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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Okay, I'd hurry up now," Dylan said. " Even though they don't appear to be fighting. Something is causing upset. I'll listen in to what it is"

He then switched over to listen to the conversation going on around Melody

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"Are we far away skye?"


"Ok, what ?" Asked red, a bit... unsure about the situation.


"Believe me, When you'll get older , I'lltell you everything."

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"We're pretty close now," said Skye, responding to both Tikal and Dylan. "I can see everyone in the clearing ahead."


"Bomb? What bomb Shadow?" asked Mina

Mina glanced at Red. "Okay, so to explain. Shadow and some Zone Cops hired me to take out some bigwig. I did the job but Shadow tried to pull out of paying and kill me and Miles. The two of us suspect there was more going on here than just an assassination attempt, so I came to the Prime Zone to find out what. And somehow I ended up stuck in this dream landscape or whatever it is."

Melody's look of fear had gone slightly, to be replace by one that said 'this is how Mom used to look?'. Until Mina snapped her head round to look at her.

"Wait, if your just a figment of my dream, and I know that know, why are you still here?" Mina asked Melody,



Ziona laughed again.

"I'll hold you to that Glen!"

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"Someone planted a bomb at HQ to try and kill Hope. One of the scientists went nuts and planted it along with a mind control device in Hope herself. Sure your runt of a boyfriend wouldn't pull this off? His magic could've easily controlled the saboteur's mind, she was totally unresponsive to reason. And Melody clearly isn't a figment of your imagination, she's in this dreamscape... sorry MY dreamscape as well. Which reminds me thanks to your efforts my leisurely dream has been ruined."

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Dylan was staring confused at the screen

"Well, that's figured out now," he thought. "Question is now, who's real, who isn't? And how do those that are real wake up? And if they're all real, where are the others. Looks like I'll have much to do"

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"Ok, I'm trusting you."


"my my, This is even more mind screwing than usual..." Said Red , a bit upset.


"Trust me , you'll know every single detail."

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"You can always trust me Tikal," smiled Skye as he came into land. "This should be.... Huh, actually this could be likened to a bomb about to go off," comment Skye as he looked around.

"Miles isn't my boyfriend Shadow," sighed Mina. "The kid's only, what? Ten? Eleven? But anyway, I've nothing to do with that bomb, can't say for Miles though. Wouldn't put it past him."

Melody, moving in a way that Mina wouldn't notice, sidled over to Red and squeezed her by the hand. "It's gonna be okay," she whispered.


"Maybe I will."

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"Just once I'd like to have a day without some terrorist or psycho rearing their ugly head," said Shadow to himself.

"Great. What else is gonna go wrong?"

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"Maybe you shouldn't work with a defence organisation in the middle of a war then Shadow?" joked Mina.

Skye sidled up to Melody. "What's up with Mom? Why does she look, well, about your age?" he asked in a whisper.

"'Cause that's her from this time. Skye, all this, it's just a dream!"

"WHAT?" yelled Skye, then he went back to whispering. "That's why that wrong feeling felt so familiar. But if Mom is really here then..."

"Don't worry, she think's we're part of Shadow's mind." Skye turned to look at Tikal.

"I dunno how I'm gonna break the news to Tikal," Skye said.

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"We could stand around here arguing all night but somehow I don't think that'll accomplish anything. So now what?"

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"It's alright melody, it's alright, I'm here" Said Red.


"Oh boy" Saud Glen.

"Can you ser them?" Asked tikal.

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Skye went over to Tikal. "Tikal I.... There's something I need to tell you about this place. You might have heard it already, I don't know... but..."

"Thanks Re... Mom. It's good to know you're always gonna be there for me," said Melody.

"Well Shadow, if we are all here together in the same dream, it's not exactly normal is it? Someone will have put us here for a reason, and I doubt it'll be a good one. So how about we try and escape?" suggested Mina.


"Heh. You seem to worry about me more than Daddy does!"

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"It doesn't seem like we have more of a choice..." Shadow paused as he heard a slow, constant thud, as if something were moving closer. He then looked at a puddle and saw the water ripple with each thud.

"That doesn't sound good. Clearly the mention of escape has triggered some sort of defensive mechanism. Exactly what that is I don't know. I'm sick of large things, they're all I've been fighting as of late."

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"None of this is real." Said Tikal."I know it. I know too much.But i also know that you aren't part of this dream."


"My pleasure Melody, I owe you least this." Said Red."And now , how do we leave ?"


"I do ? Well , let's just say I have my reasons to ." Said Glen.

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"Shhh, not so loud Tikal. You and I are both real. But I think my Mom is to. But she's from the present, so if she thinks me or Melody are actually real and not just dream-people that could change our past, and it's not pleasant to have that happen..." Skye paused. "Sorry, I think I ruined one of our moments, didn't I?"

"I wish I knew how to leave," replied Melody, then she became distracted by the thumping sounds.

"So, do we run or fight?" asked Mina. "Though either way probably won't help us much."

"Dylan?" Skye spoke into his radio, "can you tell what's coming for us?"


"Are you trying to be a cryptic old man again Glen?" Ziona joked.

(ooc: and off to sleep in a sec. Catch you tomorrow)

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"Believe me zionna, I'm not." Said Glen.


"We'll habe to think rather fast , or else , the decision might be made for us " Said Red.


"Yes, you kind of ruined it." Said Tikal."But we'll get another one hopefully."

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"I don't know what that is," Dylan said. "But it's big, strong and looks angry. I wouldn't suggest a fight if we're all going to escape"

(ooc: So what's big, strong and lives in a forest? A giant?)

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"I don't plan on waiting to find out," said Shadow as he grabbed Hope, Rouge and Maria and tried to chaos control to safety. The emerald he held above his head emitted nothing more than a small flash of light. Clearly things weren't going to be that easy.

"I should've guessed. Time to run then, I suggest you follow me," he said as he sped off back along the way he came.

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"Looks like it will have to wait until after the big scary monster though," said Skye to Tikal as he took off with her again following Shadow. Melody also ran behind, not noticing her dress had morphed back into her regular attire.

"You're a little overcrowded there Shadow. I could take someone with me?" she offered.

Mina grabbed Red by the arm and also sprinted off after the group. "I never imagined that I'd be working with Shadow ever again," she muttered

"Dylan," Skye spoke into his radio, "can you see anywhere for us to go? Somewhere safe?"


"Heh, so what are you gonna do when the party's over Glen?" asked Ziona

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Shadow nodded to Hope who reached out and took Melody's hand.

"Thanks. And I'm sorry about this unfortunate business. But don't worry, I won't let your mother know you're real," he whispered to Melody so Mina wouldn't hear.

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"Two options," Dylan said. "One, there's a cave somewhere to the right of you. Not sure where it leads though. Two, keep going until your out of the forest and hope the monster doesn't follow out. Those are the only two options I see right now"

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(ooc: should we have the dream fade away for everyone, or just for those involved ?)

"What ? I'm not really sure..." Said Glen "And you?"


"Look skye!" Said tikal"Everything is changing around us!"


"Well, there is a beginning for everything Mina." Said red ." Beside , I'm the one living with a shadow after all...."

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(ooc: I didn't think it was meant to be an easy escape. I thought we were meant to do more before the dream faded away)

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(OOC They haven't discovered Eggman's involvement yet, so we should probably all stay in it).

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(ooc: Yeah, if you could just exit that easily, it wouldn't be much of a weapon, would it.

While you can wish up an exit, the program will automatically create defences for said exit, if that makes sense.)

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