at once and Dylan was barely able to dodge. He then rushed to the nearest werehog and began pounding it into the ground

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(ooc: you worry too much.)

Locke finally Stopped when the glass broke. He then simply threw the body outside. He came back to skye "Skye !." Even if he did beat down Scourge, Such a feat wasn't real. what's happenning to skye however, wasn't ... Locke felt guilty."I'm sorry Skye." He cradled him in his arm, hoping to make disappear the pain the poor fox was now in.


Glen took Mina out of the first tendril's reach."Zionna , Take cover , Now !!!"

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Skye's whimpering decreased but didn't stop. He grabbed ahold of Locke with one hand, pulling him tighter, while the other continued to hold onto his tail.


Mina slashed at the tendril reaching for her and it dissipated, only for several others to follow.

Ziona amaged to leap out of the way of the one reaching to attack her. "Nah, Nah, missed me!" she taunted.

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"It's...not alright Skye..." Said Locke."But at least, the monster is gone. No one is going to hurt you now." He then took in Melody in his embrace.


"Good girls !" Glen was now shooting at anything (barring the girls) trying to get any closer." We need to take down whatever Summon these creature."

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The second soon attacked but by then the first was dead. Dylan threw the attacking werehog straight into the wall then started viciously slashing at the third

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Rouge looked around for any sign of the others. All she could see in the thick fog were the many pine trees, blocking out most of the light that came from the moon above. She continued her search before something came out of the fog and hit her at high speed. As she picked herself up with a groan she was grabbed by the throat and held into the air. Her assailant was none other than Shadow. Or at least, a nightmarish version of him. The look on his face was a mixture of disgust and anger as he tightened his grip. She futilely struggled against him.

"You always had to do things your way!" it hissed in response.

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Both children just sat there sobbing, trying to take as much comfort as the could from the embrace.


"I think that 'whatever' is outside the dream," yelled Mina. "But in the meantime, how about we try to call up some light?" she suggested.

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"We want to leave? we have to win here." Said Glen."But if you have a flashlight, Go on !"


"I'm here, I'm here....." Said Locke.

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"I'm so sorry Skye," sobbed Melody. "I should have stopped him. I should have jumped him when his back was turned. I'm sorry." Skye didn't even look at his sister, which just made her more upset.


"I was thinking we try and see if we could will the sunlight back," said Mina, "but if leaving is on the table..." Mina backed off and looked ready to sprint away.

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"Hum...I meant 'Leaving the dreamworld'. 'cause you know, We won't get far there."


"Skye...." Locke started, unsure of what to say.

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"I gave everything to save you," sobbed Skye. "I would have done anything... But you.... you..."


"If we could just wish up an exit it would have happened by now. But maybe we can if we beat this thing."

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"You get the idea. I like it." Said Glen. At this moment , soldiers started to appears. With an old friend of him in front. "GLEN ."

"Kill That Bastard !" Shouted a soldier to the others Took cover and aim toward Glen.

"Darn." Said Glen"That's , no good.


"Skye..." said Locke "Please...stop it.. She could not know."

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The nightmarish Shadow released her and she dropped to the ground. In an instant he was kicking at her, aiming for her limbs so as to drag out the torment. She shrieked at the top of her lungs and struck back with all the force she could muster, but it had no effect.

Meanwhile, the real Shadow had reached the mausoleum. He walked inside, the light from the torches flickering on the walls. In the centre was the resting place of Maria Robotnik, according to the inscriptiin. As he walked towards it the lid slowly began to slide open, making him freeze. An arm came out and rested on the side as Maria pulled herself out, looking perfectly alive. She strolled towards him at a brisk pace, backing him into a wall that had appeared where the door had been.

"You killed me!" she screeched.

"No! I... I" Shadow was lost for words.

Maria repeated her herself, again and again, as Shadow slumped down against the wall, torn between his knowledge thst this was just a nightmare, and his rising feelings of guilt.

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Skye shook his head, but it was unclear whether he was shaking it at Locke's plea, or at himself for saying such things to his sister.


Mina looked around the the 'reinforcements' the nightmare had summoned.

"Glen, I've got an idea. Let's change partners."

