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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Doesn't sound like nothing

*Suspicious that someone had taped him during his singing time*

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"Well, I'll try not to do THAT Shadow," Melody laughed as she went back to the karaoke machine.


"I, uh, guess that makes sorta sense," said Skye, though the wiggling of his ears showed he really didn't get it.


"I think some of the off-key singing may have broken the moment."

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"No Zionna, these were part of it , my dear."


"Skye, are you alright?" Said Tikal.


"Hope"Whispered Honey to hope."I think Dylan is being suspicious."

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"What do you mean Tikal? I'm feeling great. I... I'm not changing colour again am I?"


"You have a strange idea of what make an enjoyable moment then."


Melody picked up the mic and began to sing.


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*Watched Honey and Hope whispering to each other*

Note to self, keep an eye on those two

*Watches Melody singing*

Another great performance. I hope this doesn't mean the rest of us have to sing again

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"Very nice Melody, though I feel it's time I cleared the room," said Crowley with a smirk as he picked up the mic and began to 'sing'.


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And here was me thinking he wouldn't sing again. Please don't tell me we all need to

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"Well, you are the one sitting next to me." Said Glen.


"Dylan, why the strange look?" Said Honey.


"Crowley, goDarn it, what Did I say about william shatner?" Red facepalmed.

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It's not up to you or me, even though I agree to some part. It's up to everyone

What strange look? I don't have a strange look

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"No skye, But your hears..... You don't seem well."


"Oh then I must have dreamed."

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"My ears...? Uh, ah. Don't worry about them," said Skye looking a little embarrassed. "Just a nervous twitch."


"I walked into that one, didn't I."

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"Are you Sure Skye?" Said Tikal in a concerned voice.


"Oh come on, I'm not a Landmine, I won't bite." Said Glen."I only kiss and hug. The violent treatment is way behind me... I hope."

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"Hehe, yeah I'm sure. I've had it since I was young, since... well, that doesn't really matter."


"Right now I think kisses might be as bad as a landmine."

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"Depend on who is throwing the shrapnel cutie."


"I suppose." Said Tikal, not really convinced.

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"What's bothering you about it?" Skye asked.


"Does it matter who throws it. The end will be the same."

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"Have no fear, I always have a flak Jacket near by. It's big enough for two you know?"


"i'm fine, don't worry." Said Tikal , Smiling.


"You are Dylan." Answered Honey.

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"As long as you're sure," Skye replied, also smiling.

"Aw hell, are you two going to drown us with saccharine again?" Melody complained


"I'm... trying to work out how that metaphor works... If we're both wearing the same flak jacket how that that help if we're throwing the shrapnel?"

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"Melody, My sugar, Is the sugar that will pierce Skye's heaven. And if you are not happy about it, join me on this adventure." Said Tikal.


"Exactly. As long as we are together, Few things are going to penetrate through this jacket."

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Skye blushed slightly at Tikal's response to Melody, but looked a little concerned towards his sister.

"Join you? Nonono, I'd only get in the way. Beside's I am happy for the two of you, rushing ahead with all this..."


"But we're attacking each other inside the jacket! Won't help us much then!"

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"Just who the HELL do you think I am?" Joked Tikal while adjusting her non-existant awesome sunglasses



"I'm not willing to attack you. What about you?"

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"I... You... what..?" Melody was completely confused.


"Okay, I'm officially lost in the metaphor now!" Ziona joked. "Let's leave it behind."

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