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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Of course I did," whispered Hope, who soon looked confused at the song choice.

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"Well, that was nice." Said Locke.

"Indeed, It's not perfect, but still better than many around." Said Red.


"Are you hinting at a challenge?" Said Glendo. " So be it. Honey, Shall we.?

"My pleasure."

Glendo then chose a song.

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Melody walked over to her brother. "I wasn't expecting that."

"I know," he replied.

"Wait, did you choose that to be deliberately random?"

"Maybe," Skye smiled.

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"(sic) what have done this time Zionna?" Said Glen."Now this can't be good."


"That was fun!" Said Tikal

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"Glad you had fun," Skye said to Tikal. "I wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting."


"I've made it harder for you or anyone else to back out of this little singing party," Ziona whispered to Glen.

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"I would not have mind as long as you were singing with me Zionna." Said Glen.


"You are right, you did great !." Said Tikal


"Ha, here it is!!!! " Glen finally found the song he wanted to sing. And Both him and honey started.



unsurprisingly , He was being pretty good at it.

(ooc: All hail David bowie.)

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Skye blushed. "Heh heh. Thank's Tikal. I had no idea if I could sing or not. Though I do know the counterpart of Mother is..." Skye was cut off as Melody jabbed him in the ribs.

"Shhh, not on front of everyone," she whispered to Skye. She then turned back to enjoy Glen and Honey's singing.


"I'm beginning to think this obsession you have for me is becoming unhealthy Glen."

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"In that case , I can sing alone too ." Said Glen .


Glendo was done ."heh, you got yourself a free concert . Isn't that awesome ?"

"Thank you everyone!" Said honey ."now , who is next ?"


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Skye and Melody applauded the two singers.


"I wasn't saying you needed to sing alone Glen. I did just promise your counterpart that I'd do so. You just seem... far too fixated with me," Ziona whispered.

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"Obsessed ?"Whispered Glen."No . no I'm not. Maybe focused at the moment, but not obsessed. Now let's get this over with.Also, I'm staying with you so you won't feel alone."


"You two were quite nice indeed ." Said Tikal .

It's true that she never got tonsee a professional singer before.

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Two great songs so far. Who's next?

(ooc: Just letting you know, Dylan, as usual has got a camera with him)

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"I suppose you can be the one that pass right after the next singer." Said Locke.

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"I say we have someone singing solo this time!" suggested Melody


"I think I can appreciate that Glen. Given your singing earlier, I'm amazed at how your counterpart did!"

(ooc: I say it's time for one of Shadow's characters to go!)

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"Good idea Melody." Hope scanned the room and set her eyes on Rouge.

"Why don't you give it a try Rouge?" she asked.

Rouge sighed and got up. "May as well get this over with," she muttered.

She chose her song and began to sing, not especially badly, but not exceptionally well either.

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"Well this isn't so bad for an alternate of mine." Said Red. "I doubt I would have done better ."


"Back there I was Joking Zionna." Said Glen."I would not sing like that in general ."

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"Somehow, that song seems just so... you," Melody said.


"I hope not, for the sake of the ears of everyone here!" Ziona joked.

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"Yeah, I guess it is," replied Rouge as she sat back down next to Shadow.

"So how did I do?" she asked him.

"You were alright." he replied without a hint of interest.

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"Alright? C'mon Shadow, she was good. Liven up a bit!" said Melody.

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"I would not want to hear you zionna." joked back Glen."Windows might break."

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Shadow heard Melody and relented.

"Ok I'll admit you were pretty good Rouge."

"Thanks Shadow," she said with a smug look on her face.

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"Well then, I suppose It's our turn Zionna?" Said Glen....

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"If you insist, I'll let you choose the song."

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"Yeah right........I guess it really can't be helped if even you has to do it....." Said Glen ." Alright, let's see what we... oh.... I know that song." Said Glen with a touch of nostalgia. "It's an old one, but It will do for now."

Glen launched the song ."Shall we go then ?"

Glen's voice wasn't as good as his singing alternate , but he still had it too.... you could almost feel the sadness in these lyrics....

then again, Maybe he could just relate to that song.

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Ziona on the other-hand... well her enthusiasm made up for her lack of talent!

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