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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Right. Dylan, see if you can find or contact anyone else. Once you've found someone, we'll try and reach them. And once we've got everyone, we'll pick you up."


"Yeah. Zave, my best friend. Remember, he two of you me like an hour ago?"

(ooc: good question about the dream people. I guess it's up to the person who's dream it is!)

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(ooc: Glen is enjoying his drinks with Ziona's dad too much for it to happen Locke?)

"I'll start looking now. What are the rest of you going to do in the meantime?"

(ooc: Also, should I save Ziona's dream until last since she seems to be enjoying it the most?)

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(ooc: he is actually drinking with zionna, rather than her dad. And what I have in plan when his dream will turn into a nightmare.........I'd rather avoid it for now)

"Mina, care to come with me? we can take care of the monster while the other aren't slowed down by it." Said Red.


"Skye, If we want to do Something, It will to be now. Said Tikal."I don't think we will have the luxury of waiting and planning....." Said Tikal. "Maybe we could recover Locke, and think of something on the way ?"


"I know , I was just curious." Said Glen ."I suppose it's going to be more than a week long trip , right?"


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Mina grinned. "Sounds like an idea. I was getting bored of all this talk."

"You're right Tikal," agreed Skye. "Right, so Mom and M...Red are gonna distract the Monster. Tikal, Melody and myself will try and find Locke. Shadow, take everyone else and try and find Rouge. Dylan, see if you can make contact with anyone else."


"Uhhhhhh. I dunno. I hope it'll be much much longer."

(occ: and I'd say yes, leave Glen and Ziona till last)

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"Perfect." Said Red."Let's go then." Before flying away with Mina following shortly behind."And good luck you all!"


"alright, Tie is important now!" Said Tikal.


"It will hopefully."Said Glen.

(OOc: Yeah, i'm agreeing with that.)

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Mina turned back just before she sprinted from the cave. "Stay safe kids," she called back. Skye and Melody glanced at each other,

"Do you think she knows?" asked Melody.

"Yes...." replied Skye after a second, "but she's trying to convince herself that we're just part of the dream. We can worry about that later. Let's go."


"Say Glen, do you wanna come with us?"

(ooc: and that's me for the night. See you later.)

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'Coming? I don't see why not." Said Glen."But you'd have to ask you father first."

(ooc: good night fella)

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Dylan started looking around, looking for something which could be part of someone's dream

(ooc: Okay, one more thing, for the characters who we have left, apart from Glen and Ziona, could they do a line to show where we're meant to find them?)

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(ooc; so , we have Locke, Crowley, and Rouge. I'm not planning on adding Honey and prime-glen....yet)

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(ooc: I think they all got a line waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy back at the start of this arc)

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(ooc: They did, but there wasn't much information for Crowley and Locke. Rouge is in a room that's pretty much made of marble, and I'm tempted to say is living in a diamond castle)

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(OOC Crowley is just in a room. It doesn't have a way in or out as such. Everything he wants is there. And yeah, a diamond castle does seem to fit Rouge).

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(Ooc: So , all we have left is Locke .... well, at least he is outside .)

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(ooc: Where, Locke? Angel island?)

Edit: It didn't take long for Dylan to find something

"Okay, this might be something," Dylan said over the radio. "Who would own a diamond castle if they had the choice?"

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"I think you might want to pass that info onto Shadow," Skye replied to Dylan with a grin.

"So how do we find Dad if Dylan doesn't?" asked Melody.

"So far we've just crossed dreams when we want. So if we concentrate on finding Dad, we should reach him," replied Skye as he carefully looked out of the cave.


"So are you actually here Red? Or just another dream creation like my kids?" Mina asked as they sped along.


"Okay then. Daddy? Can Glen come with us on our trip? Please, please, pretty please?"

Her father gave the two of them a look.

"I would protest about this being a 'father-daughter' trip, but Ziona's already got one friends coming, so I suppose another won't make a difference."

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Locke was on the floating island , watching his son playing on the field , like any child . Cutting his tied with the brotherhood was hard , but he decided to choose his family over his duty this time . knuckles deserved that . His wife deserved that . Talking about his wife , Lara-lee was near locke , enjoying the scenery . Really , locke couldn't ask for more .


"If i'm there ? Well of course I am !" Said Red."You keep on that way , and I'll make you fly around !" Joked Red .


"Oh my , that's nice of you! " Said Glen."I don't really need anything , so , I'll just take a bag."

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"So.. Melody? Tikal? Which way shall we go? Forward, left, right, up?" asked Skye.


Mina laughed. "No thanks. I remember what happened the last time you tried that. So what were you doing in the Prime Zone then?" she asked, but without any suspicion.


"That's good. I suspect the girl's luggage might be enough to fill the car on it's own."

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"If what you are saying is true , any direction might do" Said Tikal.


"Well , vacation of course!" Said Red."It's nice to be able to sleep without having to watch behind our back every single time."


"Make you wonder If they actually understand the concept of 'Traveling lightly' " Joked Glen.

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"Right, this way then!" commanded Melody, heading off. Skye picked up Tikal and followed.


"That's a good idea. But I might have burned my bridges as far as this Zone goes."


"I think their idea of 'travelling light' is when you don't need a trailer behind the car."

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"It makes me wonder : I do know Locke, But I don't really know... what his dream would be about Skye?" Said Tikal.


"really? I don't remember you trying to kill someone recently." Said red."Beside, if what happenned actually happenned the way I think it did, You won't have to worry about anything but me doing things to you, hehe."


"Well, I think might want to take it to yet another level then." Said Glen."What if they decided to take a pet along?" Joked glen.

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"Hmm. I'm not sure actually, though..... Though I have suspected that he took Melody and me in as much as for himself as us. So maybe something to do with family?"


"Heh heh. It only happened yesterday, so no surprise you don't remember. Shadow got me to kill Nega. And that's why I can't stick around safely. I suspect he still wants to put a bullet in my head. So a little more to worry about than just you."


Ziona's eyes widened at Glen's joke. "Ooooooh! Can we get a pet when we travel, huh? Can we, can we, can we?"

Her father groaned. "Thank's a bunch Glen," he replied, though with a trace of humour.

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Shadow continued running with Hope, Maria and Rouge in tow. The scenario slowly shifted and he was nearly blinded by the light reflecting off the castle's exterior.

"I guess that's the place," he said with a hint of irritation.

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