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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"The only pet you'll have is going to be a plush, and nothing more." Said Glenn." That way, the only cost will be about buying battery and cleaning it."


"Hum, I can tell you something." Said Red."After what happenned,I heard he was severly shouted at by his own commander... He might have received order about letting you go unless he was actually willing to face a shooting range.As a target of course " she grinned


"I'm sure it would be about family though." Said Tikal."Maybe his own? he always had sorrows about leaving it for his duty."

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(OOC Locke that didn't happen. And even if it did, Red certainly wouldn't know about it).

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(ooc: It's just a lie to get Mina to calm down.then again, Shadow shouldn't try his luck on Mina with Red around...Just saying.)

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"I dunno," replied Skye. "We'll find out when we arrive."


"I wouldn't have expect a GUN Commander to care about someone like me. Guess the Prime Zoners are even softer than I thought."


"Awww, but that's just not the same," Ziona whined.

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"They aren't. If you don't get it, he actually disobeyed order in doing what he did." Said Red."The only reason why he is not in jail , is because many are vouching for him, and because of what he did, and is willing to do again for these people....."


"Probably.I just can't wait to see it." Said Tikal.


"At least it doesn't eat , and you can keep him around everywhere." Said Glen.

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"I just hope we don't spoil it for him when we arrive.... speaking of arriving, when did it change from midnight to mid-day?" said Skye, looking around perplexed at the now sunny surroundings.


Mina shook her head. "I thought things felt off about the whole deal. No wonder if he was going behind his superiors back. Still don't get when they chose me though. You din't give them my card, did you?" she joked.


"Yeah, but... It can't really think, can it? Unless we find a robot pet in a fluffy suit? That would be nice." Ziona made an action as if hugging an imaginary pet.

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Dylan was watching the others, slightly annoyed that they were all separating.

"Great," he thought. "If any of the groups don't have a radio then how am I meant to keep in touch with them."

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Shadow arrived in Rouge's throne room and walked up to her.

"Shadow? Wait, but you're next to me and now you're..."

"Bad news Rouge, this is a dream. That's not really me. I'm me. Our dreams are connected, and something's obviously not right."

Rouge just looked at him with her jaw dropped, totally flabbergasted. Seeing this, Shadow walked over to her and took hold of her, looking her straight in eye with as much reassurance he could give.

"I know this must be confusing for you. But you just have to trust me." As he talked to her the dream versions of himself and Rouge seemed to walk straight into their real selves, merging with them.

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"Dreamworld." Said Tikal.


"Well, You do know how to make an impression out of yourself." Said Red.


"I'd ...rather not think about it." Said Glen, horrified at the idea of a sentient killing machine dressed up as a fluffy puppy.

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"I know, but it's still weird. I guess we must be close now though."

Melody began calling out for her foster Dad.


"Not the best trait for an assassin I know."


"Something wrong Glen?" asked Ziona, breaking off her pretend hug.

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"Hey, look! I think it's him." Said Tikal ." There is someone with him though...."


"The day you took that freaking job was the day you became a whole star in the underworld." Said Red."It's not your fault if you lived to tell the tale." She joked.


"nay, I'm fine. Pretty fine." Said Glen."But no robot. not until you are older."

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"We might need to skip the introductions if things start going bad here as well," mused Skye. Then he started shouting along with Melody. "Dad? Hey Dad, it's us!"


What can I say, I'm a talented girl," smiled Mina. "But it did make quiet living so much more difficult after that."


"No real pets, no robot pets... You can be so mean sometimes Glen."

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"Let's just say..I have a bad experience with Robots...." Said Glen, who shuderred almost instantly."Very, very bad."


"Well, we might want to make sure they don't get the wrong idea from now on." Said Red.


Locke turned over , only to see Skye, melody, and Tikal. "What are you three doing there?" He asked. "then again, why should I care? the field is open to everyone after all." He said before laughing.

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Melody and Skye looked at each other.

"He's happy Skye."

"I don't wanna..." Skye began, shaking his head.


