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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Oh, I go back to visit every six months or so. And no one has actually lived in the castle for a few hundred years," Aether explained. "Like I said, me and my fellow dragons, yes there were a lot of us, lived in a nearby village."

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"She said she was," said Stacey.


"That's cause you're smart Sis!" said Zoe petting Fenn's head.


"Thanks Seviper," smiled Ziona.


"Oh... sorry," said Harmony looking a bit bashful.

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"I dunno" Dominic said shrugging

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Ally was close to tears. 


"I know!" Said Fenn 


"We there yet?" Asked Seviper 



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Dominic gulped seeing

"Don't cry" he said

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"So?" Honey asked, oblivious to Ally.

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"Stop being mean to Ally," said Stacey loudly, stepping between the two girls and hugging Ally.


Zoe giggled and started looking for a flute.


"Almost.  Just looking for a parking space," said Ziona as she glanced around.

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Ally hugged Stacey back still trying to fight off her tears.


Fenn started playing with her triangle 


"How about that one?" Asked Seviper pointing at a spot

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Dominic cocked his head

"Is she okay?" he asked

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Honey took a few steps back. "But, she's only a..." Honey paused. "I don't get it." She mumbled, staring at her feet, "This doesn't make any sense."

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"It's okay Ally.  know that you're a real person," said Stacey.  He looked up at Dominic.  "I hope so," he replied, the turned to face Honey.  "It doesn't matter what she was.  She's real now!"


"That's really nice," smiled Zoe as she looked.


"Looks good to me," said Ziona, setting the vehicle down in the space.

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Ally wiped the tears from her eyes. "I'm okay now."


"It'll be better once you get your flute!" Said Fenn 


"I've never gone shopping before." Said Seviper 

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Aether waved it off with a smile. "Nah, it's okay. No harm done."


Mint tapped the dragon on the shoulder. "Well? Aren't you going to get to the part where you met us?"


Aether snapped his fingers. "Ah, right, I was just about to get to that! Well, one day, I was in the park, playing my guitar."

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"But it does matter!" Honey replied loudly "Computer's don't become people! I don't want to be mean, but this has literally never happened, ever." Honey

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Stacey smiled at Ally, then looked at Honey rather angrily.  "Well it's happened NOW!"


"I'm sure it will!" grinned Zoe.


"What?  Really?"£ asked Ziona surprised.


"Did you get caught in the paint explosion too?" asked Harmony giggling.

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"'Cause magic" Dominic said not so angrily

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"But that doesn't explain anything!" Honey shouted turning to Dominic.

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"I'm a robot. We are built to deal with problems with logic. However there are somethings that can't be done with logic. Magic is just one of those many unexplainable factors." Said MAX


"Of course it will!" Said Fenn 


"Not many things to wear." Said Seviper 

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Dominic jumped

"But... magic can do lots and lots" he said

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"Yeah!  Magic is why Dominic has a pet dinosaur!" said Stacey.


"OOOH!  Found one!" said Zoe holding it up triumphantly.


"I guess, but there are other types of shops too," said Ziona.

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"It gave me life." Said Ally 


"Searching traces for Chiroptera and Fokko DNA." Said MAX


"Yay!" Cheered Fenn


"Cool!" Said Seviper 

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"Searching wha?" Dominic asked

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"A life where you get to have fun with lots of friends!" said Stacey, though he also looked confused at MAX.


Zoe put it to her lips and blew, though she couldn't get a tune out of it.


"But lets make the most of your first trip," said Ziona getting out and heading to the shops.

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