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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dominic gulped

"Sorry Zoe" he said

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Ziona followed and put on the kettle.


"For what?" giggled Zoe.

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"You weren't happy" Dominic said

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Myra began to raise the balls unsteadily into the air, but it was rather difficult. The balls hung in the air longer than the first attempt, but soon fell to the table with a muffled thump.

- -

"You're a ninga?!" Honey replied in awe, "That is so cool!"


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"I was okay.... wait, does that mean if I'm unhappy, you do anything to cheer me up?" asked Zoe.

"Uh oh," said Luna with a grin.


Ziona quickly made a couple of mugs of tea.


Skye clapped.  "That was great!  Improving already!"

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Sarah shrugged

"I guess" she said


"Huh? Oh! Yeah!" Dominic said smiling

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Zoe gave a wide grin.

"She learned that lesson quickly," said Luna

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"Hope it's better than last time..." Said Seviper in his mind.

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"Thank you," Myra said, smiling.

- -

"Can you climb on walls?" Honey asked without missing a beat.

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Dominic cocked his head

"What?" he asked


"No. I'm not a Shinobi ninja" Sarah replied

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"Here we are," said Ziona handing a mug over.  "I think I've got it ho you like it!"


"Your welcome," said Skye, setting up the balls for another try.  "Is it easier or harder than controlling the fire?"


"Nothing," grinned Zoe, then she suddenly started to look upset.


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"What's wrong?" Dominic asked surprised and upset seeing Zoe upset

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"I w-want ice cream," whispered Zoe to Dominic, giving a fake sob as she did so.

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"Oh... you want me to go get some?" Dominic asked

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Zoe nodded, her eyes wide and lip trembling."

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(Lol zoe)

"What's a Shi- no- bi?" Honey asked.

- -

"Easier, I think," Myra replied, "Why you ask?"

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Zoe's face immediately went from sad back to it's grin.

"What did you do that for?" asked Stacey with a slight note of anger.


"Because there are different types of magic, and some people have a greater affinity for some over others," said Skye.


"How is it?" asked Zuona.

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Dominic was hurrying to the kitchen, but slowed down getting scared because he was on his own

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"Hmm, what are the main types?" Myra asked.

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