"I don't think I've had problem's with people getting the wrong idea. I'm hired to kill people, and that's that. Just the job offers are coming thick and fast now. I wonder how you can put up the occasional 'on vacation' sign?"


Ziona blinked at Glen's reaction, then quickly hugged him. "I'm sorry Glen. I didn't mean to make you sad."

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"What is going on?." Asked locke"How about coming Closer? It's a beautiful day to be together with the family."


"I'm feeling bad.... Is this remorse ?" Said Tikal.


"I keep telling you Mina: try to be Ellusive." Said Red "It kinda help."


"Huh, it's alright Ziona, It's alright" Said Glen a he patted her head.

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"No," whispered Skye to Tikal. "Remorse is what you'll feel after we break Locke's dream. This is more.... pre-meditated guilt I think. We're gonna need to be very careful and let him down gently."

"Dad, I'm really, really sorry but this is just a dream world and none of it is real!" blurted out Melody.

"Or... you can always go the direct route I suppose," Skye managed to mutter after a moment of shock.


"I don't need to be as elusive any more Red. Not with some of the things I can do now. And me and Miles have our eyes on a bigger target that'll put elusiveness out of the question."


"Good good. I don't want you to feel bad at a party. That ain't what parties are for."

(ooc: and off to bed now, catch you later)

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"And what would you do? Taking over?" Said Red ." I heard miles was already controlling everything unnoficialy...."


"I know." Said Locke."Doesn't mean I can't enjoy it though."


"I know." Said Glen." I just wouldn't want to spoil your party cutie."

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Both kid's breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness for that. But we aren't the only ones in this dream. Shadow, Hope, Red, probably Rouge and even our Mother are in here too. And we we tried to escape, the dream sent a monster after us. Which means someone has trapped us in this dream deliberately."


"He doesn't quite control everything Red. And Queen Alicia is getting somewhat.... difficult to work with. Beside, you have to admit she doesn't exactly make the best ruler, does she?"


"Not my party Glen, Zave's party!"

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"Hey, at least she is trying ." said Red."Scourge was only doing thing for his broken ego, not the people themselve . really , he kinda did the right thing , but for the wrong reason....."


"Like I said." Explained Glen."A friend's party is also shared with the one he care the most about ."


"I see , I see." Said Locke thinking ."To say that I would have wanted this dream to last longer is an understatement. But it's not like I'm really loosing anyway, since I got you all."

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"Heh, thanks Dad. I think we all would have wanted to stay longer. At least it's more pleasant than the last dream."


"Trying? Alicia trying? You've been spending to much time on your vacation if you think that's the case Red. If she didn't have Miles explaining to her that you want to keep your people happy so they don't revolt, she'd have been chucked off the throne months ago."


"Heh, that makes sense. Speaking of that I better go and find her. She'll be wondering where I disappeared off to again."

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"Boy, sarcasm still goes right under your nose." Said Red."Beside , even if there is a bit of order here and there, some places really are Hellholes."


"Indeed." Said Locke."And this time, no werehog trying to kill me."


"Then go cutie, there is no time to loose ." Said Glen.

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"Don't tempt fate Dad. If the dream hears you, it might send one after you."

"On the subject of werehogs," Skye opened his radio. "Dylan? Are you there? We've found Locke. How's the other team doing?"


"Not my fault if you the same voice for talking normally and sarcasm," Mina retorted. "And your right, practically the whole planet is a mess."


"What'cha mean Glen? There's all the time in the world!" replied Ziona as she left to find Zave.

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"I'n not a tad hoping that it does." Said Locke."I'm just glad to have you back."


"I guess so...." Said Red."And to say she'll end up the way she does......" She though for herself


"Exactly! And you really want to waste it by standing around ?" Said glen.

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"It's good to see you too Dad. But we better get moving and find the others before the dream sets something on us."


"So where is this monster we're supposed to be distracting? You wouldn't think something that big could hide so easily. Or maybe because were aren't trying to quit right now it's vanished again."


"Nope, not at all," Ziona shouted back, grinning.

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