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"Skye..." Said locke."I'm so sorry...." He couldn't find anything else to say....


"I knew they would not leave me alone ...." Said Glen."At this point , I guess I habe no choice but to take them down again ..." Glen started to shoot again, Taking out two soldier." Changing partner? And why that?"

He rolled from cover to cover as the bullet flew all aroud him. it was obvious that they had no interest in Mina.

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The fourth werehog jumped on Dylan stopping the attack on the third one. Both Dylan and the attacking werehog rolled around the ground in slashing and biting at each other. The third attacking werehog thenstarted heading towards them to help

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Melody reached out to rest a hand on Skye's shoulder, but Skye batted it away.


"My nightmare is designed to take on me. Yours is designed to take on you," Mina explained. "That's why we should swap."

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"Hum.... Well , seems like a good idea ." Said Glen."Bashing heads with my gun would hav been bad anyways...." He then started to shoot at the shadows , hoping that mina would take care of the soldiers.


"Skye...This is not the solution..." Said Locke saddened."Don't forsake your sister... she is all that is left !"

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Melody made one final attempt to reach out to Skye. This time, he let the hand stay, then turned and hugged tightly to his sister.


With the shadow creature distracted Mina charged at full speed towards, the soldiers, dealing each one a rapid fatal blow. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to bother them.

"Oh for the love of..." complained Mina, speeding back towards them. This time, her blades lift them in varying meanings of 'disarmed'.

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Dylan pushed off the fourth werehog into the third. Then he pulled the robotic arm off one of the already dead werehogs and started to beat the attacking werehogs with it. As he was doing this the fifth werehog had made an exit. When he noticed this Dylan followed leaving everything in the bunker as an absolute mess

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"You might have to get them down and execute them !" Shouted glen."That's ... how I did the first time I killed them..."

He was doing a quite better job than Mina in a way, as he was actually keeping the shadows at bay.


"This is it Skye..." Said Locke."Good boy..."

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Shadow finally made up and his mind, and tried to appease the apparition.

"Yes. I did indirectly kill you through my mere existence. But if I never existed, you would have died anyway from your illness. It was only through the actions of the military that I wasn't able to save you. And for that I am eternally sorry." His voice was calm and collected. He had faced his demons long ago and come to terms with the events that day, but it still wasn't pleasant to be reminded of them.

Maria walked back into the coffin and the lid slid closed. Shadow turned around; the wall was now gone and he slowly walked out of the mausoleum, relieved to be free of the situation.

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"It... Its okay..." Skye manage to say. "Not real... just a dream... a bad dream..."


"Hey, at least they're not shooting anymore, right," Mina pointed out. She gave one of the soldiers a flying kick in the back, then knelt over the body as her knife flashed. "This is how you dealt with them? You hypocritical Prime Zoner's make me sick. At least we're honest about being scum."

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As Shadow walked back through the cemetery, he found himself inside the forest.

Not far away, Rouge summed up all of her strength and booted the nightmare in the jaw, momentarily stunning it. Seizing her chance, she sprinted away, eventually bumping into Shadow, whom she promptly pounced on and started beating.

"Rouge what the heck are you doing?" he asked in shock. She didn't have any malevolent look on her face, so this probably wasn't an apparition.

As she momentarily paused the nightmarish Shadow appeared behind her. Shadow pushed her aside and leapt at the creature. His attacks were about as effective as a man punching a brick wall, even his chaos spears. It retaliated by grabbing a hold of him and beating him mercilessly. Whilst all this was happening, Rouge staggered to her feet and managed to deliver a drill kick to the creature, knocking it away from Shadow. Not wanting to lose her advantage she then set about kicking it while it was down, eventually causing it to disappear into the mist. Seemingly victorious, she collapsed next to Shadow, who was in as bad a shape as her.

"So I go at it with everything I have and do nothing, you kick it a few times and it runs off. That's not right," he complained.

"What's the matter, moping because I saved you for a change?" she replied with an air of smugness. "In all seriousness, because it's my nightmare, maybe it only responds to me," she continued

"I see. Well for what it's worth, I promise you I'll never end up like that."

"Thanks. Can't say I won't have to put you in your place from time to time though," she joked.

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