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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"No problem Tikal. If it gets too much for you, just say and we can head somewhere quieter."


"As long as I don't look at them during there 'gooey-eye' moments, it doesn't both me," said Melody.


"I'm sure I won't need to wait long Glen. At least, I hope not."

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Tilal answered again with a smile,


"You are not enjoying this.That's too bad then..." Said Locke.


"Yes , I hope it for you."

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Skye smiled back, and went to get a drink for himself.


"No, no! I'm really happy for Skye. I've.... I've never seen him this happy. Ever, ever, ever. I just think the two of them are... trying too hard."


"Thank you Glen," said Ziona, turning back to him with a smile.

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Crowley smiled to himself in the knowledge that at least one of the others shared his view.

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Tikal simply. sat down.


" For us, they might ." Said Locke." Foe them , It's normal."


"Yeah , no problem Zionna . I'm here for that.... we are... all in this together after all." Said Glen with a friendly hand on Zionna's shoulder."Maybe I could use a drink too."

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"Hmm, maybe. Excuse me." Melody headed over to Tikal. "Could I have a private word please?"


"After all that eh? I could use a refill as well and... oh, here comes half of the happy couple..." Ziona said as Skye arrived in the kitchen area.

(ooc: Off to watch a film soon. See you later this evening)

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"Why yes , if you want Melody." Said Tikal.


"well Would you look at that? The lucky winner of this game called 'Love' . How is it going big boy?"

(Ooc: See you later ^_^)

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There she goes. Hopefully they'll get on well

(ooc: See you soon)

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"Well, who knows? Maybe something good will come out of it ." Said Locke.

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Hope, Rouge and Shadow entered the main room and sat down on the sofa.

"Well things certainly have progressed rapidly," said Shadow.

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I'm not saying it in anyway, Locke

And yes they have Shadow

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Skye blushed a little. "Really, really well, thank's Glen. How's it going with you?"


"Good, we can talk in my room," said Melody as she led the way.

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"Oh , I'm doing fine , thank." Said Glen.


"Alright, I'm following you." Said Tikal.

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"There's nothing much more to say Red, other than you and Locke are going to have to get used to Skye's.... new behaviour. We only have to deal with it for a few more days," replied Shadow

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"That's good Glen," replied Skye as he helped himself to a drink. "Hey Glen, me and Tikal , is this one of those 'mind changing' things you and Shadow were talking about a few days ago?"


"There's a couple of things I wanna say. First..." Melody suddenly leapt forward and embraced Tikal warmly. "ThankyouThankyouThankyou. I've never seen my brother as happy as he is now. Not when we were kids, not when I came back, not even with his new family. I don't know what was dragging him down but you seem to have chased it away. Thank you."

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"You may say that now, but we'll see later ... while you won't be there everyday, something tells me that you'll never get very far." Said Red.


"Oh... that." Said Glen."It depend .... Does your body feels weird from time to time ? no? Then it's just love . nothing more, nothing less."


Tikal didn't expected that at first , but she didn't tried to move out of the way .

"It's... my pleasure , melody. I'm happy that we can be friends too!"w

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"I live not only thousands of miles away but also several thousand feet below you. And both Rouge and l have full time jobs that send us all over the place. Though we may see him on special occassions if we have the time."

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"Ummmm, well my head and stomach have felt weird today, but I guess that's part of the... love thing?"

"What on Earth were you telling him Glen?" asked Ziona with an amused, cocked eyebrow.


"Of course we can be friends. But, if you break Skye's heart, I will make you suffer in way's you can't imagine." The threat was said in the exact same friendly tone she'd used when thanking Tikal.

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"Special occasion indeed." Said Red.


"Good God Melody!" Tikal was sad."Why would I do that?"


"Huh, you know..... Things and stuff he would go through as he got older . But it's not happenning yet, so it's cool." said Glen,

"And no. You are just in love, skye."

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"You... and SHADOW... were talking to him... about that?" Ziona burst out laughing at the idea of Shadow dispensing that kind of talk.

"Is this another of Shadow's comedy routines?" asked Skye.


"Oh I really don't think you would. I just wanna protect my baby brother... well, twin brother now."

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"Hey ! I'd like to see you in my place Zionna." Said Glen."And no skye , I'll be Darned if

it was one."


"It's alright Melody; I hond no ill feeling against you." Said Tikal.

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