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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'm so used to being there and helping her. Just standing by and not doing anything feels wrong."


Ziona laughed. "So your saying we're a walking disaster then? Or would be if I could walk."

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"Might as well get some sleep too then," said Shadow, as Hope and Rouge went into his room. Shadow lay down on the sofa he was on.

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"We'll have to wait, and come only at the right time Skye." Said Red ."Right now, she need a bit of time for herself ."


"Good , that's one less trouble for us." Said locke.


"I can carry you. That make us more effective." Said Glen.

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"I... suppose so. But she probably has the right idea. I guess we should turn in," said Skye, casting a glance at Shadow. He started heading to his room then paused. "Wait, actually no. I'll sleep on a couch out here. Tikal, you can have my room."


"On no, I've had enough of being carried thank you very much!" Ziona laughed.

(ooc: Ok, with shadow here it looks like we're on track to start the new plot. Once everyone's asleep I'll do an Eggman post to kick things off!)

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As Rouge and Hope slowly drifted into sleep, Shadow returned Skye's glance.

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(Ooc: Aww, I wanted to make a gag about tikal and Skye alone in the same room .....)

Red suddenly remembered ." Rouge , can you come back ? I think we forgot something ... " As she took shadow with her.

(Ooc: Since Red is Rouge's alternate , does that mean that she actually keeps her words ?)


"Skye , i'd rather have you sleeping on your bed ." Said Tikal " We'll see what to do once you show me your room, alright ?"


"You don't like it?Aww , was the only way I could stay with you without being awkward..."

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"Sorry Shadow, I though you were already asleep!" said Skye when Shadow looked at him. "I really don't mind the couch Tikal," as he headed to his room. "I've slept on a lot worse only a few days ago. In fact, the beds... well... they're really nice and comfy but.... I'm just not used to them."


"It wasn't awkward when I wasn't able to walk... Now don't you dare go getting ideas about saying I need to stay off my feet for a week or something."

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Rouge appeared from her room once again and walked over to Red.

"Yes Red?" she asked

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"Well , no matter what we both decide , I still don't where your room might be, so ....." Said Tikal.


"Well rouge , It's true that we are both quite elusive women , But maybe we could Reward shadow, just this once. After all , we more or less gave our words."


"Me? doing such a thing ? That would be terrible Zionna" Said Glen with a smile.

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"It's this one here. Actually," he said walking into the room, "there's a couch in here to. I'd forgotten about that."


"Of course it would be, but don't tell me the though didn't cross your mind." She picked up a room service menu. "Nothing to fancy. Just a quick meal before bed."

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Well, without much to do, I guess I'll go watch some telly until I fall asleep. Unless there's something else to do

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"Indeed we did. So yes, let's. Just this once," said Rouge.

Shadow looked at the two with a confused look on his face.

"Can't just get some sleep," he muttered to himself so they couldn't hear.

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"Actually skye..." Said Tikal ."Couldn't we share the bed ? I'd like to sleep with someone again ...." She was blushing."I know it sound childish , but it's been sooooo long ....


"Nope , I was too busy thinking about a legal way that would get you to kiss me ."


"Actually Dylan, we can always eat." Said Locke.


"Well in that case ...." Red gave a mischievious smile "Shall we?"

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I'm up for getting something to eat. Do we go out or order a take way?

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"Uh, I'm sure we could Tikal, if you really want to."


"Patience maybe Glen?" suggested Ziona. "By the way," she called to the room, "anyone else want to join a room service order?"

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Rouge had a matching mischievous smile. "Of course."

"A take away would be the easiest," said Crowley.

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We may be ordering a take away, Ziona, unless the others prefer room service

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"Since you are so tense , I think I'll do something to ..... make you feel a bit better ." Said Red , As she took shadow and Rouge near the pool.


"Thank you skye." Said tikal."That means a lot for me ."


"Waiting huh?" Said glen."I guess I'll use the room service too."

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"I'll do anything to make you happy Tikal," Skye respond, now blushing as well.


"No sense in getting both room service AND a take away, so what would everyone prefer? I've no preference."

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I don't mind. Whatever everyone else decides

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"So what exactly do you have planned Red?" asked Shadow.

"Well what type of food do we want to have? That'll dictate whether it's takeaeay or room service," said Crowley

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"Thank you skye ." Said Tikal .


"As long As I eat, I'll be fine."Said Glen.


"What do I habe planned ? Hum, You'll see once you lie down and close your eyes." Said Red.

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"It's not a problem, really." Skye replied.


"I've got the room service menu in my hands, it's got most stuff on it, and it might be quicker than take-away, so ass everyone is humming and hawing, lets just go with it!"

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Shadow looked at Rouge who gave him a reassuring smile. He then did as asked, lying down and shutting his eyes.

"Helpful as usual Glen," said Crowley.

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If room service is easier, that's fine by me

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