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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Are you becoming a mind reader?" Said Glen." You might not want to know what I might be thinking right now."


"Why, I see some are quite happy to sing." said Tikal

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"Heh heh, I thought you would Hope," said Melody with a sly grin. "And some people like to sing Tikal, some don't, and some do just not on front of other people."


"Maybe I am a mind reader Glen. Maybe I have been all my life."

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"Oh really? Then how about a show of powerr then?" Said Glen smiling.

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Hope took the karaoke machine into the main room and presented it to the group.

"Hey everyone. We saw this when we were out earlier and we thought it'd be good, harmless fun."

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Skye returned to the main room when he heard Hope's announcement.

"What would be harmless fu... You have GOT to be joking?"

Melody just wore an insane grin.


"Hmm, maybe I will. Wait, what's that shouting about?"

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"Something about good , harmless fun." Said Glen."And every inch of my body is telling me not to believe these words."


"By Aurora....." Said Locke.

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"So, who wants to go first? This has hits from every time, and every place, so there's bound to be something you know," said Hope with a big grin.

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"You brought it here, one of you four should go first!" said Skye, trying to make a point and trying not to draw attention to himself at the same time.


Ziona headed to the kitchen door. "Oh how bad could... it.... be.... After you Glen, given your performance a few minutes ago I think you're gonna like it."

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"What might it be? If it's a singing contest, i'm out!!!" Said Glen , not happy at all.


"It's ok skye, if you want, we can sing together." Said Tikal.

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I'm not sure whether to stay and watch everyone or go to make sure I don't get to sing

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Skye mentally swore a few times, wondering of Tikal was trying to be kind, or was actually being very cunning and trapping him into singing

"I... uh... if you want to sing together we can, but... I don't know if I CAN sing!"


"It's not a contest Glen," said Ziona as she pushed him into the main room. "but it is singing. And you should stay Dylan. It wouldn't be fair if you left."

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"Excellent. We have our first volunteers. Now why don't you two pick your song?" said a cheerful Hope as she booted up the machine.

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Actually, Ziona, I don't think it would be fair on you if you heard me sing

*Sits down and starts thinking up ways to get out of singing*

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"I... but.... what?" exclaimed Skye, realising he'd just been tricked into going. Sighing, he pondered over the list.

"Oh, pllllllllleeeeeeeaaase stay and sing Dylan, plllleeeeaaase!" Melody pleaded with a sad look. "Everyone else will!"

(ooc: So do we just say 'they sung a X song', or put up youtube videos, or what?)

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"Hey!!!!Why are you pushiing me?"Said Glen."Remember, we are in this together, so you are coming with me!!!"


"Looks like we got our second duet!!" Said Honey

"Oh yes." Said Glendo.


"I don't know any song, maybe you could choose for me skye." Said Tikal

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I don't know. I can't sing well at all

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"Um... well... I don't know many songs either. Uh, I do like this one though. It's not meant as a duet, but we could still sing it together."

"Oh no, I'm not singing with Glen," Ziona objected. "I'm going separately!"

(ooc: Seriously? How are we gonna handle the songs?)

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"That's fine Ziona. You can sing on your own."

(OOC I'd say, say they sang song X, and you can post the youtube video if you want).

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(ooc: but i'm totally for Zionna suffering with Glen)

"Aw come on you two, sing together! you look adorable together." Said Glendo

"Shu-shut up! " Said Glen." Why don't you sing with you girlfriend ?"

"Because I make a job out of it . Go buy my CDs."


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Ugh. Just make a decision and let's get this over with before I give up altogether

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"If you and your girlfriend sing Glen, then maybe I will do a song with Glen," Ziona challenged.

Skye entered his choice into the machine and handed a microphone to Tikal, quickly explaining how it worked and taking another for himself.

"I bet this is gonna be some mushy love song," Melody whispered to Hope. "You did set it to record, right?"

Actually, the only word that could describe the song was: random!


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