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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Good . Now enjoy... your massage ." Said Red as she gently started to take care of Shadow's Shoulder."So tense , you really needed It ."

(Ooc: What , expecting something else ? :3 )


"Hey, Go and try to have a diet composed of what I had to eat for the last 5 years." Said Glen.


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"Sure thing," said Ziona picking up the phone, "everyone just point out what you want."

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Glen pointed at something ."I'll have this ."

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"I think you're right Red. I definitely needed this," said Shadow

"I think I'll go for that pizza," said Crowley.

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Ziona made the orders, adding something for herself.

"Dylan? What are you after?" she asked.

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"My Pleasure Shadow ." Said Red ."After all, everyoe deserve a vacation from time to time , right ?"

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"Indeed. I'll be honest I was expecting some elaborate trick. Glad to see I was wrong."

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"I usually do that . But since it's you .... i'll make an exeption." Whispered Red in Shadow's ear.

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I'll also go for a pizza. That one

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"Okay, got it." Ziona completed her order into the phone. "They say our order should arrive in about fifteen minutes."

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"You're definitely more like Rouge than you seem," said Shadow.

"Excellent. Thank you Ziona."

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"Hey , I'm her alternate after all. but I do behave." Said Red.


" Well people , I guess it's time for us to take our leave ." Said Glendo.

"But don't worry , we'll be back tomorrow!" Said honey."After all , our room isn't so far away from yours."

"And we'll get Melody to see Mina this time , it's a promise I wish to keep." Said Glendo.

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"No trouble at all Crowley. And see you two tomorrow," said Ziona, waving at Glendo and Honey.

(ooc: Are people wanting to RP over the meal, or montage it a bit to get to the dream plot? I've no preference either way.)

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"I can see that. Where did you learn to do this anyway?"

"Goodbye. See you tomorrow."

(OOC May as well montage it)

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(ooc: do as you wish.)

"This question, Look at Rouge." Said Red."It's part of my ....abilities."

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The food arrived at the door, Ziona passed it out to everyone. "Is it my imagination, or is it much quieter now all the children have gone to bed?"

(ooc: That's two 'meh' votes and one montage vote. I think once everyone has sent their characters to sleep, we can fire it up.)

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That could just be because no one's singing anymore

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"Children are like that." Said Locke."They bring life in a room, and when they go,The life that came with it slowly fade."

"yup, We really are grumpy people then." Said Glen.

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"No need to sound so glum you two. We're only holiday. C'mon, enjoy yourselves!"

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"Heh, I see what you mean. Man that feels good," said Shadow.

Crowley finished his meal fairly quickly. "I for one am glad we have some quiet," said Crowley.

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"But we are." Said Locke."I'm just enjoying one of the few moment of Calm I have in my day."

"And I enjoy being with close friends." Said Glen"Some closer than others..."

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Ziona rolled her eyes at Glen.

"I suppose some quite is nice Crowley. Make the most of it while you can Locke. By the look of things the kids really put you through the ringer today."

(ooc: And off for a bit. Hopefully back soon.)

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Locke laughed . "Oh it's not so bad. I kinda like it."

"Yeah, Kids are always good news." Said Glen.


"My, thank Shadow." Said Red.

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"I don't think that one was when he first arrived, but it all seems settled now." Ziona looked at her now empty plate. "Glen, if your done could you take another look at my foot please."

(ooc: and I'm back again!)

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