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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"You're awesome Sis!" grinned Zoe.


"You... l-like it?" asked Stacey quietly.


"You're used to that," teased Ziona.


"I hope not," said Skye.

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"I know!" Said Fenn 


"Uh huh!" Said Ally 


"That I am." Said Seviper 


"I took all necessary precautions. I should really stop making these kind of devices." Said Zangoose 

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"Since when was she a psychic?" Honey asked.

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"She always was!" grinned Zoe.


Stacey smiled.


Ziona laughed.


"It... could be safer..." admitted Skye.

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"It's cool that both of you are sisters and both of you have cool powers" Dominic said

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"And you don't have clams with pogo sticks!" Said MAX


Ally smiled back.


"Wanna another round with this maniac?" Grinned Seviper 


"You're probably right." Replied Zangoose 

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"Does everybody here have powers?" Honey asked.

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"No, not everyone," said Zoe.


Stacey reached over to hold Ally's hand.


"Sounds good to me," grinned Ziona.


"Or at least install an off switch," said Miles.

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"Like MAX. He don't have powers but he's also a robot." Said Fenn


Ally did the same.


Seviper began dancing again.


"Yes. Some kind of fail-safe for future references." Said Zangoose 

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"Most of the grownups don't" Dominic said

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"Does being a robot mean you have robot powers though?" wondered Zoe.  "And yeah, but the grown ups are boring!"


"T-this is.... n-nice..." smiled Stacey


Ziona quickly joined in.


"How did you survive this longer?" wondered Miles.

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"Never thought of it." Said Fenn.


"Uh huh!" Said Ally 


Seviper spun Ziona around. "I have a strange feeling someone's insulting us right now."


"Luck I suppose. I was actually expecting Seviper to kill me years ago." Replied Zangoose 

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"Promise we'll never get boring when we grow up!" said Zoe to everyone around.  "We can't ask MAX right now, he's too odd!"


"If... you s-stay around l-long e-enough, we c-c-could l-look a-at the s-s-stars," suggested Stacey.~


"Could it be Zangoose?  You two do seem to.. tease each other," said Ziona.


"Er... what?" asked Miles

"Zangooses' brother, the not evil but more crazy one," Skye explained.

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"I don't wanna grow up at all!" Dominic said

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"Yeah!  Who'd wanna!" agreed Zoe.

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"I'll be cute forever!" Said Fenn 


"Fandoobulos!" Said MAX


"I've never seen stars before." Said Ally 


"Nah. Too obvious for him." Said Seviper 


"I was quite evil...I am truly terrified of what I've done..."Said Zangoose in a regretful tone.

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"Yes you will Sis!" smiled Zoe hugging Fenn.


"N-now you c-can," smiled Stacey.


"Hmm... the kids maybe?  They can be somewhat cheeky!" suggested Ziona.


"We all are..." said Miles solemnly. 

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Fenn nuzzled Zoe.


"It'll be special. Especially with you." Said Ally smiling.


"They do like to remind us on how old we are." Said Seviper 


"I guess we're not so different aside from our place of origin huh?" Said Zangoose 

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"Ya'know, you guys have super cool powers and stuff, and there's a super cool powerful gem thingy over there," Honey started slowly, "Do you think, if we used both, we could find a way not to grow up?" She then shook her head, "It's probably impossible."

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Zoe giggled and hugged Fenn.  "Dominic can do magic!  He could do it!" said said excitedly.


Stacey blushed.  He tried to reply but no words came out.


"That's just what kids do," smiled Ziona.


"I guess not," grinned Skye, giving Miles a nudge with his elbow.

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"Yeah! Magic!" Said Fenn 


Ally began to look up to the sky.


"Yeah. Little born trouble makers." Said Seviper 


"Well...I guess I should go now." Said Zangoose 

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"Your Dad and Uncle Miles was teaching you!" said Zoe.


"T-they... m-might not b-be out for a w-while.." said Stacey quietly.


"They take after their parents!" winked Ziona.


"Is there anything else we can do?" offered Skye.

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"Uhhhhh... not a lot" Dominic said

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