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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Hehehehe. I wasn't laughing at you Glen. Just the image of Shadow explain the birds and the bees."

"The... what...?"

"Never mind Skye."


"That's great. Sorry if i went too far, I can be a little... weird... around new people."

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"Huh Zionna... We were not speaking about this with skye you know ?" Said Glen , having great difficulties not to laugh ."It was only about how he would feel during this terrible time also known as 'puberty' "


" It's alright . That way , it also tells me hiw much you care about your brother ." Said Tikal.

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"I never took you of a source of parental advice Glen. Though Shadow even less so. At least you weren't talking about what I thought."

"I'm missing something here, aren't I?"


"Yeah, I do. I didn't realise how much he cared for me until that 'pulling out of his head' thing. I feel kinda bad I tried to kill him now."

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"Well , if you are up to it, you can give it a try ..." Glen started to sing in an horrible voice "IT's THE CIIIIRRRRRRRCCCLE OF LIFEEEEEEE! AND IT MOOOOOVVVEEEESS UUUSS AALLLLL!"

And stopped , quite proud of himself.


"You tried to what ?" Tikal asked."but I'm sure it's all behind us now."

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Ziona was laughing again. Skye stood there with an utterly baffled look on his face.


"Yeah it it. If it wasn't, he wouldn't have saved me. I just... I thought he'd betrayed me and Mother, and I was a little jealous of him too, as he was gonna take the throne first. But when I caught up with him.... Well, lets just say I paid the highest price possible."

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".humpf. Amateurs." Said Glen in a noble's voice ."You cannot understand , the true beauty of this voice."


"I see. It's alright Melody."Said Tikal."It won't happen anymore."

(Ooc: Did i go too far with Glen?)

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Ziona had almost stuffed her hand into her mouth trying not to laugh any harder.

"I wouldn't know," replied Skye, who was rubbing his now painful ears, "I don't have much of a musical ear."

(ooc: Only you can answer that Locke.)


"Of course it won't," Melody grinned. "I'm not likely to try and kill Skye ever again, and I know better than to go full speed on a wet and slippy roof now. I'm sure none of this will ever bother me again." Despite her worlds, Melody's mind flashed back to what had happened when she'd fallen in the Augmented Reality Game.

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"I think I better stop there, or else , chance are Zionna is going to die from laughing too much."


"Yes , of course." but deep inside, Tikal could not help but feel sad for these two kids who never really got the childhood they deserved .

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"It's okay Glen," replied Ziona, gasping for breath. "Besides, I needed that."

"You needed to have your eardrums burst?" muttered Skye incredulously.


"C'mon. Let's get back to everyone. The way Skye's been acting around you I suspect he'll be panicking wondering where you disappeared to!"

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(ooc: I missed Glen's singing? Darn. That would've been something to hear)

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"Are you sure of that ?" Said Glen, Smiling ."Well , I guess I aim to please."


"If you want ."Said Tikal."But I'm sure he would not mind if you took me away for a little while ." She smiled .

(Ooc: And yes, You missed that. Too bad dylan :) )

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"I'll leave the two of you alone then," said Skye as he exited the kitchen.


"I dunno," replied Melody. "Skye can be quite clingy. But, there's another reason I want to head back. Now that everyone's here, me, Hope and Honey have an idea!"

(ooc: don't worry, Glen is likely to be singing again very soon!)

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(Ooc: ah yes... THIS .)

"Well, he left as fast as he came..."Saud Glen.


"An idea ?" Asked Tikal."Now what would that be ?"

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Skye left, pondering Glen and Ziona. He couldn't help but wonder if they were like him and Tikal. If that was the case, best to leave them alone.


"If I didn't know better, I wonder if he thought he was interrupting another couple."


"Heh, it's a secret. But if you come with us you'll find out before everyone else. You go and tell Honey that's it's time and I said you can come with us. I'll go and get Hope."

Melody had a look round the main room, but couldn't see Hope. She guessed she'd still be in Shadow and Rouges room. She knocked on the door and went in.

"Hope? Are you ready for our secret plan?"

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"Well, you know kids ...." Said Glen."They tend to think a lot ."


Tikal Went toward Honey and whispered what Melody said to her .

"Alrighty then, come with me little girl !" , and They went to fetch Melody and Hope.

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Melody grinned. "Great let's go. I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces." She headed over to Honey and Tikal.


Skye began heading towards Tikal, but when he saw he with the rest of the girls he stopped and smiled, happy that she seemed to be fitting in. Rather than disturbing her, he went out to the balcony to enjoy his drink.


"Yeah. The innocent mind of a child..."

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"Indeed . so pure , so full of imaginatio..... oh snap." Realised Glen."He might actually think that we are together."


"Perfect, Now that everyone is there , let's take care of it." And the four girl went back to Honey's room .

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"So, who wants to do the honors of explaining to Tikal what Karaoke is? Hope?"


Ziona started laughing again. "I'm gonna to have to start wearing a t-shirt that says 'I'm not with this person' on it!"

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"Sure. Well all it is Tikal is picking a song from a list then singing along to it. The funny part is that most people who do it can't sing very well at all, myself included."

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"Well, that sound amusing enough ," Said Tikal.


"That would be terrible for me and my ego ." Said Glen.

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"It might be difficult if you don't know any of the songs. But I'm sure Hope can find you an easy one, or you could sing with someone. Hope and I are gonna sing together."


"It's either that or we have to make sure we're never seen together again," Ziona joked.

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Hope looked mortified.

"We... we are?... I guess we'll have to find a duet then."

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"That would be terrible." Said Glen.


"Well, don't worry about me." SAid Tikal."I'm sure it will be fun as it is."

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"Remember Hope, when we got the machine back at the shop? Still, if you'd prefer we could go separately, and you can sing all alone if you want, on front of everyone with them all watching you..."

"And it's good to see you getting into the spirit of it Tikal."


"I knew you'd say that," Ziona responded.

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