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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"We have to call a cat a'cat' Skye. That is how it's work."


"And I hope you'll never get to see even a part of it." Glen drew her close to him.

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"I could call it a 'small flying lizard'. Emphasis on the small part. Please Dad?"


Ziona began to tense up as Glen pulled her closer. "No. I don't think I'd like it if I saw it."

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"Sic...... And where would you put it anyway ?" Asked locke.


Glen understood that what he did was stupid, and he let her go ."You think? the whole story cost me more than just my arm..."

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"I could make a little nest for it on my desk so it can stay in my room with me."


"I know Glen. I'm sorry you paid such a high price,"

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"Would he be that small ?" Locke sighed."I'll habe to think about it....


"I hate this feeling.." Said Glen "I want to hold you close .... But I know it's not possible ...I wish to take you in my arm, but I would not be able to feel anything...."Glen tried to hide his tears."Why does love has to hurt ?"

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"Six inches Dad. Not any bigger. It's be smaller than that knife Melody carries."


Ziona stood up and looked out the window. "That's something else we have in common. We both want someone we cannot have."

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"Is not supposed to carry." Rectified Red.

"Like I said , It's a tough decision skye .... " Said Locke.


"Maybe If we know what we both want, we'd be able to find out what we really could have ...." Said Glen.

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Melody gave a nervous little shuffle of her feet.

"Sorry Mom. And I understand Dad. I hope you say yes, but I'll understand if you say no."


"I know who and what I want, but I also know I cannot have them. You can't change the way someone thinks, or turn back the clock. I need to learn to move on. Then I can find out what I really want."

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"You are saying this in a way....." Said Locke."Would I be that evil?"


"finding what one really want...."Said Glen."I think I know what I want. And It's right in front of me."

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"Huh? How would that be evil?"


"I know that Glen. But I'm sorry. I don't think I can be what you want me to be."

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With any normal family, kids usually try and convince the parents to get a cat or dog or something like that. I guess Locke's been caught off-guard when being asked for a pet dragon. Perhaps he doesn't know what to say to it

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"I'm still thinking ........" Said Locke.


" I can always hope , and wait ." Said Glen."Or try to make it happen , One step after the other."

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"We're anything BUT a normal family," joked Melody.

"I think he's also still shaken a bit about Tikal. I wasn't expecting him to be scared of her!


"It might happen, in time," confessed Ziona, "but I wouldn't push it Glen. I don't think I could stand that."

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"Tikal ?" Said Locke ."Oh no, I'm fine about her. I don't think you could have been luckier Skye."


"I..... know."Said Glen."But I just don't know why .... something with you ... push me toward you."

(Ooc: At this point , anyone could hide itself behinf the kitchen door and hear the two discussing.)

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Skye blushed slight. "Heh. Thanks Dad. I better go and see she'd doing alright." He headed off.

Melody shook her head. "He got it bad."


"I just hope it doesn't push both of us over the edge," Ziona whispered.

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" Are you being .... jealous , melody?" Said Red.


"The edge ? I think we are both dancing on it .... And if we don't pay attention , one will fall and take the other with him."

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Skye walked over to Tikal. "So, how are you finding this new age?"

"Me, jealous? No! But just watch the looks they give each other. The hotel could collapse and they wouldn't notice!"


"That suggestes that you think you'll be the one to fall."

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"That's right; Locke, our little song bird is being Jealous!" Said Red smiling.

"Ah, the joy of growing up, and experiencing love for the first time...." Said Locke...


"Well, It's different, but I'll adapt I guess ." Said Tikal."As long as you are there, I should be fine."


"One of us might fall if we both keep on living the way we are living." Said Glen,

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"I think the sentiment Melody is expressing is one of bewilderment. I must admit I do find their over the top affection a bit nauseating," said Crowley.

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Skye put an arm round Tikal. "Great. Do you want a drink? Try something new?"


"Yeah, I'm with Crowley here. Well, maybe not the nauseating bit, but it's defiantly a bit sickly sweet."


"You said yourself you were gonna try and change. I will try too, once I know my friends are safe."

(ooc: off to work. Catch you this evening.)

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"Hum, not now skye, maybe later." Said Tikal.


"I know.... but that prove one thing : He is still a child."Said Locke. "A child able to love."


"I know what I said .Just... just don't wait to late for that."

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Almost every child who isn't in love would probably find love like this,, I'll use Melody's words, "sickly sweet." Those who are in love, well, I think you can see

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"Yes probably ."Said. Locke."But if it taste like diabete for you , why are you both here melody and you? you'd want

to stop this, or at meast move them in a place where suck "sick" displays can be hidden from your sight."

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It isn't bothering me. I was just pointing it out

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"Because we are staying here, that's why. It's not like we're causing any harm," said Crowley.

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