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Dragons would make a pretty cool pet

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"Oh pppplllleeeeeeaaaaasssseeee Dad. It's only a small pet, I promise. And I'll take good care of it. And Dylan's right, it would be cool."


"Hey, nothing's broken Glen. Just a spine, that's all it was. And it actually is that spirit girl. How on either does a fox fall in lover with a centuries old spirit. And in the course of an afternoon."

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Go on Locke, I'm sure Skye would take good care of one

(ooc: Looking at my title, I think you could guess my reaction when I saw dragons being mentioned)

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"A small pet thatfly and spit fire ." Said Locke."We turn a blind eye and next thing he does is stealing gold and kidnapping princess . And The kindgom of acorn would not appreciate."


"A lot of things can happen in a single morning ." Said Glen ."And we should be the firsts to know that."

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"What? No, most don't breath fire. And they aren't intelligent, so they won't be kidnapping princesses. And I'm really, really tell the truth that they never grow larger than six inches. They're a fairly common pet on Moebius, actually I think we may have them instead of Chao."


"There's a difference between 'a lot' Glen, and two people openly going about hand in hand like that.

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"Hum... maybe we could get you a chao and give him some dragon's DNA !" Said Locke."I'll think about it."


"no matter how you put it Zionna, In both case, A lot happenned ."

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"Well, there's plenty of time," Skye smiled.


Ziona sat down and took another drink. "You're probably right. I just want life to slow down for a bit though."

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If your so worried, you could try to get one trained, and I don't mean a Chao

Personally, if I had a dragon, I'd get a big one. A big one would be useful but I'm not looking for a birthday present. Where do you find these dragons again?

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"Dylan......." Said Locke.


"Yes , it would be so nice if such a think was possible."

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What? I'm Just asking. And thinking about taking a look at these mini dragons. Im not planning on taking one for myself

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"Hold on," Skye pulled out his diary. On one page there was a map of Moebius. "There are colonies where I've marked the map with X's. There may be more, but those are the main ones."


Ziona sighed. "And while I'm wishing for the impossible.... never mind."

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Could I take a picture of the map?

*Takes out camera*

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"We all know what you might want to do Dylan." Said Locke."And it's not just studying them from afar."


"What ? Please , finish your sentence ..." Said Glen.

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"I though studying stuff from afar was Dylan's hobby. Feel free to take a picture if you want."


"I wish.... It's.... I miss my Daddy...." Ziona wiped a small tear away. "Huh, I don't know what brought this on."

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I'm not going to take one for myself and I don't study stuff from afar. I just watch

Is this the map?

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"Yes, that's the map. Just make sure you have some way to get away quickly. The can be vicious if they swarm."

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"Well, that's still interesting to hear." Said Locke.


"Your father .... " Said Glen."I'm sorry. And I can understand ."

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"But that's why I only want one," Skye hurried on. "One is harmless, and if you are there from the moment it hatches, it's completely tame."

"And most sleep at night, but be careful. Some are nocturnal."


Ziona gave one word of explanation. "Nega"

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*Takes picture then raises arm to show teleporter strapped to wrist*

I think I'm covered, would they be asleep in the day or the night?

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Very well. You make them sound both really cool and adorably cute. If i do go, I think I'll barely stop myself from taking one myself

Do you want one Locke?

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"Huh..... Being a father is so hard nowadays......" Said locke.


Glen wanted to give Zionna a hug , but as he got closer and took her shoulder ... he stopped."I'm sorry."

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"Sorry Dad. Guess I put a lot on you in these past few hours, not to mention days huh?"


"Not your fault. I'd just give a lot to see him again."

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"But still skye. A dragon...." Said Locke.

"Yes, I think he is Going to have fun tonight." Saud Red.


"Zionna....." Said Glen."I suppose we can both relate to each other then...."

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Shadow chaos controlled to their apartment, grabbed the book then chaos controlled back.

"You really are impatient Shadow," she said as she took the book and flicked through it.

"A-ha, your birthday is in 1 month and 2 days. I'll have to get you something," she said nonchalantly as she shut the book.

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"If I called it something else, would you be happier Dad?"


"Maybe. You've still seen.... more than I have,"

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